WHO Planning 10 Years of Pandemics to Usher In ‘Agenda 2030’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has planned ten years of pandemics to usher in global tyranny in the form of the globalists’ “Agenda 2030.”

Starting in 2020, the WHO, a United Nations health agency, began rolling out the first wave of infectious diseases.

Excess mortality across the Western world or Global North has soared since the Covid pandemic.

These are excesses never seen before that are in the ranges of between 15% and 25%.

In some countries, it is even higher.

No clear causes can be detected.

Over a year ago, Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP and Chief of Science at Pfizer, warned that excess deaths will appear in the next 3-5 and even up to ten years, because of the false and criminal, untested mRNA vaxxes.

He elaborates. After all the boosters – 3 to 4 shots – the immune system has lost up to 80% of its defenses.

Thus, people are more vulnerable to catching any kind of disease.

Plus, myocarditis and sudden deaths are on the rise – even in young people, especially those who practice sport or are sports professionals.

In addition, graphene oxide injection and other concoctions being injected, cause all sorts of cancers, mostly in reproductive systems of men and women, as well as several types of cancers of the blood, of the eyes causing blindness… liver and kidney diseases… and much more.

In addition, these injections, called vaccines, also cause massive infertility. In some countries life-childbirth was down by up to 40% in 2022.

Dr. Yeadon warned that the diseases will be very difficult to trace back to the vaxxes, but that’s where the origin is.

A clear eugenics agenda, mass depopulation, unprecedented.

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Genocide is a word that doesn’t meet the extent of the atrocity that’s behind what we are living through — what the cabal is carrying out.

The UN Agenda 2030, alias Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) Great Reset and the nefarious, all-digitizing 4th Industrial Revolution, also includes an asset-stripping plan never seen and experienced before in human history. Assets of covid mandates-caused bankruptcies are sucked upwards into the vaults of the financial oligarchs and the Dark Invisible Financial Cabal – which is funding and orchestrating the WEF and which is in control of over 90% of the world’s mainstream media. See this.

The Agenda 2030 (originally called Agenda 21) was prepared by a very long hand, dating back 60 to a hundred years. Be aware, the Dark Invisible Financial Cabal acts as a cult. In order to be successful, it has to tell the people what it is up to.

Indeed, over the past several decades we have received many warnings of what to expect – namely a Health Tyranny, enhanced by a fake Global Warming and Biodiversity Green agenda.

The New Green is a fascist neoliberal, make-believe environmental protection farse. In reality – far from environmental protection. To the contrary. Yet, people throughout the world fall for it. Propaganda is deadly. We have to stop it.

The Plan’s execution started in January 2020. First with a fake disease called Covid-19 – the mortality of which is about the same or less than that of the common flu, some 0.03% to 0.07%. And unbelievably – the Covid-19 pandemic – hit all 193 UN member countries at once, on the same day. The vast majority of the people believed it.

However, an intense media-driven fear campaign, with strictly totalitarian-enforced mandates of lockdowns and face masking, distancing people from each other, lowering their morale even further, i.e. their self-esteem, their defenses, insecurity, dictatorial measures, led to world tyranny.

It sounds like a project collaborated by the Tavistock Institute on Social Engineering of the Masses. (See also Daniel Estulin’s book of the same title).

Tavistock in close collaboration with DARPA, the secretive Pentagon think tank, specializes in mind-control, MK-Ultra, and societal manipulation through the mass media and often deadly false flag events.

The Global West has quietly suspended in most countries their Constitutions, either by silent decree or by Parliamentary votes, where Parliamentarians were co-opted to be part of the crime. But the vast majority of the population has no idea.

They still refer to democracy — when “democracy” we never had in the last 2000 years and beyond.

And just to be sure that we all understand what the Greek term “democracy” really meant – supposedly born in Delphi, Greece, some 800 years BC and first practiced in ancient Athens 507 years BC by Athenian leader Cleisthenes. It meant one person one vote – but only for educated males, who were qualified for sociopolitical decisions.

Just a word on our sloganized and vastly over-used term democracy.

This is what Google has to say:

Athenian democracy was a system of government where all [free] male citizens [age 20 and above] [slaves excluded] could attend and participate in the assembly which governed the city-state. This was a democratic form of government where the people or ‘demos’ had real political power. Athens, therefore, had a direct democracy.

