Official Data Reveals ‘Countdown to Death’ Among Vaxxed

Government data has revealed a disturbing “countdown to death” that is impacting those vaccinated with Covid mRNA injections.

The data reveals spikes in sudden sudden deaths within a window of time after the victims received the shots.

Official data from the UK government shows that from April 2022 through to December 2022, 407,910 deaths occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.

As the investigation deepens, it has become increasingly clear that the Covid-19 vaccines are the most likely cause of the unprecedented loss of life in Britain. The evidence is damning, with a startling correlation between the rollout of the vaccines and the spike in deaths.

We were told the vaccines would bring hope and healing amid an alleged global pandemic. But now, it seems that they have instead brought even more devastation and pain.

The Office for National Statistics has released weekly figures on deaths registered in England and Wales, and the most recent data reveals a troubling increase.

In the week ending on December 11th, there were 11,694 deaths, with 687 excess deaths against the 2016-2019 + 2021 five-year average and 999 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.

While Covid-19 is often blamed for such increases, this time the numbers tell a different story.

Out of all the deaths, only 326 were attributed to the alleged disease – a mere 2.8%.

So what is causing this surge in fatalities?

Meanwhile, according to Public Health Scotland (PHS), Scotland suffered 1,257 deaths in the week ending 27th November, resulting in 127 excess deaths.

According to the Office for National Statistics, excess deaths have been occurring in England and Wales on a weekly basis since April 2022. To uncover the full extent of this tragedy, we dug into the data, analyzing the weekly number of deaths over the past six months and comparing them to the five-year average. What we discovered was a disturbing trend, as the chart below reveals.

As we delve deeper into the mystery of the excess deaths occurring in England and Wales, a disturbing possibility comes to light: the Covid-19 vaccines may be to blame.

According to the Office for National Statistics, excess deaths have been occurring every week since April 2022.

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While the data initially seemed to point to other causes, closer examination reveals a startling correlation between the rollout of the 2021 winter “Booster” shot and the spike in fatalities.

To uncover the full extent of this tragedy, we dug into the data, analyzing the weekly number of deaths over the past eight months and comparing them to the 2015-2019 five-year average.

The chart reveals a disturbing trend, with excess deaths occurring in all but two weeks since April 2022.

These two exceptions, it turns out, coincide with the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and funeral, which would have caused delays in death registrations due to the bank holidays.

But even taking these weeks into account, the data shows an average of 1,268 excess deaths every single week.

The following chart is taken from Public Health Scotland’s Covid-19 Dashboard, and it shows the weekly number of deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average –

Because the chart doesn’t reveal the true picture, we downloaded the death data from the Public Health Scotland Covid-19 Dashboard, which you can also do so here, and calculated the total number of deaths between week 16 and week 47 of 2022.

According to the data, there were 34,316 deaths during this period in the 2015-2019 five-year average and 38,611 deaths during this period in 2022.

This means Scotland has suffered 4,264 excess deaths against the five-year average over the past 34 weeks.

The following chart shows the overall number of deaths and excess deaths in England, Wales & Scotland –

The five-year average number of deaths in Britain over these 8 months equates to 360,531. Meanwhile, the total number of deaths in 2022 in Britain over these 8 months equates to 407,910.

Therefore, Britain has suffered 47,379 excess deaths since the middle of April 2022.

Could the Covid-19 vaccines, which we were told would bring hope and healing, be causing unimaginable tragedy?

Well, as our investigation into the excess deaths in the UK deepened, a disturbing pattern emerged.

An analysis of official ONS data reveals that approximately five months after each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is administered, the mortality rates among the vaccinated rise significantly compared to the unvaccinated in each age group.

The following charts were created using data extracted from Table 1 of the Office for National Statistics dataset on ‘Deaths by vaccination status (Jan 21 to March 22)’ which can be accessed on the ONS website here, and downloaded here.

The first chart shows the age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 person-years by vaccination status between the 1st January 2021 and the 30th April 2021 –

As you can see, mortality rates were highest among the unvaccinated each month. However, by the end of April 2021, five months after the first COVID-19 injection was administered in the UK, things started to even out among each vaccination group and the unvaccinated.

But look what happened in the following four months.

The first chart shows the age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 person-years by vaccination status between the 1st May 2021 and the 30th August 2021 –

The mortality rate among the vaccinated began to surpass the mortality rate among the unvaccinated significantly. By the end of August 2022, the mortality rate per 100,000 among the unvaccinated was the second lowest among each vaccination group.

Unfortunately, a follow-up report published by the ONS on 6th July 2022, proves that things did not improve for the vaccinated population.

In fact, things got so bad that by the end of May 2022, mortality rates were lowest among the unvaccinated in every age group in England, and highest among those who received one, two, or three doses of the vaccine.

