Outrage as Judge Merchan Posts Letter Explaining Facebook Comment by ‘Juror’s Cousin’ in Trump Case Before Verdict was Issued: ‘Trump is Getting Convicted…’

Many Americans on social media are demanding a mistrial in the Donald Trump New York City Alvin Bragg hush money case. The reason below is obvious:

“BREAKING: Judge Merchan sends letter to parties in NY Trump case notifying them that this comment was left on their Facebook page before the verdict: “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted & Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!.”

This is a breaking news story and will be updated with more details as things develop.

It is only speculation at this point as to how this may or may not affect the case or cause a mistrial, particularly because we are not legal experts.

As you can see below, the discussion is exploding and this will dominate the news cycle come Monday in our opinion.

The “Hodgetwins” posted:

Laura Loomer posted with the screenshot of the comment:

We will add updates to this news story as it continues to develop.

Leo Terrell added:

Monica Crowley added:

“Enough with this bullsh!t case. Mistrial. No retrial. Toss the “conviction.” GTFOH with your rigged, fake communist show trial.”

By Liam Donovan
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