Pope Francis Praises Depopulation for ‘Reversing Global Warming’

Pope Francis has praised historical examples of depopulation by arguing that they helped to “reverse global warming.”

The pope made the comment during his historical trip to Mongolia.

Francis downplayed the atrocities of Genghis Khan’s Mongolian empire which wiped out 11% of the global population in the 13th century.

The head of the Catholic Church defended the mass extinction event by quoting “climate scientists” who claim the mass population reduction unwittingly decreased “global warming.”

According to the pope, the Mongol Empire model, which oversaw the greatest global depopulation in human history, “should be valued and re-proposed in our own day” due to their contribution to reducing the alleged “risk” from the “climate crisis” today.

Genghis Khan, born as Temujin in the Mongol steppe, is remembered as the conqueror of the largest contiguous land empire in history.

However, he also lives in infamy for his brutality.

His conquests saw the murder of 40 million people — which represented 11% of the global population in the 13th century.

According to scientists, so many people were killed that Khan should be celebrated for unwittingly “fighting global warming.”

Pope Francis has offered his radical leftist take on the brutal mass murderer and his Mongol Empire, praising the massive 13th-century state for its “absence of conflicts,” as well as for “embracing” the diversity of various lands under its rule.

The Pontiff made the remarks last week during his Apostolic Journey to Mongolia, extolling the country’s present-day “religious freedom” and speaking highly of the “epic times of the Mongolian empire.”

“The fact that the empire could embrace such distant and varied lands over the centuries bears witness to the remarkable ability of your ancestors to acknowledge the outstanding qualities of the peoples present in its immense territory and to put those qualities at the service of a common development,” the Pope stated in his address.

The Mongol Empire model “should be valued and re-proposed in our own day,” he declared.

“May Heaven grant that today, on this earth devastated by countless conflicts, there be a renewal, respectful of international laws, of the conditions of what was once the pax mongolica, namely, the absence of conflicts.”

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The Mongol Empire emerged in the early 13th century with the unification of multiple nomadic tribes in the Mongol homeland under the leadership of Temujin, best known as Genghis Khan.

The nomad state launched a major conquest, with vast armies sent in all directions from Mongolia.

The empire steadily grew until the late 13th century, incorporating present-day China, all of Central Asia, Iran, as well as parts of modern Iraq, Russia, Türkiye, and other European states, becoming the largest-ever contiguous land empire in history.

The sprawling empire ultimately fell into disarray over various issues, including administrative troubles, succession disputes, and religious tensions.

In 1294, it was split into four lesser empires but re-emerged again as a looser federative construct under the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty of China.

With the fall of the imperial dynasty in the mid-14th century, a unified Mongol empire ceased to exist.

By Hunter Fielding
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Ed Letkiewicz Jr.
Ed Letkiewicz Jr.
10 months ago

It seems this communist pope is a huge fan of Hitler.

John Acord
John Acord
10 months ago

Not a Communist, but something far more effective, a Jesuit.

John Acord
John Acord
10 months ago

The Mongol Empire model “should be valued and re-proposed in our own day,” he declared.
Attempting to unravel the Jesuitical mind is a task not allowed to the uninitiated.
Is the Pope telling the world that a mighty Russia In union with both Europe and China would bring peace to our troubled times? I think this is a fair interpretation of his remarks. Is the Pontiff envisioning a return of the Roman empire and a Pax Romana. Or, a Pax Rus? After all, Russia has long considered itself to be the Third Rome. Remember, you are dealing not just with a Pope but the first Jesuit Pope and St.Loyola’s vision of restoring the Dominion of Christ.

10 months ago

Never thought I’d hear this from a Catholic! wow how times have changed – or should I say how ideologies change. Having as many little Catholics as a Catholic family could have made the Pope very happy back in the day but the families – well, not so much. Who’da think logic would ever enter Catholicism?

Commander Klegg
Commander Klegg
10 months ago

Wait… Francis is a Pope OR he is a rabbi?

Alan Shields
Alan Shields
10 months ago

Who the hell cares what he thinks? The Pope has as much credibility as Faucci, Biden, Trudeau, Schwab, and friends.

Julien Sorel
Julien Sorel
10 months ago

As a graduate Catholic theologian, let me share my dream. Comrade Frankie and Bill Gates are stripped naked, tied over barrels, and after a lodgepole pine is stripped of its branches and hardened in fire, it is used to give the genocide-lovers an arboreal prostate exam.

10 months ago

Pope Francis has praised …historical examples of depopulation?

He failed to mention Spanish Christian Genocide against native Americans in central and south America. 90% of the population, millions, were killed from disease, murder and slavery!

10 months ago

This Pope, is a “new world slave, in his attempts to ‘gain Money that he had to spend on his Cardinals/Priests who ‘assaulted children’…so perhaps he’s looking to the “NWO Elitists to give Him Millions to refill the Vatican Coffers.
Shame as the Socialist from Argentina is SO far AWAY from GOD, but GOD will have the last laugh on this Fraud, as he almost lost his sorry life before!

Barry Farndon
Barry Farndon
10 months ago

The Poop (sorry I’m French) is starting to talk like Pres Joe ‘Blinden’, as this sounds like a disconnected insensitive context blind story he would tell. Joe: “I left the top down on my Corvette one time and it rained and nearly ruined the interior, so I know how those who lost there houses in the hurricane are suffering”. Pope: “I have heard the earth is experiencing climate change, so good thing in the 13th century we had such a climate warrior in Genghis Khan and his Mongol horde burning down villages, towns, and cities, and then countering their carbon hoof prints by also mass murdering Christians and others, I mean he was compassionate, he didn’t want to leave them alive with no place to live”.
Is the pope satanic, or simply another feckless idiot, he should run for the dems. Maybe the pope will go all holy war and start killing off people to save the world.. Scripture tells us that it will get to the point near the end that God will send a strong delusion, and since the pope appears delusional… I’m just say-in. Seems he is unaware that there is only one who can save and give hope to the world, and that is Jesus… not the poop, not Genghis, or the climate nuts. Maybe the pope needs the services of an exorcist.

Dave Topping
Dave Topping
10 months ago
Reply to  Barry Farndon

If the Pope keeps this up, he will have all the Green, Democrat and Liberal Politicians converting to Catholicism.

Dave Topping
Dave Topping
10 months ago

If we follow the reasoning in this article, we should be celebrating the efforts of Hitler, Stalin and Mao for unwittingly “fighting global warming” by exterminating millions of people who were infecting Mother Earth.

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