Trudeau Violated Canada’s Charter by Freezing Freedom Protesters’ Bank Accounts, Court Rules

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau violated Canada’s charter by freezing the bank accounts of citizens protesting his tyrannical Covid mandates, a court has just ruled.

In February 2022, amid the cross-country truck convoy civil liberties protests in Ottawa against COVID-19 precautions and vaccine mandates, Trudeau, a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leader, made an overreaching decision.

He invoked the Emergencies Act to respond to this challenge to his overarching policies in a widespread attempt to silence and crush his critics.

Under the Emergencies Act, Trudeau, and his Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, froze the bank accounts of protesters and their supporters in one of the biggest attacks on free speech and civil liberties that Canada has seen in recent times.

However, a Federal Court has now ruled that the Trudeau-led Liberal government overreached its powers.

Their act was declared unreasonable, unjustified, and violated the Charter in a verdict published on a recent Tuesday.

Presiding over the case, Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley found that, in contrast, these Freedom Convoy protests generated harm, they did not elevate to a threat against national security as per the legal definition.

According to Mosley, proclaiming the Emergencies Act in such a scenario lacked the attributes of sound decision-making, including justification, transparency, and intelligibility.

Tracing the legal and factual constraints that must inform such a resolve illuminated this lack for Mosley.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation [of the Emergencies Act’ does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency, and intelligibility – and was not justified,” Mosley wrote.

Civil liberty groups, including the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation (CCF), had challenged this historic precedent.

They contended that the Liberal government stretched its power too far while dealing with the Freedom Convoy blockades in Ontario and Alberta in February 2022.

The court’s verdict aligned with their argument.

Expressing a rare degree of self-reflection, Mosley confessed to initially leaning towards the counter-argument.

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He perceived the convoy’s actions as crossing the line of legitimate protest, constituting the erosion of public order.

Were he present at the government’s decision-making table, he might have supported invoking the act.

Over months of mulling over the evidence and different angles of the argument, Mosley swung towards the viewpoint presented by CCLA and CCF.

Nonetheless, the government remains convinced that invoking the Emergencies Act was necessary and has promised to appeal the verdict.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland commented on Mosley’s decision by asserting their belief that public safety and national security, which include economic security, were under threat.

“The public safety of Canadians was under threat, our national security, which includes our national economic security, was under threat,” Freeland alleged.

“I was convinced at the time.

“It was the right thing to do.

“It was the necessary thing to do.”

By Hunter Fielding
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8 months ago

Gee the judge puts such a soft spin of what that demented psychopath Trudeau did..How about the judge rules that Trudeau behaved like a demented tyrant and issues an arrest for him?

Wayne Fraser
Wayne Fraser
8 months ago

The whole world knows Canada is being governed by the autocratic dictator Justin Trudeau, aided by his lap dog Jagmeet Singh. Singh could pull the plug at anytime and force an election, but alas, he’s has to wait for his golden government pension to kick in 21 months.

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