Lindsey Graham: Claim That ‘Biden Knew Nothing About His Son’s Activities’ Is Falling Apart

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has declared that the narrative peddled by the Democrats and the White House in response to the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden is “falling apart.”

The president’s son Hunter Biden is currently facing multiple active criminal cases related to his business dealings.

Allegations suggest that his father is directly implicated in his son’s actions, accused of leveraging his position as vice president for personal gain, including bribery and other serious offenses.

Both the White House and President Biden have both denied these accusations.

Hunter Biden’s legal representative asserts that the entire situation is driven by a political agenda.

In a December 17th interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Graham said that Hunter Biden’s claim that his father was unaware of his business dealings had begun to unravel in the light of day.

“The idea that Joe Biden knew nothing about the business dealings is falling apart,” he said.

Nevertheless, Senator Graham acknowledged that the impeachment inquiry faces a significant challenge in actually proving the accusations against the president. He believes that if there were any evidence proving the president’s alleged crimes, it would already be in the public knowledge.

“They have to prove that President Biden somehow financially benefited from the business enterprises of Hunter Biden. We’ll see,” Graham said.

“If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it,” he added.

Last week, House Republicans unveiled a 14-page resolution to formalize the House impeachment inquiry of President Biden, which subsequently passed on December 13 by a vote of 221–212.

This move gives more power to the probe to investigate the actions of the president, the White House, and the Biden family. President Biden has publicly called the whole action a “baseless political stunt.”

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Although Sen. Graham had previously voiced backing for the impeachment of President Biden, he now emphasizes greater concern for events in the Middle East.

He claims that he has not been closely following the inquiry recently, stating that he hasn’t “paid that much attention” to it.

“I’m not worried about impeaching the president right now. You know what I’m worried about?” Sen. Graham said.

“Helping the president bring the Mideast to a better spot, trying to convince the Arabs and the Israelis to not let Iran get you off track, give Israel the space to destroy Hamas.”

“In the middle of all this carnage, rape, murder, torture, heartbreaking visuals, there’s a chance to change things. That’s what I’m working on changing things for the better at home and abroad,” he said.

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By Hunter Fielding
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Shirley Johnson
Shirley Johnson
1 year ago

Sure Joe didnt know. Do you really believe we are that stupid,..You are the stupd one for saying that.

1 year ago

Doesn’t take a genius to know that if biden’s got his maw open, he’s lying.

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