Hunter Fielding

2112 Posts
Mike Pence: ‘Trump Is Backing Away from U.S as Leader of the Free World in the Face of Russian Aggression’

Mike Pence: ‘Trump Is Backing Away from U.S as Leader of the Free World in the Face of Russian Aggression’

During Sunday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz,” former VP Mike Pence, who is fighting for the Republican presidential nomination next year, voiced his critique of his former boss on foreign policy. Partial transcript is as follows: KURTZ: Here’s what I don’t get. You’re constantly praising the four-year conservative record…
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Hunter Biden Files Lawsuit Against IRS — Accuses Agents of Attempting to ‘Target’ and ‘Embarrass’ Him

Hunter Biden Files Lawsuit Against IRS — Accuses Agents of Attempting to ‘Target’ and ‘Embarrass’ Him

Hunter Biden’s lawyers filed a lawsuit against the IRS this Monday, claiming that IRS agents have intentionally “targeted and sought to embarrass” the president’s son. In his filing on Monday morning, Biden highlights two prominent instances involving IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who are both whistleblowers alleging mishandling…
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Government Reports Expose Global Depopulation Agenda

Government Reports Expose Global Depopulation Agenda

Official reports obtained from several governments around the world reveal that multiple nations are being subjected to a disturbing depopulation agenda. According to official statistics published by 28 countries across the continent, Europe has recorded over 193,000 more excess deaths so far this year than it normally recorded prior to…
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