Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ to Vaccinate Everyone on Earth without Consent

Scientists have developed a new method that will allow governments to vaccinate everyone on Earth using “Airborne mRNA” without the public’s knowledge or consent.

The Yale University scientists who developed a new form of “airborne mRNA” promise that Covid vaccines can now be rapidly deployed to vaccinate large populations, especially those who are hesitant to traditional injections.

As the globalist elite continue finding it harder and harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid jabs and endless boosters, they are having to find cunning new ways to force their jabs on us.

According to the researchers, the new airborne mRNA delivers the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections.

The method has already been used to successfully vaccinate mice intranasally, which has “opened the door for human testing in the near future.”

While scientists may celebrate this invention as a convenient method to vaccinate large populations, without the need to seek consent, critics are raising serious concerns about the potential misuse of an airborne vaccine.

Science Translational Medicine‘s editor Courtney Malo explains that the airborne vaccines can be used to vaccinate the public for Covid without relying on injections – or the need to seek consent.

“The ability to efficiently deliver mRNA to the lung would have applications for vaccine development, gene therapy, and more,” Malo said.

“Here, Suberi et al. showed that such mRNA delivery can be accomplished by encapsulating mRNAs of interest within optimized poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes [nanoparticles].

“Polyplex-delivered mRNAs were efficiently translated into protein in the lungs of mice with limited evidence of toxicity.

“This platform was successfully applied as an intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, eliciting robust immune responses that conferred protection against subsequent viral challenge.

“These results highlight the potential of this delivery system for vaccine applications and beyond.”

Molecular physiologist Mark Saltzman, who led the team of Yale scientists, says the new mRNA delivery method will also be used for gene editing in the future, Slay News reports.

According to Saltzman, the inhalable mRNA vaccine “successfully protected against SARS-CoV-2,” and that it “opens the door to delivering other messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics for gene replacement therapy and other treatments in the lungs.”

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For the study, mice received two intranasal doses of nanoparticles carrying mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

The vaccines proved to be effective in the animals after delivering mRNA into their lungs.

Saltzman says he now has high hopes for the airborne delivery method, beyond vaccines:

“In the new report, there is no intramuscular injection. We just gave two doses, a prime, and a boost, intranasally, and we got a highly protective immune response.

But we also showed that, generally, you can deliver different kinds of mRNA. So it’s not just good for a vaccine, but potentially also good for gene replacement therapy in diseases like cystic fibrosis and gene editing.

“We used a vaccine example to show that it works, but it opens the door to doing all these other kinds of interventions.”

The team of scientists believes their new “Air Vax” could “radically change” how people are vaccinated by circumventing unpopular injections.

Saltzman says this “new method of delivery could radically change the way people are vaccinated.”

He claims that the system will make it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas.

The scientist also boasts that the “Air Vax” can be used to vaccinate people who are afraid of needles.

An airborne vaccine also makes it possible to rapidly disseminate it across a population, Saltzman notes.

By releasing the vaccine in the air, there’s no need to inject each person individually.

Rolling out vaccines that require injections is not only time-consuming and expensive but also difficult if an individual objects to the shot.

This isn’t the case with an airborne vaccine, however.

The “Air Vax” can be released into the air without the public’s consent or even people’s knowledge.

The objective is to get as many people exposed as possible with the least amount of cost and effort.

By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

It appears all “scientists” are Evil beyond belief, they must be rounded up & executed!!!

Mike Ivey
Mike Ivey
9 months ago
Reply to  John

I would suggest the politicians Too!

9 months ago
Reply to  Mike Ivey

Oh that’s a give in!

Blood sucking parasites!

9 months ago

‘Everyone’ includes the globalists, politicians, and world ‘leaders,’ so how will THEY avoid getting force-vaccinated along with everyone else? And why is this called anything but cold-blooded, planned murder in the first degree of millions of people? How does THAT work I ask the totally useless/pointless DOJ…?

9 months ago

Saltzman. Nuff said. These EVIL Kikes want to kill off God’s innocent with their jew jab clot shots. Wake up sheeple. LOXISM = GENOCIDE!

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