Whistleblower: Ukraine’s President Zelensky Running Child Trafficking Network

A whistleblower has given a disturbing statement and alleged that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena are running an international child trafficking network.

Ex-employee of a non-profit run by Olena Zelensky claims displaced Ukrainian children offered to known high-profile pedophiles worldwide.

As reported by TheIntelDrop.org, the whistleblower provided photos of Olena Zelenska Foundation documents and his personal work identification card to lend credibility to his accusations.

Olena Zelenska is Zelensky’s wife, who launched the foundation in New York City back in September 2022 alongside suspected human trafficker Hillary Clinton, celebrities Matt Damon, Jimmy Fallon, and others.

In the video uploaded by the alleged whistleblower, a man wearing a mask says he is speaking out to expose what’s happening within the Olena Zelenska Foundation based on his personal experience.

“So, here I am recording this video to tell you about what happened in Olena Zelenska’s Foundation when I worked there,” he tells the camera.

“After I finish, I’ll send you this video via email together with the documents, all the facts of what had happened.”

“To start my story, it was here in France.

“I had a friend there who worked with different foundations.

“And he was the one who told me that there is a foundation that pays well in Ukraine, which offers good conditions. And so, I thought, why not?

“So, I contacted this foundation and then I prepared my documents and I went to Ukraine.

“When I came, I came to work there as a driver.

“They offered me this job and I signed the contract.

“Even the contract was something bizarre.

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“There were clauses, for example, in the contract, that said we must not talk with children, we must not ask questions about host families, things like that.

“For me it was weird, but I thought, well, I’m a driver it’s not my business.

“I signed the contract. After signing the contract, I was given the pass.

“This one. Here’s the pass.”





Next, the man explains the job was “very simple” at first as he would take children from Ukrainian cities and bring them to orphanages in league with Olena Zelenska’s foundation.

All the orphanages associated with the foundation were in Europe, from Germany to France and England.

“It was there that we brought the children, we put them in orphanages,” the whistleblower continues. “Then there were staff who took care of them who were looking for foster families. As soon as we find a host family, we take them back from there as a driver and take them to the host family. That’s how I made these trips.”

Some of the host families reportedly lived in rich neighborhoods like the Kreuzberg district in Berlin, Dolphin Square in London, and Avenue Foch in France.

This is where the man’s story gets strange.

“I came to Avenue Foch. I came there with a child. I have the document that I will send you via email.

“I was with this child. His name was Dmitro.

“I brought him to the host family which lives on Avenue Foch.

“And the man who came out, he was quite old and he came out half naked.

“And it really surprised me, what was happening.

“He winked at the child. He took him by the hand like that.

“He signed the documents and all that and he closed the door.

“I told myself that it was necessary at that moment to take note that something was going wrong. But hey, I thought, well, it’s not my business.”

A few days after dropping Dmitro off with the “half-naked man,” the anonymous individual took another child, Volodymyr, from an orphanage to a host family.

The whistleblower says he had brought Volodymyr to another host family just weeks before and that he tried asking the boy why he was already going to a new home.

“I asked him a question, tried to communicate with him in English,” he explains.

“I asked him what’s going on. He started crying. I was shocked.

“I told him that I have to take him to the family but he only cried.

“I understood that he doesn’t want to go there.

“And we were already in a car at the time.

“I didn’t know what to do, take him to the family or come back to the orphanage, where he doesn’t want to go also. I haven’t understood anything what was going on with him.”

“And then he started making the gestures.

“As I understood from these gestures he showed me, that he was touched in intimate places.

“I get it. It’s awful. At that moment I understood everything that was happening.

“It was really…it’s awful what happened with him.”

See a photo of Dmitro, Volodymyr and other Olena Zelenska Foundation children below:


The French whistleblower then says he began looking through documents to understand what was going on and to find information about the home where the child was allegedly molested.

“I started looking through the documents for the family who had took him before.

“And there I find a name, that it was a certain man whose name was Bernard-Henri Lévy.

