Mike Pence After the GOP Presidential Debate: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Be the Republican Nominee’

On Thursday, following the Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, former Vice President Mike Pence, who is vying for the GOP nomination, downplayed the chances of former President Donald Trump securing the 2024 GOP nomination.

“Well, look, every one of us on the stage signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee,” he said. “And, frankly, my hand was raised in that spirit, just in keeping my word.”

“But I really do believe more after last night that Donald Trump is not going to be the Republican nominee,” he added.

“I know that many of you in the media think this is already a rematch between Trump and Biden. I don’t see that,” he said.

“I think last night, the American people saw hopefully — hopefully, they got a better sense of me and my role as a leader over the last 20 years,” Pence continued.

“But also, I think they got a better sense of what a deep bench the Republican Party has and that we have — we have better choices for 2024 for our party,” he stated.

“So, I’m more confident than ever that our party is going to give us a standard bear fitted to the times, someone who’s going to lead us to victory in 2024,” Pence continued..

“And I’m going to continue to work my heart out to make sure that’s me,” he added.


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By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Is Mike Pence a swamp creature?

1 year ago

Mike Pence may as well hang it up. HE will not be the Republican nominee….that is FOR CERTAIN!

Love Dogs
Love Dogs
1 year ago

Pence has been wrong on everything else so why would this be any different? I do not think Pence is a bad guy, he is doing his part in the plan to WAKE UP the rest of the US. As hard as this may be to believe, there are still people out there that do not think the election was stolen!

Joe Jenkins
Joe Jenkins
1 year ago

Goodbye Pence. Don’t let the screen door slap you on the ass on the way out.

1 year ago

That would then be the end Republican Party.

1 year ago

And neither are any RHINOs – crawl back into your hiddy-hole pence and stay there please. Dream on jackass…

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