The government of Poland recently dropped the hammer on the global pandemic agenda by ending all vaccine mandates and announcing that it will not buy any more Covid mRNA shots for its citizens.
In April 2021, the world learned that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the unelected bureaucratic leader of Europe, had been negotiating the biggest contract ever sealed for 1.1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines via text messages back and forth with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
And while those texts were “somehow” lost, Pfizer is now suing Poland – which, under the EU deal struck between von der Leyen and Bourla, obligated the Polish government to purchase 60 million more doses than it did.
“Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking to hold Poland to its commitments for COVID-19 vaccine orders placed by the Polish Government, as part of their contract to supply the European Union signed in May 2021,” a Pfizer spokesperson told Politico, adding that BioNTech is joining the lawsuit.
According to Polish newspaper Gazeta Prawa, Pfizer brought the civil case before a Brussels court because the doses were purchased through EU joint procurement contracts, drawn up under Belgian law. –Politico
Poland, under the leadership of then Health Minister Adam Niedzielski and the populist PiS party, took a bold step in April 2022 by stopping vaccine deliveries, citing force majeure.
This decision, influenced by both financial and epidemiological factors, echoed across Eastern and Central Europe, leading to a wave of dissent against the Commission’s deal with Pfizer.
Efforts to renegotiate the deal, prompted by the collective outcry of several EU countries, only partially assuaged the discontent.
The demands for transparency and a more equitable agreement intensified, leading the Commission to revise the deal.
However, Poland’s refusal to sign the revised agreement highlighted the growing fissures between EU member states and the Commission’s negotiation tactics.
Fast forward to the aftermath of Poland’s October election, which saw the opposition gain enough seats to potentially install Donald Tusk, a centrist figure, in power.
The nation’s new government will no longer pressure its citizens to take the experimental vaccines.
Nor will the nation’s leaders allow Big Pharma companies to sell the shots in Poland.
Pfizer’s lawsuit, potentially amounting to €1.2 billion, presents a formidable challenge for Tusk’s administration.
This move by Pfizer is not just about recouping losses but sending a stark message to other nations considering contract breaches.
“The Commission was able to extract commitments from Pfizer to reschedule some deliveries, but this didn’t go far enough to appease the capitals,” Politico reported.
“As vaccination rates flatlined, countries outside the Central and Eastern European group started joining the call for a renegotiation.
“At one point capitals even began asking for greater transparency on the original negotiations between Pfizer and the Commission.
“’What was promised? We would really like to know,’ said Belgian Ambassador Pierre Cartuyvels in December 2022.
“In May this year, the Commission quietly announced a substantial renegotiation of the offending deal.
“It was reducing — by an unspecified amount — the number of doses outstanding, while the deliveries would also be more spread out, into 2026. Poland, however, refused to sign up to the revised deal.”
According to Polish Health Minister Katarzyna Sójka in comments to Rynek Zdrowia, this is a difficult case, but there’s a chance it can end “in a positive way.”
Hopefully this plus the Geert Wilders victory will lead to the breakup of the EU – call it ALLEXIT, the demise of the WEF and the Europeans will have learned a lesson about who to elect in the future. And they will all stop paying the UN to destroy them.
One may hope…
Just hoping that the Wilders election is not another Georgia Meloni election.
Why? She seems to be on the right track.
Praying this spreads to all nations.
I see nowhere that POLAND agreed to purchase those doses; rather that an unelected bureaucrat made that commitment, without consulting Poland, ergo it’s she whom Pfizer should be after. It’s past time to break up the EU, which is clearly not working for anyone but the oligarchs.
Big Pharma will not stop the distribution of their poison until they reduce the population per the NWO. Wake up sheeple, and demand transparency from your government and the big pharmaceuticals now.
Not sure who the ‘sheeple’ are but we already have transparency – some of us have known or at least suspected for the past three years motives behind their behaviors, decisions, and mandates. What we need to ‘demand’ is for our government to stop everything they’ve been doing these same past three years, grow some gonads and put America back together again and entirely. Sounds like firing themselves is the only solution – short of a revolution by the people that is.
Bourla is very angry at Poland for not allowing them to go along with their plan to commit genocide on it’s citizens while making billions.. The Gates/Fauci/Bourla bio weapon designed to KILL.
I would be surprised if the so called contract could not be cancelled because any one sidded contract can be canceled However sueing a Country is always an iffy idea. They could pass a law banning any such vaccines or even just ignore the court challenge. Then make an advertising blanket advertising campaign showing all the deaths and very bad reactions this fake jab has caused. I am sure this disgusting law suit would be dropped faster than a snakes strike.
If the other EU governments don’t join Poland in its fight against Bourla and von der Leyen it is the end of EU. They have the best opportunity to get rid of the dictatorship of the EU commission. Waiting for next year European élections is a waste of precious time.
I think Poland should exit the European Union. This is not good news – they should countersue. Good for them for protecting their citizens from these poisonous injections
Counter-sue them with a bigger lawsuit under the Trades Description Act, that they are neither effective nor safe, therefore they don’t do what is claimed.
To be polite and not get banned, I will say respectfully that Pfizer has 3 chances of Poland entertaining such a ludicrous demand. The first name jack followed by septic excrement, Sexual intercourse followed by everything in the universe, and live pork followed by ones rear end. I hope I’m not banned for using correct kings English ?