WHO: Those Failing to Comply with NWO Will Be Killed by ‘Disease X’

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned sovereign nations that those states that refuse to comply with the globalists’ “New Order” will pay the price when so-called “Disease X” is unleashed on the public.

According to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the “New World Order” will be ushered in when states sign the United Nations “health” agency’s “Pandemic Treaty.”

By signing the treaty, countries will enable the United Nations (UN) and WHO be establish an unelected single world government.

Under the condition of the treaty, nations will need to surrender their powers to the UN for the sake of the “New Order.”

The WHO is now demanding that all member states sign the treaty in order to be “protected” from “Disease X.”

Those who fail to comply will be signing a death warrant for their citizens, Tedros warns.

Steve Watson and Professor Michel Chossudovsky expounded on this conspiracy in a Jan. 25 piece published by the Center for Research on Globalization.

They quoted a piece by Forbes about Disease X, which is used by medical tyrants to “encourage the development of countermeasures, including vaccines and tests, to deploy in the case of a future outbreak.”

According to the article, the WHO convened a group of more than 300 scientists in November 2022 to study Disease X.

This disease, caused by an “unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic,” reportedly has a mortality rate “20 times that of [the Wuhan coronavirus] (COVID-19).”

During the globalist World Economic Forum’s (WEF) meeting at Davos, Switzerland, Tedros stressed that governments must prepare for the outbreak of Disease X.

Nevertheless, the WHO head admitted that the momentum for this preparation “had been slowed down by entrenched positions and a torrent of fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”

However, according to Watson and Chossudovsky, this supposed preparation isn’t for the hypothetical Disease X – but for the globalists’ bigger designs through the Pandemic Treaty.

Under this treaty, the entire eight billion people in the world would see their data being digitized and tied to the digital ID and central bank digital currency.

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“Three hundred scientists to study something which is unknown and hypothetical?” the two wrote.

“The media propaganda buzz, quoting ‘scientific opinion,’ is [that] ‘Disease X is 20 times more dangerous than COVID-19’.

“A renewed 24/7 fear campaign has been launched, reporting on an alleged new wave of COVID-19 deaths while totally ignoring the tide of excess mortality resulting from the COVID-19 ‘vaccine.'”

According to the two, the idea of Disease X was first developed by a WHO expert committee made up of virologists and disease experts between 2017 and 2018.

It was subsequently envisaged in two events in May 2018 and October 2019.

The two events were held under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS), with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

The WHO expert committee met in Geneva in early 2018, categorizing Disease X as a “global threat.”

This was reinforced during a May 2018 tabletop simulation held in Washington, D.C. titled “Parainfluenza Clade X.”

According to the event’s description, “the scenario begins with an outbreak of [a] novel parainfluenza virus that is moderately contagious and moderately lethal, and for which there are no effective medical countermeasures.”

Later, the idea of Disease X reared its head once more during the “Event 201” tabletop simulation.

The event, held in October 2019 at a New York City hotel, simulated the outbreak of a deadly coronavirus pandemic.

This outbreak became partly true five months later in March 2020, when the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I fully expect that we will be confronted by a fast-moving pandemic,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program.

Even Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who shares close ties with Tedros, warned of the same.

The technocrat stressed that while the risks of severe disease from COVID-19 “have dramatically reduced,” another pandemic “is all but certain.”

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

This guy is whacky or a terrorist to be. The entire organization should be disbanded.What dideases has it preventid and/or cured? Hundreds of millions spent every year to pay these self proclaimed geniuses What benefit have they provided to the world? Name one!!

1 year ago

Wait no longer. Do not let these criminally unfit elites have the chance to enact their execution of a single human they consider unfit to live! They have given us clear warning and surely there are individuals across the world who have the power to eliminate them. These would be dictators must be made an example of to any and all who seek to commit crimes that are likely the most heinous ever to be committed against humanity.