You may want to make a note of it before using the misleading term “democracy” freely again. Let’s first see what we mean by “democracy” and how we have learned to manipulate it for the service of the powerful.

This brief observation on democracy may be important if ever we get back to “democracy” in a new society.

Let’s make sure that the term is defined clearly in every Constitution of every sovereign country.

Back to excess deaths.

What can we do?

For most of the vaxxed population, it’s too late.

They can just hope that their shot was not deadly, or that it may have been a placebo. In every trial – which this entire vaxx crime was and is – there are placebos.

We should inform as many people as we can of these horrendous circumstances – of the excess deaths and of the whys – so that people wake up and do not get drawn into vaxxing anymore, and so that they help others wake up.

We should initiate criminal procedures against all governments who knowingly participated in this crime, especially the Health Ministers and the management of WHO, the UN system, the WEF — and the eugenist oligarch suspects we all know.

And indeed, get to the bottom of the Cabal.

A Grand Jury trial has already determined the guilty – with evidence statements by witnesses from the key organizations behind this magnum crime. See all the sub-links in the “Stop World Control” video below.

We must immediately stop and resist any activity linked to the infamous UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset; derail with all means we have at our disposal the 4th Industrial Revolution’s digitization process, starting with undoing any advances that have been made with digital money, body-implanted chips – whose purpose it is to enslave humanity – and on a wider score to transhumanize humanity.

We must stop this monstrous crime of biblical proportions NOW.

In short, we should prepare for a massive Nuremberg 2.0.

Without delay.

See this Must-See 31-min video on THE PLAN with several links to related videos, including the one of the Grand Jury and its results – plus large-print easily understandable, down-to-earth text, explaining what we are living and how we can get out of it.

See this.

Here, are some key quotes from the Stop World Control text:

“The Tyranny is 100% dependent on the ignorance of the public. The solution is, therefore, to inform the people around us.”

“Once People know what is really happening, they will stop complying and will start resisting.”

“We offer you a powerful tool to open the eyes of your friends, family, and community.”

“High-level experts from the WHO, United Nations, US & UK Military, British Secret Services, CDC, Pfizer, and the UK Government reveal the evidence that the pandemic is used to install a world dictatorship.”

“They presented their evidence to the world during Grand Jury proceedings with 11 international lawyers and a judge.”

“The experts identify the powerful entities that are able to install this powerful dictatorship.

“They explain how they orchestrate and implement it, and what their ultimate agenda is for humanity.”

“The supreme level of brainwashing is when an entire population calls human history a conspiracy theory.”

“All this information is revealed in the Grand Jury Evidence.  You can download it here: StopWorldControl.com/jury

“This powerful document can wake up the world. Please share it far and wide.”

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

Remove these elitist criminals. I don’t care how!

10 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Day of the rope.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Leave that to Yhwh God; He’s much better at it than we are.

10 months ago

Hold the WHO fiscally responsible for all the deaths, lost revenues, taxes, etc., for every ‘plandemic’ THEY impose in every country they infect.

10 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Considering the US is the largest donor to the UN, it goes without saying that the US taxpayer would be on the hook for their criminality.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago

This doesn’t look near far enough back through history! It started back with a fellow called Nimrod, and a tower in the plains of Shinar (south central Iraq, near rediscovered Babylon), and the latest iterations of the plan began almost 500 yrs ago, when the Jesuit order was ordained under Ignatius Loyola in 1541, with a 2 pronged mission: destroy the Jews, and destroy the Protestant Reformation. UN Agendas 21, then 2030 are just updated revisions. What most will not see there is that the PTB, of which the Jesuits are a part, along with the banking houses of Europe (mostly apostate Jewish families), and upper level Freemasons (guilds like it were early forms of unions we know today), are as anti-Christian as they are anti- Semitic. Torah believing Jews and Bible believing Christians stand firmly in the way of their 1world agenda, in terms of a 1 world religion, a 1 world totalitarian gov’t, and other absolute controls over humans. So we must be “converted” by force or fear, or eliminated. The real source of leadership behind all this is not an human, but a fallen, rebellious angel, once known as Lucifer (note that name or variations of it, crops up in many of the WHO, and NWO documents, like “luciferase” in the covid jabs). This is a spiritual war, being played out in the temporal realm, in which most of us are pawns; our only choice is for which side.
As for “10 yrs of planned pandemics”, I suggest people pick up a Bible and start reading the book of the Revelation, because human plans come to naught when they conflict with the plans of Yhwh God, our Creator, and what He has coming down the pike is far worse than the puny plans of those evil minds servants of Satan: the judgment wrath of Yhwh God will make covid look like child’s play. And for all those who view Him as an evil entity, or ignore Him altogether,before you start unleashing on me, look in a mirror for who is to blame: each and every one of us has had free will to choose our paths in this life and our eternal futures! Not 1 will face that wrath based on anyone else’s choices, but his own. Yhwh God does not condemn anyone, ever; each does that to himself! Those who truly repent, and become redeemed will not be here for the outpouring of that wrath, and all that follows for eternity.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