Click to enlarge

But the pattern doesn’t stop there.

The data shows that not only does this pattern persist in all-cause deaths, but each dose of the vaccine also causes a significant increase in Covid-19 deaths.

Between March and July 2021, the vaccinated accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths in England, with the one-dose vaccinated accounting for 66% of those deaths.

The pattern repeated itself over the next five months, with deaths nearly tripling, and the two-dose vaccinated accounting for the majority of deaths at 83%.

And in the five months between January and May 2022, deaths again increased, with the triple vaccinated accounting for the majority at 82%.

The evidence is clear and undeniable: the vaccines have been and are still killing people, with the deadly consequences being fully realized approximately five months after each vaccination.

This is a tragedy of epic proportions.

By Hunter Fielding
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J West
J West
9 months ago

I am having a laugh at the majority of people who lined up for the jab like it was candy for the kids …. They wanted me in a concentration camp or better yet, dead simply because was skeptical … Now I am reading daily reports about their ‘sudden deaths’. ?

Because I had the good sense to question these pop-up vaccines that had no record of testing … and .. to mitigate what looked a lot like just another flu … because Covid was more than 99% survivable with no vaxx.

Most of my family and friends also refused to comply .. none of us got sick or died.

I think this whole pandemic thing is part of the depopulation program outlined by the WEF …. It would be wise to listen and take the WEF seriously … they are saying it out loud. “You will own nothing and you will be happy

  • The happy part is a lie


9 months ago
Reply to  J West

I only feel sorry for those who were absolutely coerced into getting the jab or they’d lose their job, etc. What were you supposed to do if you had a family to provide for ? For anyone who just lined up without doing their OWN research – like reading about the many doctors being silenced about the real, possible dangers of these jabs – I can’t feel sorry for them.I believed the MANY warnings from those doctors out here and said NO to the jabs, and I will remain saying NO to any type of ‘vaccine’ going forward. They have lost my trust for the rest of my life !! Let’s reword that last statement : They are NOT worthy of trust, from anyone, at this point !!

Ann Peacock
Ann Peacock
9 months ago
Reply to  J West

J West
I agree with most of what you said. However, I am not laughing at the fact that many people have died or will die. You made the correct choice and that’s great. I did the same thing. Laughing at the suffering of others takes away some of your humanity, in my opinion.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  J West

What the “people” who said that really mean is we will own nothing because we will be dead, and they will own everything.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  J West

It should read, You will own nothing and we will be happy because you will be dead.

9 months ago
Reply to  J West

Sadly our Marxist Media and most SocMed CENSOR anything to do with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. For that reason, this evil organization has penetrated the cabinets of the world’s government unnoticed!
We fret about our local issues, blaming Biden. Mandatory vaccines and lockdowns, open borders and the currency collapse is being orchestrated by this consortium ! We don’t seem to realize…he’s just a puppet! So is Trudeau in Canada! The WEF lackeys are everywhere now!
This group of Communist Authoritarians are driving the insanity, here and across the globe!

I hope News Addicts will broaden their reach through Social Media. Telegram, Truth and X will, I believe NOT CENSOR this important news. Humanity needs to know!

9 months ago

The young may make it another 5 years or so, but they will be sickly & painful years!!!

The rest are dummbed, & it’s their own Fault!!!

No sympathy from me, except for the children. whos parents killed them, by allowing the jab!

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago

Brainwashing children did not start with COVID. Many parents, grandparents, etc., of today’s children were also brainwashed as children, and many of those parents and grandparents were/are school indoctrinators, brainwashers (once known as teachers). Most un-brainwashed took too little interest in what was going on in the government run schools.

Alff .....
Alff .....
9 months ago

& it’s just the Iceberg’ s tip ? …..

9 months ago

Before all you the Vaxxed Brits in the military die off from self inflicted suicide, would you kindly deep six all your Nukes and destroy your nuke facilities before the grinning Muslims take over your barren land? Thank You!

Sorry, no entrance to Valhalla, a needle is not a sword!

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
9 months ago

As we delve deeper into the mystery of the excess deaths occurring in England and Wales, a disturbing possibility comes to light: the Covid-19 vaccines may be to blame.

‘A disturbing possibility’ and ‘Maybe to blame’? Is that code for We can’t cover it up anymore? There has also been a rise in aggressive cancers.

This has been a complete shitshow from the start, now Western governments are thinking of handing over power to the WHO pandemic treaty”.So all going to plan eh?

patricia bowman
patricia bowman
9 months ago

All my family got the jab … some one shot and others 3 plus.. they left me alone the entire three years 2020/2023 and some disowned me completely. Most are sick and others do not openly tell. I’m in my 70’s and miss my family. Tribunals for crimes against humanity A.S.A.P. Thanks.

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