1 year ago

Tedros is a criminal and a eugenicist and should be seized by American troops along with mass murderers Schwab and other elitist nazis they are a detriment to humanity

1 year ago

So the WHO and the UN has declared Biological Warfare against sovereign nations. #1 Get the UN off American soil. We can use the property to house BraindeadBidens illegals. #2 Defund the WHO. At least as far as America is concerned. #3 Bring the WHO, WEF, UN up on charges of “Crimes Against Humanity”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Traveler9546

You forgot to mention all Blackrock/Vanguard execs who need to live in fear for their lives for what they have done and are continuing to do

~ Occams
~ Occams
1 year ago

Oh, dear!

Ask me if I care that ‘Disease X’ is the cover-story for the billions of vaxx-injuries and deaths.

‘Stupidity is its own reward’ ~ my dad

Rob Kinn
Rob Kinn
1 year ago
Reply to  ~ Occams

Yeah, it is about time we see how long their necks will stretch.

1 year ago
Reply to  ~ Occams

They will use that to get away with the gazillions of vaccine deaths that’s bound to follow.

Rob Kinn
Rob Kinn
1 year ago

The WHO will have nowhere to hide. Think about that!

Sink Chicken
Sink Chicken
1 year ago

Has NWO used this man to threaten all of us? We have a right to defend ourselves. Open season on NWO?

1 year ago


Thors Hammer
Thors Hammer
1 year ago

This will just mean an earlier demise to these evil people at the WHO, UN, WEF and of course Bill Gates the child killer. Can you imagine going to Hell and having rodents rip your flesh off over and over again for thousands of years.

1 year ago

Well, that makes it self defense now doesn’t it Tedros…you Globalist POS

1 year ago

Our “government” intends to hand over American sovereignty to the WHO, WEF and UN! Communist/Globalist Success! The dream of World Government is a signature away! The only problem is…Obiden doesn’t have the unlimited power necessary! However, they intend to TAKE IT! It WILL be done! This has been the plan for years. Install (by any means) the disposable, inept puppet, ready to accomplish the unheard-of! The tyranny begins AT THAT MOMENT! Under no circumstances can American Patriots allow this to happen! The enemy within considers it a done deal! They’re implementing the “No Border” policy of the globalists now, in preparation for “the New Boss!” As we can see, this is being done without regard for the Constitution, the Law, or THE PEOPLE! We’re getting a taste of Globalist tyranny NOW! The “Prison System” is being built. Our “government” has gone completely rogue! The signing of this atrocity is scheduled for March! We must be ready…for ACTION. Unless we stop the Infiltrators, March will be the END of America! After that day, we will no longer be fighting the Pretenders in our government…we will be fighting THE WORLD for the restoration of Freedom! We will have NO CHOICE. We have about a month. It’s 1776! You and I are here at this time for a reason! God Help Us.

1 year ago

Isn’t that a threat to murder? Why can i barely see the print on here and other sites, what is wrong?

Bob Billington
Bob Billington
1 year ago

If the UK signs this it’s Treason and a total betrayal of the UK-they will be answerable to contempt! also, how on earth can you make a “vaccine” for a “virus” doesn’t yet exist??

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
1 year ago
Reply to  Bob Billington

Sunak has already heaped praise on the WHO for its actions over the ‘pandemic’, the only person to raise this and ask for a referendum before signing us into the ‘Global Health Treaty’ is Andrew Bridgen. We all know how the other 649 in Westminster feel about him, so I think Sunak will sign us up for it, just like T. May signed us up for the UN’s treaty on migration. I wouldn’t vote for any of them that are sitting in that place, even if they went over to another party like Reform.

1 year ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

Get ready to march on them, they are your enemies and want to destroy you. Be the first to destroy the POS’s.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bob Billington

But it does, just like covid it is simply a flu

1 year ago


1 year ago

The WHO needs to be eliminated..every one involved gone!

1 year ago

So, it comes down to a choice between dying and dying. Hmmm, I think I’ll choose life and tell my government to GTH.

