The Pennsylvania Supreme Court directed Pennsylvania counties on Monday not to count mail-in ballots that lacked the correct date or otherwise violated state law.
The Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Pennsylvania had filed suit against all of the state’s 67 county boards of elections seeking an order directing that the law must be followed.
Currently, GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick holds about a 17,000 vote lead over Democratic incumbent Sen. Bob Casey.
Casey has refused to concede the race, though the Associated Press and other news outlets have called it for McCormick.
The state Supreme Court said in its order that all county election boards — “including the Boards of Elections in Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Philadelphia County, SHALL COMPLY with the prior rulings of this Court in which we have clarified that mail-in and absentee ballots that fail to comply with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Election Code … SHALL NOT BE COUNTED for purposes of the election held on November 5, 2024.”
Fox News reported, “The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled before the election that mail ballots lacking formally required signatures or dates should not be included in official results.”
But officials in Bucks, Montgomery, Centre and Philadelphia counties are ignoring that order.
Bucks and Montgomery counties are located adjacent to Philadelphia County, which is the most heavily Democratic part of the state.
Because the race fell within the 0.5 percent threshold separating McCormick and Casey an automatic recount has been triggered, the AP reported.
“Statewide, the number of mail-in ballots with wrong or missing dates on the return envelope could be in the thousands. However, most counties — including several heavily populated counties controlled by Democrats — didn’t count them,” the news outlet added.
BREAKING: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has AGAIN ruled in favor of Dave McCormick and the RNC demanding that Democrat counties stop counting misdated, undated, or otherwise disqualified ballots as they attempt to steal the election for Democrat Bob Casey.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 18, 2024
“Democrats cast more mail-in ballots than Republicans, and Democrats in the past have supported counting ballots that trip over what they view as meaningless clerical requirements in state law,” the AP said.
Fox News reported last week that Democratic Bucks County Commissioners Diane Ellis-Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted to count illegal ballots.
Ellis-Marseglia said, “[P]recedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country. And people violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention to it.”
#BucksCounty Democrat Commissioners violate the rule of law and ignore PA Supreme Court ruling!
Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted today to count illegal ballots, against PA Supreme Court ruling, in an attempt to aid former Senator Bob Casey.…
— Bucks GOP (@BucksGOP) November 14, 2024
Following the state Supreme Court ruling Monday against illegal ballots being counted, the Pennsylvania Republican Party posted on X, “Historic win for the PAGOP and voter confidence in Pennsylvania!”
NPR reported the final results of the recount are expected Nov. 27.
I HOPE they did more than just “tell” them to stop; they haven’t been listening to date!