Secret Service Investigates Conservative Veteran Who Joked About Biden Wearing Diapers on Twitter

Newly uncovered information, exclusively obtained by The Daily Signal, reveals that the Secret Service has initiated an investigation into a Maine resident, an Army veteran displaying an “unusual interest” in the Biden family.

These comments, which included a hint at intending to “storm the White House and snap pics of Biden in his ‘Depends,’” raised significant “concerns.”

The Secret Service opened a “preliminary protective intelligence investigation” targeting the veteran based on one or more of his Twitter posts.

Documents obtained by The Daily Signal reveal that the Secret Service was concerned because this person, initially unidentified by the agency, who “posted statements of unusual interest towards the Biden Family.”

One of the man’s posts that caught the agency’s attention suggested, apparently jokingly, that he planned to “invade the White House and get pics of Biden in his ‘Depends,’” referring to a brand of adult diapers.

Yet, the Secret Service did not uncover any concrete threats of violence against the president or his family in the man’s social media activity. Instead, his comments appeared to be in the form of jokes and criticism of the Biden family.

Although no credible threats were discovered from the individual, the Secret Service opted to prolong its investigation beyond the initial phase, as reported by the news outlet.

According to The Daily Signal, “Eventually, the Secret Service sought the results of an interview with the Maine man, a photo of him, more results from corroborating interviews, investigative notes, and two different official forms used by the agency. It is not clear whether the Secret Service ever interviewed the Army veteran or conducted the corroborating interviews,”

Interestingly, the contact details for the primary investigator, John Mazza, were discovered within the contact files on Hunter Biden’s notorious abandoned laptop.

Mazza, who is now retired, formerly served in the Secret Service division responsible for protecting the vice president, a role Biden held from 2009 to 2017, along with certain family members of the vice president.

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The discovery of Mazza’s contact details on Hunter Biden’s laptop has sparked questions into potential ties between the Secret Service and the Biden family. A former Secret Service agent, speaking with The Daily Signal, characterized the situation as “highly unusual.”

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By Hunter Fielding
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5 months ago

THIS is how tyranny works! Demonstrate the hardship that being a Conservative American brings…especially when you say or write something offensive to the Dictator!
Yes, this shows how harmful your Freedom can be!
This is a Tyrant that’s completely off the rails!

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