The Stranger...
The Stranger...
1 year ago

Hmm… isn’t it the terrorists that use terror or fear to persuade a group of people into bondage through the fear of death? It’s no wonder that Tedro’s UNRWA participated with Hamas on Oct 7 and beyond… It’s becoming apparent they are all cut from the same cloth…

1 year ago

Have a look at the real Tedros freak show they don’t want you to see… https://www.bitchute.com/video/PLVa1oReUlao/

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
1 year ago

Just shut up. Before we take away your funding and food to you *egroes.

Nancy Peori
Nancy Peori
1 year ago


Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
1 year ago

The system that will allow anti-christ to control most of the world is now almost complete, It seems pretty crazy right now, but watch, between now and 2030 it’s going to get insane ! WEF = Hitler re-packaged. = one world government ! Bible Prophecy is like bark on a tree , it’s everywhere, it’s happening now , in our time ! To any Christians reading this Look Up, Your Redemption is drawing near ! To any Non-Christians, find a Bible, look in the Book of 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verses 11-16, that will explain why so many can’t see the Biblical ramifications of all of this. Once you read that, read 1st Cor. Chap.1 verse 18 and ask yourself where you stand in all of this ! Eternity is a very long time, the ultimate what it is, Forever !  GOD has made a way for us to live forever with HIM , and that was through the sacrifice of his only SON , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !   If you don’t know what to believe and really do want to know , ask GOD to reveal the truth to you, and He will, because it’s not his will that any man perish ! Ask in the spirit of pure truth with no personal agenda, and HE will answer ! In the mean time , be careful out there !  We never know at what time our soul will be required of us . 

1 year ago

WHO, Bill Gates, WEF, UN, et al Global Tyrannymeisters, YOUR DOWNFALL IS DECREED by the people of God, you will be ensnared in the very trap you have set, it will be your final downfall and you will NEVER rise again. No ice water for you!!!

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago

There are a tiny few patriots living today, less than three percent, in the E.U. even less as nihilism is the new religion of most people now. Few care about family, community or much else. America has been taken down without a shot being fired.

Robert P
Robert P
1 year ago


Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
1 year ago
Reply to  Robert P

You better be careful! Your rebellious nature might make them want you dead. Of Course, they want all but 500 million dead anyway.. Take your best shot! I know that is my plan. Lord,fill my heart with righteous anger at their evil. Guide my bullets and protect me while I eliminate as many of them as I can.

1 year ago
Reply to  Robert P

Not human!

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
1 year ago

A rope, A good horse and some rugged ground. Give ALL them bastards a Tour of the grounds. Go slow enough for them to still be alive when ya get back to hook up to the next Tourist. But not when they get done with Their tour.. Hitting cactus is naturally Extra Points.

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
1 year ago

The system that will allow anti-christ to control most of the world is now almost complete, It seems pretty crazy right now, but watch, between now and 2030 it’s going to get insane ! WEF = Hitler re-packaged. = one world government ! Bible Prophecy is like bark on a tree , it’s everywhere, it’s happening now , in our time ! To any Christians reading this Look Up, Your Redemption is drawing near ! To any Non-Christians, find a Bible, look in the Book of 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verses 11-16, that will explain why so many can’t see the Biblical ramifications of all of this. Once you read that, read 1st Cor. 1 verse 18 and ask yourself where you stand in all of this ! Eternity is a very long time, the ultimate what it is, Forever !  GOD has made a way for us to live forever with HIM , and that was through the sacrifice of his only SON , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !   If you don’t know what to believe and really do want to know , ask GOD to reveal the truth to you, and He will, because it’s not his will that any man perish ! Ask in the spirit of pure truth with no personal agenda, and HE will answer ! In the mean time , be careful out there !  We never know at what time our soul will be required of us . 

Bruno Winkler
Bruno Winkler
1 year ago

What others do you wanna hear from a terrorist?

1 year ago

100 per-cent! If Teds” statement is a direct threat to any and every person in the free” world.

