WEF Official Calls for 86% Reduction in Human Population

A prominent World Economic Forum (WEF) official has called for an 86 percent reduction in the population of humans to give the globalist elite a “higher standard of living.”

The call was made by Dennis Meadows, who argues that the massive depopulation goal can be achieved “peacefully.”

Meadows is one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s 1972 pro-depopulation book “The Limits to Growth.”

He is an honorary member of the Club of Rome and a member of the World Economic Forum.

Despite his book being published over 50 years ago, it forms a key part of the WEF’s agenda and his ideology is still very anti-human.

Meadows argues that most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.”

During a 2017 interview, Meadows claims that genocide of 86% of the world’s population is “inevitable.”

However, he insists that a “benevolent” dictatorship could accomplish the mass de-population “peacefully.”

“We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably,” he says of the world’s growing population.

“If we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living,” Meadows says as he explains how the population reduction agenda could be triggered.

“But we want to have freedom and we want to have a high standard of living so we’re going to have a billion people.

“And we’re now at seven, so we have to get back down.

“I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow, and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal, you know, so that people share the experience.”


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According to Slay News, it’s no coincidence that Meadows’ words echo the words in the 1995 report titled “United Nations Agenda 2030: Global Biodiversity Assessment.”

The report, first presented at the United Nations “climate change” conference COP1, states:

An ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants, should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people …

In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialised world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion.

What the advocates of this ideology seem to omit mentioning is that, according to Worldometer, the population of the world is currently over 8 billion.

In 1972, the Club of Rome’s “The Limits to Growth published the results of computer-simulated forecasts calculated by a team of statisticians recruited from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”).

It was the culmination of a two-year study undertaken by the MIT team under the nominal heading of Jay Forrester and Dennis Meadows.

“The Limits to Growth” is arguably the most influential book about “sustainability.”

It became the blueprint of the new anti-humanist movement that birthed today’s Green New Deal agenda.

The book is not only Malthusian in principle, but a survey of its bibliography reveals that it is also backed by extensive citations from an array of Malthusian-eugenicists and affiliated institutions that have been dedicated to population control.

A 2012 article celebrating the book’s 40th anniversary stated: “It is worth revisiting Limits [to Growth] today because, more than any other book, it introduced the concept of anthropocentric [human caused] climate change to a mass audience.”

Another reason to revisit “The Limits to Growth” is to highlight the influence it had and still has on supranational organizations.

For decades, New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard – who called for one-fourth of the human population to be culled to usher in a New World Order – championed transhumanism and Malthusian sustainable development.

The ideology is the crux of WEF founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” agendas.

Hubbard’s Malthusian overpopulation theories were partly inspired by “The Limits to Growth.”

In fact, in Hubbard’s “Book of Co-Creation,” there are multiple passages that warn of Malthusian “limits to growth” that could lead to ecological catastrophes.

She also met personally with Club of Rome co-founder, Aurelio Peccei who prompted the World Economic Forum to adopt the Malthusian tenets of “The Limits to Growth” at the WEF’s Third Annual Meeting in 1973.

And now we have Meadows boldly declaring that he hopes that a dictatorship will slowly and “peacefully” cull 86% of the world’s population.

This theory hasn’t escaped other members of the World Economic Forum either.

WEF elites are frequently touring a world with a massively reduced population.

As Slay News has reported, Yuval Noah Harari, a top WEF member and senior advisor to Schwab, declared last year that “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in today’s world.

According to Harari, most of the general public have now become “redundant” and will be of little use to the global elite in the future.

Harari, who describes himself as a historian and futurist, argues that modern technologies like artificial intelligence “make it possible to replace the people.”

And more recently, Harari gloated in September that “climate change” will create a “technological Noah’s Ark” on Earth that will only be beneficial to “elites.”

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Start with every one of the illegals who are in America and elsewhere and then put this guy next on the list for extermination!

1 year ago

Satanic MORONS
Who consider only themselves!

1 year ago

LET’s begin with THEM ! What would eliminating ALL the WEFers leave us with?…That should be a good beginning!

1 year ago
Reply to  Temper

Great Idea…THEM FIRST…Bill Gates, who still believes in “Depopulation” he could start with HIS FAMILY, and the rest of these ego maniacs follow!

