After Carefully Reviewing Trump Indictments, Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton Says Constitutional Judges Will Throw It All Out

As Tom Fitton reviewed the unsealed indictments of former President Donald Trump, he concluded that a constitutionalist judge would throw the case out under the Presidential Records Act.

Fitton tweeted:

“I’ve carefully reviewed the indictment of Trump by his political opponents at the Biden Justice Department. ([email protected] has nearly 30 years of experience litigating federal and presidential records issues, including the famous “Clinton sock drawer” case.) The document dishonestly ignores the U.S. Constitution, the Presidential Records Act, legal precedent, and the DOJ’s/Archives’ previous position that WH records a president takes with him when he leaves the White House are presumptively personal and not subject to review by partisan Biden appointees at DOJ or Archives. Under the Constitution, federal law and precedent, none of the documents are currently “classified” or “national defense information” that restricts Trump’s handing of them. They are ALL his personal records and, frankly, should be returned to him. If justice prevails, this indictment won’t survive scrutiny by honest, constitutionalist judges and will be thrown out. #ProsecutorialMisconduct”

Some who want Trump out of the 2024 race are already arguing against Fitton’s claim. DeSantis fanboy Bill Mitchell who wants nothing more than to see DeSantis become the GOP nominee has taken to bashing Trump at every opportunity.

Mitchell replied, “Wow you are 1000% wrong on this. Did you actually read the indictment?”

Another DeSantis supporter also argued against Fitton’s assessment.

@bryanwholloway tweeted, “Unfortunately this is not true. Anything he declassified as president was logged as such. He cannot declassify anything as a former president. Even worse he cannot share that classified information which they allegedly have him doing on tape. This is bad. He messed up.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) posted a letter he has sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland about the indictment of former President Trump. In it, he asked Garland for some clarification on things he finds alarming.

It appears DeSantis supporters are on the same ship as many Liberals, salivating at getting Trump out of the way. No one can be sure how this case will play out. The actions of the DOJ taken against Trump are making many feel that we live in a Banana Republic.

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By Hunter Fielding
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