“I don’t know anything about this person so I searched on the Internet to see who he is.

“To find out if he has a Facebook or something like that. And then I found the information about him.

“And on the Web I found that he is all friendly with pedophiles and he keeps in touch with them.”

It turns out that Bernard-Henri Lévy is a French filmmaker and writer who donated his work royalties to the foundation.

According to The New Yorker, “Lévy has sparked controversy for a number of his stances, including his advocacy for France’s burqa ban, his ‘unconditional love’ of Israel, and his criticism of the rape cases against the film director Roman Polanski, who pleaded guilty to statutory rape, in 1978, and fled to France to avoid imprisonment, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Strauss-Kahn, a friend of Lévy’s, has been repeatedly accused of sexual misconduct.

“In 2011, New York prosecutors charged him with the sexual assault of a maid at a Manhattan hotel; the charges were dropped, but not before Lévy published a piece defending Strauss-Kahn, in which he questioned why a maid would have gone into Strauss-Kahn’s hotel room alone, and claimed that his friend had been ‘thrown to the dogs.’”

Despite being of Jewish descent, Lévy also palled around with the wife of the commander of the openly neo-Nazi “Azov” regimen of Ukraine when he debuted his pro-Ukraine documentary “Slava Ukraini” (Glory to Ukraine) earlier this year.

Finishing his comments, the man in the video adds, “I understood how all these things were set up.

“Really, everything that’s going on there is horrible. I resigned right away.

“Child sex trafficking, no thank you. I don’t want to participate.

“That’s why I’m making this video now.

“I also hope that you will do your investigation and all this will stop.

“Thank you for everything. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to tell everything that happened there.”

The official website for the President of Ukraine explains the foundation “has three key directions,” including “medicine, education and humanitarian aid.”

“Within these areas, it will provide targeted assistance, invest in reconstructing preschool and school education institutions, polyclinics and outpatient clinics, and provide grants for training and scientific developments,” the website states.

In September, President Zelensky asked controversial artist Marina Abramović to act as an ambassador to his country and to help rebuild schools following the war with Russia.

Since his wife’s foundation is taking up the task of reconstructing schools in Ukraine, it’s possible Abramović could be teaming up with the First Lady.

Abramović is a “performance artist” known for being part of the Wikileaks document dump that showed she sent an email to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s brother Tony inviting the pair to a “spirit cooking dinner,” which is an occult-ritual founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.

Wherever wars break out, human trafficking vultures always take advantage of displaced youths and commit atrocious human rights violations.

Even the UN has admitted Ukraine is currently a hotbed for human trafficking.

The Olena Zelenska Foundation should be immediately investigated based on the anonymous ex-employee’s wild accusations.

By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

Thats why hilarys state department put him there!!!

Satanists, Eat children.

11 months ago

No wonder Obiden subsidizes him! He’s a big deal…in THE CLUB!

11 months ago

Hunter Fielding: Are these really “wild” accusations? Shouldn’t we wait until there is an investigation to determine if the accusations are wild or not?

11 months ago
Reply to  caught


Government investigating itself leads to a Waste of Time & Money! Amen

11 months ago
Reply to  caught

Whistleblower report comes before the slow walked and buried investigation.

11 months ago

Anyone biden gets along with, smiles, laughs, puts his arm around – is suspicious to me. Birds of a feather… and neither to be trusted.

Mr. Efficient
Mr. Efficient
11 months ago

You guys are jealous… The efficiency, the efficiency and the economy of the whole situation is astonishing.. send the fathers to be obliterated at the war, so the “investors” get richer; the mother whoring herself for survival, and the children to be prostituted by the same wealthy “investor” individual, class, ideology.. Wait a second.. isn’t this like Domestic Violence laws, and Department of Family services, and Family Courts, here in the US? Send the father to jail, mother supplied with a section 8 housing wait-list, and whoring herself while waiting, and the kids abducted, I mean taken care of by the Child Protective Service to be “redistributed”.. Egalitarianism par excellence?… Small world..

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