WEF Whistleblower Warns of Globalist Plan to Microchip Public

A former insider at the World Economic Forum (WEF) has blown the whistle to reveal that the globalist organization is planning to microchip the public.

German economist and former WEF ‘Global Leader for Tomorrow’ turned whistleblower Richard Werner has warned that the global elite plan to coerce people to take implantable microchips by requiring them in order to access digital currencies, Universal Basic Income (UBI), and other services necessary to be part of society.

Werner urged caution on the emerging technologies during a discussion last year at the International Science Summit 2022, saying the WEF has purposely stopped short of showing people what a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) would look like because it will involve an under-the-skin implant about the size of a grain of rice.


“And that grain of rice is your entire wallet?” an interviewer asked Werner, to which he replied, “Yes, it’s your digital ID, your wallet, it can be your passport, your key.”

Werner highlighted RFID technologies featured on debit and credit cards that allow data to be transferred via a swipe are “conditioning” people to gradually accept “contactless” interactions as an everyday part of life.

“Now of course what we found with our debit cards or credit cards is they’ve already now moved to the system in RFID chips, RFID technology where you just wave the thing. Contactless,” Werner described.

“That is sort of conditioning us in this direction that in the future you’ll just wave your hand because you’ve got the microchip implant under your skin.”

“And each step there’s a rational reason,” he continued.

“It’s easier just to wave this, isn’t it?

“It’s much faster because we always have to wait in the queues as everyone types in their numbers and all that, to just wave it as quicker.”

“But the next rationalization would be, well, but you can lose your card, somebody can steal your card, and then you’re just waving, it’s kind of risky, well, wouldn’t it be nice if you couldn’t lose it, and nobody could steal it? You know.”

Werner says humans would naturally be inclined to reject such invasive technologies “because it is a violation of human dignity to actually inject something like that under the skin.”

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However, he says globalists are prepared to use UBI to entice and persuade populations to receive the injections.

“The billionaire elites have so far not liked that,” Werner explains.

“But since 2015, they’ve all come out. I mean, all the big billionaires and World Economic Forum have come out, oh, this is a good idea, universal basic income.

“Well, why suddenly, now?

“Because now we have the technology for the microchip implant.”

The WEF member-turned-whistleblower went on to explain Covid-19 plays a role in the microchip scheme as it introduced the need for a digital ID, information which would also “conveniently” be stored on an implantable microchip.

Indeed, it appears nightmarish predictions of a giant surveillance panopticon, where every movement, purchase, heartbeat, and breath are closely monitored, are now approaching reality.

Will humanity rise up and reject the chip? – Let us know in the comments.

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

Declare the WEF a terrorist organization and deal with all of them accordingly.

10 months ago

THEY BETTER!!!! Those rich bastards need to LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE!!! It has Nothing to do with Convenience, IT’S ALL ABOUT CONTROL, PERIOD ?

10 months ago

Oh yessiree, this is DEFINITELY going to be implemented. Those who refuse this Mark of the Beast to participate in the antichrist New World Order will be hunted down and exterminated. It’s all spelled out in the book of Revelation in the Bible. Take that mark, and you’ll be condemned to the Lake of Fire for eternity. Accept and trust Jesus to be your Lord and Savior TODAY. Time is closing down to escape all the things predicted to come upon this world.

Michael Marysej
Michael Marysej
10 months ago
Reply to  Bensmomi

Spot on and accurate, 25 years ago my then wife worked in a high profile government job implementing a new computerised justice system that she was 2nd in charge of, at the meeting with the Attorney general and head of the state police and some of the best computer minds in the country the police minister asked when will we be chipping the public and he was told that they are not ready for it yet and that they will slowly be conditioned to accepting it, and that they will be chipped but not right now, her father was a bank manager and in the mid 1980’s he had a Bank booklet that staff received and in it they mentioned the implantation of a microchip in the hand to replace cash and that testing had already begun in Sweden I have that booklet still….

10 months ago

Interesting as personal computers themselves were barely in the vocabulary in the 80’s let alone ‘microchips.’

Michael Marysej
Michael Marysej
9 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

I did not say that computers were being used in the 1980’s, you said that.
I said I have a booklet from the State bank that staff were given.
My then wife went onto in the l990’s to implement the Computer system for the State court system called Courtlink and it was completed and is in use to this day.
Regarding computers in the 1980’s I said no such thing, please show me where?
Maybe you have imagined that I said that?
I said, “25 years ago my then wife worked in a high profile government job implementing a new computerised justice system”
25 years ago is not the 1980’s if you work it out, that would be the late 1990’s
I think that in your effort to discredit me you jumped ahead of yourself somewhat would you not agree?
As I said please show me where I said that?

for your information and read carefully…

When did barcode scanners become common?
To the delight of cashiers everywhere, many supermarkets in the US in the 1980s adopted barcode scanning technology. The Universal Product Code (UPC) symbol was the barcode of choice, and today can be found on nearly every manufactured retail item.
An apology?

Michael Marysej
Michael Marysej
9 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

When were pet microchips invented?

The pet microchip was first patented in 1985 by a California-based company called AVID, and the very first microchip to be implanted was in 1989. AVID Identification Systems was started by a veterinarian, and they are still making and selling microchips and scanners to veterinary clinics and pet shelters worldwide.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bensmomi

EXACTLY CORRECT! “CORONA” the name of our so called deadly virus is already associated with 666! CORONA is a 6 letter word, the sum of the numerical sequence of the letters in the alphabet=66, THUS CORONA=666. Also with this war in Israel many believe it may be prophetic fulfillment of Psalm 83 prophecy leaving Isaiah 17: 1-2, The demise of Damascus and Ezekiel 38/39, War of Gog and Magog!

10 months ago

Nuke the next WEF meeting at Davos!

10 months ago

I read they want to euthanize us, about 98% of us so why bother rounding us up to force yet another crime against us? Oh yeah right, so THIS way, it’ll be easier to discriminate against certain groups to murder as they goose-step their way across the globe. Silly me… but after they first deplete our bank accounts.

10 months ago

this sounds like a good idea for the Sheep so they can easily be led to the slaughter house doors; but for me it will Never happen. the WEF/NWO will be taken down when the PEOPLE finally WAKE up

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