Politico Admits Biden Is Collapsing in Polls, Could Doom Democrats’ Chance of Holding White House in 2024

We would not want to be in the business of predicting political elections.

I personally had cautious optimism when it came to the 2020 election.

I believed Donald Trump was going to win for sure after Florida’s numbers came through for him.

Then everything went haywire.

This isn’t even mentioned possible voter fraud and whether or not drop boxes, early and mail in voting measures implemented due to Covid-19 affected things in any way.

Many believe the aforementioned shifted things in Joe Biden’s favor.

One thing we know is who is in the White House right now, and who the likely two people running against each to be there next are to be: Joe Biden, and Donald Trump.

Despite the media touted “91 indictments against former and possible future President Donald Trump,” the American patriot class remains unfazed.

Both left and right wing pollsters across the nation show Donald Trump trending favorably and Joe Biden not doing so hot.

There are many reasons as to why, from inflation to foreign war involvement, an open border and flat stock market to name a few.

It’s unlikely that Biden will be replaced as the nominee at this point either.

So why are left-leaning outlets admitting how poorly he’s doing instead of propping him up?

It’s anyone’s guess. Politico posted an article detailing their thoughts with an X caption of:

“Biden’s poll numbers aren’t just bad — they’re getting worse”

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Politico starts their article by saying:

November started with New York Times/Siena College polls showing Trump ahead in four of the six swing states, but more indicators of Biden’s electoral peril soon followed.

The president’s standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is falling: Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them.

You can read it all by clicking on the tweet above if you’re interested in giving them any clicks.

As of today, it looks like Joe Biden would lose to Donald Trump badly according to the Real Clear Politics averages:

As I stated earlier, I’m not in the election prediction business.

But Biden is going to need a miracle to turn this polling around.

By Liam Donovan
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8 months ago

The mistake we make…
thinking that Obiden and his henchmen are Democrats!

8 months ago

They will never hold the presidency of the REPUBLIC, EVER!


WHAT YOU THINK IS OUR GOV. is actually a foriegn owned corpoRATion by the bank of England!


7 months ago

So what. All they have to do is rig the election like they did the last one, and the polls won’t matter.

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