WEF Bureaucrats Demand Powers to Euthanize Children

Bureaucrats with ties to the World Economic Forum (WEF) are demanding powers to legally euthanize children.

WEF-linked officials in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Human Rights Commission are pushing new laws that would see minors killed for “their own dignity.”

Australia’s new Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill of 2023 has drawn the attention of those who wish to see assisted death opened to those under the age of 18.

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Human Rights Commission submitted an inquiry to the Voluntary Assisted Death (VAD) Committee regarding the changes made last year.

The Commission’s six-page long inquiry addresses four areas where they feel the new bill “may fall short.”

Most strikingly, the ACT Commission critiques that the bill does not make this form of suicide available to minors under age 18.

It claims that “human rights principles require due consideration for the rights of children and young people, including their right to access health care without discrimination and their right to have their views taken into account.”

The members feel that if the minor meets all of the requirements of the bill and also “demonstrate[s] maturity” with decision making, that the child should be allowed to request voluntary assisted death.

Their second critique suggests that people who have “an inability to communicate” or have lost the capacity to make this decision should not be disqualified from seeking assisted suicide.

Instead, they feel if that person made a written request for VAD when they still had the capacity to do so, then that request should be acted upon when that person loses their capacity.

They recognized the “fraught ethical issues” with this idea but encouraged the VAD committee to consider this when the bill has been in place for three years — for the sake of “human rights.”

Thirdly, the ACT Commission critiques the amount of safeguards in place to restrict eligibility for VAD to only those who qualify and those who obtain witnesses, approval from care providers, submit a formal and final request, and submit to a final assessment by their practitioner before proceeding with their suicide.

It also points out that the amount of people needed to be involved in the process is too great: the person making the request, a person to sign for those who cannot sign for themselves, a health practitioner, and two witnesses (neither of which may be a beneficiary in any way of the person’s death).

It states, “a scheme whose purpose is to facilitate access to VAD in order to help individuals end their lives with dignity, and to ensure that intolerable suffering is not unnecessarily prolonged, should avoid unnecessary delays that may frustrate its purpose.”

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And finally, the Commission opposes the five-day limit available for requesting a review of a denied VAD request. It reasons that five days is too short a time for someone who is terminally ill or suffering intolerably to be able to “learn about their review rights and to action them.”

They suggest that the normal 28-day period be allowed in these cases.

All of this has been requested under the guise of human rights and the catchphrase “death with dignity.”

Allowing children to request legal suicide is a dangerous proposition when it is known that decision-making skills are not fully developed in humans until their early twenties.

Minors may also be more easily influenced or coerced by caregiver and parental decisions, friend groups, and social media — all of which may make voluntary assisted suicide appear as the best solution to their pain.

In reality, these efforts to broaden the scope of assisted death are likely to follow in Canada’s footsteps, eventually restricting life-giving and comforting health care to patients who are struggling.

By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

They call Euthanasia Health Care! For Kids!!
This dark, dangerous, evil group of Elites must be eliminated!

This is sick beyond belief!

Laura ann
Laura ann
9 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Seems parents would have to decide since they are minors, just liek any medical procedure in the E.U. and Canada. Governments in any country are as dysfunctional as the voters want them to be because they vote left mostly.

9 months ago

This organization’s leaders must be removed in the most permanent of ways. They are the meaning of ‘elitists’ and they should have no powers over any citizen of any country. Do not let them continue to exist.

9 months ago

“…laws that would see minors killed for “their own dignity.” In whose opinion? These Nazi’s???

Cary Oke
Cary Oke
9 months ago

They are doing this already by giving the children Covid-19 vaccinations.
Parents were rushing to clinics to get their children vaccinated. This set the precedent for legal medical murder with parental consent. Wake up people, the war has started and your replacement is crossing the southern U.S. border.

Susan Lenhart
Susan Lenhart
9 months ago

This has NOTHING to do with children’s rights and EVERYTHING to do with the WEF’s globalist policy pf reducing world population — that includes children! They also want to eliminate parents’ rights to make decisions for their children — the children would belong to the State.

9 months ago

THE WOMANS LITTLE TEN YEAR OLD WAS HIT BY A DRUNK DRIVER,as the little girl was healing she LIMPED,multibones were broken in her leg BUT SCHOOL OFFICALS believed she was disabled,UNDER CANADIAN LAW,..MOM was waiting at the bus stop with the other moms,her little girl might need help walking home,BUT WHEN THE BUS CAME..HER LITTLE GIRL WASN”T ON THE BUS,..MOM rushed home and called the school,WHERES MY LITTLE GIRL SHE WASN”T ON THE SCHOOL BUS,the school told mom the POLICE CAME TO THE SCHOOL AND TOOK HER TO A HOSPITAL,they told mom they were going to EUTHANIZE her,and if she called the hospital her little girls BODY could be picked up..THIS HAPPENED IN CANADA..GOD WILL NOW DESTROY CANADA TOO..THE BIBLE WARNED.”NOT TO HARM THE CHILDREN”…

9 months ago

Kill these WEF demons befor they kill us.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
9 months ago

I think what they are saying or planning is to sexually molest these kids and kill them to cover the evidence.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago

Australia and Canada are pushing for ‘assisted dying’, yet like the UK and EU are too gutless to reintroduce Capital Punishment.

9 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

you cant make this stuff up

Erin W
Erin W
9 months ago

This has been going on since a government we all know about passed out blankets infected with small pox to the natives. They have found squirrely ways to kill off the undesirables for over a hundred years by killing whoever is dumb enough to trust them and their snake oil.

9 months ago

Anyone on the property who identifies themselves as an agent of the WEF or the WHO will be shot immediately and without prejudice.

9 months ago

It shows, again, that ‘virtually’ any globalist commission, fund, organization or otherwise, is founded and run by evil elitists with evil intentions and purposes. The UN, WEF, WHO and many others, are nothing less than organized insanity. They should be shut down and banished forever. I cannot wait until they stand before God to receive their judgement. For most of them, this will happen sooner rather than later.

9 months ago

This is insanity

9 months ago

“…for their own dignity”? A mob of self-appointed to high places rich bastards desire to euthanize children as they desire? Something really stinks to high heaven here (as if I really needed to write that – NOT). Perhaps they’re thinking they could rape them first… Umm, yummy idea…!

9 months ago

Where can I access the application form?

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