Courageous Lion
Courageous Lion
1 year ago
Reply to  Temper

As the late Carl Klang said in his song “Their Coming To Take The Patriots Away”
The twisting thread shall stretch and snap
The straw shall break the camels back
And tables when they turn shall bring a swift end, friend
Yes things divine can wrench and bend
The well laid plans of mice and men
And when they do what will you traitors do then, when
We’ll be taking the traitors away ha ha
We’ll be taking the traitors away ho ho, he he, ha ha
To the prison camp
Where a cells been awaiting them all this time
And I’ll be happy to see their face in it’s proper space
Filling jail space
As we’re taking you traitors away ha ha….

1 year ago

Isn’t that what the COVID jab was and is?

1 year ago
Reply to  Cretins


1 year ago

GREAT IDEA, lets start by removing these people and the Elites from this world.

Louis Butler
Louis Butler
1 year ago

Illegals first. Then all you octogenarians. All you old fuckers are mostly what’s wrong w8th our governments and population.

1 year ago

Amazing him Gates are both top tier guys for extinction! Then politicians, then give the illegal immigrants 7 days to exit the country. After 7 days they can ride the train home as volunteering or face a firing squad!

Major Kong
Major Kong
1 year ago

I believe the WEF members should by example depopulate themselves first from the world to find out how many people who would depopulate themselves by their own choice from this life to supposedly safe the world….But the WEF doesn’t want you to have your own choice but they certainly want to make that choice for you….People around the world should revolt against these dictators whom actually don’t have any power to govern over the people….Are they elected people by the people of the world? No….so lets get rid of them…

1 year ago
Reply to  Major Kong

Good post and GOOD START(with THEM going NOW)

1 year ago

So, sanctions, have nothing to do with anything what so ever, the sudden decline in fertilizers means jack shit, look to Sri-Lanka and weep, they did all that and what happened should destroy every bit of the WEFs insane and delusional perversion of what they claim is science, make things better, and dont bother to debate why are where here in the first place.

There is and never have been food shortages, sometimes large weather patherns differentiate from norms and we get tough times, sometimes we have abundance, but the famines we are been force feed by the moronic and utterly corrupted MSM, are man made due to wars, etc, social conflicts in vulnerable areas and with that I mean the poverty is imposed by been screwed by the Elite, and maintained by an equally corrupt African leaders, while they wine in the MSM and blames Me, for everything.

Think global, eat local.
Yeah, pollution, did you know this, in Norway some corps, they send fresh fish to somewhere in Asia to be manufactured and packed into whatever they sell, and then sent back, a 2 week journey by huge container ships, whom alone poluts more than the entire European car park do in an entire year, and somehow, I am blamed for everything.


1 year ago

I would like to see a massive depopulation of global elites.

1 year ago

Sounds like the 86% is comprised of the middle, lower, and poor classes. So, without them, who’ll do any actual work? The poorest of the richest – or robots? Have these globalists undergone any psychiatric evaluations lately…? I have a right to live MY life regardless of what some old, fat, german Nazi dreams up who, BTW, can go to hell and the sooner the better.

1 year ago

Where intellect has been superceded by arrogance-WEF. Who in hell elected these fools to rule the world.

1 year ago

Are they going to start the reduction by volunteering to be first in line?

Courageous Lion
Courageous Lion
1 year ago

Maybe Dennis Meadows can show us all what to do and be a fine example by going on “America’s Got Talent” pulling out a 500 S&W magnum and shooting his vile evil self in the head so we can all enjoy the spectacle of seeing if there really are any brains inside of his sick skull. Or at least dox the heck out of him.

1 year ago

IF anyone back in the day talked the way these globalists talk they would be charged with premeditated murder. WOW and they still not charged and living life to the fullest.

1 year ago

The more I see and hear from these global parasites and our own politicians, it reinforces my thoughts that they are educated way beyond their own intelligence.

1 year ago

The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring fourth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DOJ, NATO, DOD, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not law enforcement agencies protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG “HOAX” EVENTS. The Demonrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves. It is easier to slaughter a Sheep when they are corralled up, surveilled, & controlled on a tight leash, you don’t have to go looking for them, and you are their master.

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