RINO Mitt Romney Will Not Run Again in 2024

U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) announced he won’t be running for reelection. He shared his announcement on X.

In his video, he lists what he sees as the accomplishments that he has made as a U.S. Senator. He cites his age as the reason he won’t be seeking a second term, but this appears to be a copout.

After using former President Donald Trump to help him get elected, Romney quickly turned on Trump and began to proverbially stab him in the back.

Romney even took swings at Trump in his announcement video. As it was clear to many that Romney used Trump in order to get a U.S. Senate seat, many were disheartened by the actions Romney has taken since then. Romney has been compared to another failed presidential candidate the late U.S. Senator John McCain.

In polling from June, Romney saw an 11-point drop in support from his constituents. This brought him to a 41% approval rating putting him below 50%. Romney may be trying to position himself to help decide who the next Republican will be to run for his seat.

See his announcement below:

“My message to Utahns on my Senate reelection plan:”



By Liam Donovan
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