This man” and his associates should be corralled and put in prism awaiting the death penalty. Mostly because of their involvement in the first pandemic and don’t stop there.

Any and all people associated with these psychopaths, like Fauci, Gates, Biden (Obama) should be collected to join them.

Wtf is wrong with people?

Are we that stupid to let’s this continue??!!

Wake the Fu{k up people…!


1 year ago

next time these whack jobs meet send in a cruise missile and end this stupidity.

1 year ago
Reply to  trainman6

Agreed. Let’s see how their damn mercenaries deal with that.

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
1 year ago

Why would anyone be afraid of this post? This is America remember? The worlds free market place of ideas. No one has to agree, but if one is afraid to look, or let anyone else look, they must not be very secure in their position! Just because you don’t understand or agree with what I’ve posted doesn’t mean it’s not true, it means you don’t understand or agree. There’s all kinds of things people can’t or won’t see because of their own personal agenda. I hope that you’re not one! You shouldn’t print articles about organizations trying to take over the world and then act like the very people you’re posting about! Commies, Leftists, the so-called Woke cancel and suppress information they don’t understand or agree with! GOD is good Hunter, and HE loves you more than you can imagine! I pray to GOD you don’t end up like this, it’s from the book of Romans, Chapter 1 verse 18 For the Wrath of GOD is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the TRUTH in Unrighteousness. I just gave you a small piece of truth, even if you don’t agree, you should still let others make up their own mind! Don’t suppress the TRUTH Hunter, don’t be like the very ones you’re posting about   The system that will allow anti-Christ to control most of the world is now almost complete, it seems pretty crazy right now, but watch, between now and 2030 it’s going to get insane! The WEF and the WHO= Hitler re-packaged. = One world Government! Bible Prophecy is like bark on a tree, it’s everywhere, it’s happening now, in our time! To any Christians reading this Look Up, Your Redemption is drawing near! To any Non-Christians, find a Bible, look in the Book of 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verses 11-16, that will explain why so many can’t see the Biblical ramifications of all of this. Once you read that, read 1st Cor. 1 verse 18 and ask yourself where you stand in all of this! Eternity is a very long time, the ultimate what it is, forever! GOD has made a way for us to live forever with HIM, and that was through the sacrifice of his only SON , JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! If you don’t know what to believe and really do want to know, ask GOD to reveal the truth to you, and He will, because it’s not his will that any man perish! Ask in the spirit of pure truth with no personal agenda, and HE will answer! In the mean-time, be careful out there! We never know at what time our soul will be required of us. 

joe in Missouri
joe in Missouri
1 year ago

Thanks for clarifying “who” the enemy is.

Bible Prophecy in Action
Bible Prophecy in Action
1 year ago

What the Holy Bible says of this horrific decade just ahead of us.. Here’s a site expounding current global events in the light of bible prophecy.. Visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/ to understand more.. You can also read or buy/order christian books/Literature online on our website..

1 year ago

OK, so this is an open death threat against the citizens of the world. By doing this, they have openly declared themselves as terrorists. People don’t reason with terrorists and can even kill them without retortions. Let the party begin.

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
1 year ago

What a shame Hunter, You’re one of them ! I’ll be praying for you and your family.

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
1 year ago
Reply to  Cheshire Cat

I completely apologize for that statement Hunter, I thought you were’t going to put up my post, and I ask you to forgive me for jumping the gun !

1 year ago

Bill Gates…the Anti-Christ? He’s involved heavily in the ongoing demise of freedom. He’s morphed from hero to villain. He’s part of the tiny, Uber-wealthy group that believes they are entitled to rule the planet. Bill is the New World Order’s Director of Genocide! Overpopulation has always been his mantra…like his father. Notice how this time, our warning of the next pandemic is in the form of a threat! None of this is about your health. Just the opposite!

1 year ago

blah blah blah, Any authority willfully preventing accountability should be mocked and Clowned. Tedros can G F Himself.

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