That was an excellent summary of what is coming and why! You need to post this all over the place!! Thank you for taking the time to write it and explain it so well. I picked up the Bible for the very first time in January 2021 and have picked it up everyday since. I am 62 years old and am a new believer. I’ve repented for my sins throughout my life and invited Jesus into my life as my Lord and Savior and friend. All the tyrannical things and all the wars are being orchestrated by Satan and his demons and the MSM is his tool. People who are blind to Yahweh are falling for all Satan’s lies. The division of humanity is the way they will defeat us. GOD wins, but we have to choose Jesus, and believe!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  Elaine

I do post it in ful or parts, as appropriate to an article or comment, and have been for yrs. Welcome to the “family”. As a new Christian (I just passed my 50th anniversary on 12 July this yr), may I suggest a copy of the amplified Bible? It provides the benefit of a concordance and dictionaries right in the text, to enhance understanding, and was translated before 1960, both, so has fewer errors of translation than newer versions, but is easy reading. If you have been told it’s not a “proper” translation,that is a mistake many pastors and teachers make, because it doesn’t translate word for word. That concept is an absurd premise. No 2 languages can translate word for word and make sense, a lesson I learned in 8th grade, when I began studying French. Instead, translates fluent in both languages read a verse or passage in the original then put the context in English, the proper way to translate.. Word for word would present as gibberish in the new language every time.
Sine you have Internet access, if you don’t yet have an e-reader in your apps, download a free 1, you can put a Bible in your computer or phone easily, even use “markers” or male notes, if you use Amazon’s Kindle app, I know; been using it for yrs. And if you have any questions, you may e-mail me at navyjr@tutanota.com. I will do my best, with the Holy Spirit’s help, to answer or explain them. If I don’t know, or am not sure, I will make that plain as well.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Thank You Sandra. I have several friends that use the amplified Bible. I have not checked it out yet. I started with the NLT and I also use an ESV student study Bible. I will have to get myself an amplified Bible as well. I also have a phone app. But I like the real deal. Have a Blessed Weekend!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  Elaine

Elaine, with all due respect, get rid of both those, and any other post 1960 translations; they are intentionally distorted. I only read parts of the NLT,, but the whole ESV. Unless you’re familiar with Scripture from older translations, you’ll miss the distortions. At least put them aside ’til you know the word well. They’re mnt to lead astray. I as thinking of cost, as e- books are cheaper than physical,easier to take with you too, to read while waiting for appointments, and the like.

10 months ago

Someone needs to round up all these insane globalists and put them back into the asylum, lock it up and throw away the key. Or hopefully someone has a stray nuke during their yearly meeting… hint hint… Putin??? pretty please….. 😉

WEF is butt hurt that we didn't buy the con.
WEF is butt hurt that we didn't buy the con.
10 months ago
Reply to  Giterdun

Insane asylum? These criminal globalists are committing crimes against humanity and
MUST BE executed for their crimes, LIVE, for all to see.

WEF is butt hurt that we didn't buy the con.
WEF is butt hurt that we didn't buy the con.
10 months ago

Can you say, “crimes against humanity” ? I knew you could.

Robert P
Robert P
10 months ago


10 months ago

These murderous criminals need the death sentence.
The Gates/Fauci/WEF/NWO toxic bio weapon doing EXACTLY what it was designed to do. KILL! LOXISM = GENOCIDE!

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