Supreme Court Predictably Shrugs Off Attempt by Trump Haters to Get Him Off the 2024 Presidential Ballot

The U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday it would not take the case that challenged Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president.

Many took to social media to share the news on X:

“NEW: The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear a case that seeks to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot in 2024”

The case was brought by Jon Anthony Castro who is running for the Republican nomination.

Castro sued Trump earlier this year to try to disqualify him from running for president.

The suit cited, “his [Trump’s] alleged provision of aid or comfort to the convicted criminals and insurrectionists that violently attacked our United States Capitol on January 6th. 2021.”

No comments were made by the justices nor was there a vote that was recorded.

Castro’s case was thrown out by a lower court citing that he lacked the legal right to bring the challenge.

Castro then petitioned the Supreme Court and asked that the justices decide whether he had standing in the matter.

Castro hasn’t qualified for any of the Republican debates and is rarely seen in polling.

The suit was called a longshot as many found it to have no standing.

With the U.S. Supreme Court’s declination to hear the case, the lower court ruling will stand.

By Liam Donovan
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