Liberals and Muslims at Odds over LGBT ‘Education’ Campaign in Maryland School District

Parents gathered at a Montgomery County School Board meeting. Many Muslim parents showed up to protest the first LGBTQ+ curriculum that had no opt-out option, while liberal parents showed up to support the forced LGBTQ+ curriculum.

Andy Ngo shared videos of the protest on Twitter with:

“Liberals were left stunned as Muslims & Islamists gathered on Tuesday to protest the Montgomery County (Maryland) School Board over its LGBTQ+ curriculum. The Muslims want to be able to remove their children from the classroom when that material is taught.”

“Protect your children!” Muslim & immigrant families gathered in Montgomery County, Maryland on Tuesday to protest against the compulsory LGBTQ+ curriculum in schools. They peacefully faced off with a smaller group of white liberals. Video by @AsraNomani:”

Konstantin Kisin shared his response to one of Ngo’s tweets:

“When two religions go head to head. BTW, turns out ethnic minorities aren’t progressive”

Ford Fischer shared multiple videos from the protest as well as the school board meeting:

“VIDEO THREAD: “Protect our children!” Today a Muslim-led coalition rallied outside the Montgomery County Maryland School Board against the removal of an “opt-out” option from human sexuality related material. Pro-LGBT activists counter-protested, chanting “secular schools!”

“Security decided to allow 30 people from each side of the issue (pro-LGBT versus pro-“opt-out”) to come into the MoCo School Board meeting. “Percentage not number!” chanted the opt-out side, claiming they had a bigger presence outside, so more should be allowed in. Not granted.”

“After the pro-“opt-out” side’s 30 chosen activists entered the school board, 30-pro-LGBT activists did as well, passing their remaining opponents, who yelled “Protect our children” at them.”

“During the MoCo School Board, several Muslim speakers used the public comment time to support an “opt-out” option from sexuality material. One described removing opt-out as “intolerance of the faith community” and concluded with “Takbir!” Some in crowd replied “Allahu Akbar!”

“One speaker brought the Qur’an to suggest that just as it’s unfair “to say you hate Jesus” if one hasn’t read the book because he’s in it, that it’s unfair to believe them wanting to “opt-out” comes from hate for LGBT people. “If MCPS wants to accept and accommodate a student’s…”

“One Muslim mother spoke in support of an “inclusive curriculum” without opt-out. She says that “Muslim parents do not share the views of the few vocal reactionaries claiming to represent all of us.” “Gender-fluid people have been part of Islamic societies from the beginning.”

“One child who identifies as pansexual himself explained that “we deserve to have books in our schools that teach people about LGBTQ.” “It’s not touching you, hurting you physically, or doing any physical damage to you,” he says. “I don’t know why you hate it so much!”

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“We support the expanded curriculum, because it teaches students that there are many ways to be human,” a speaker explained. “Allowing families to opt out of this curriculum will perpetuate ignorance, intolerance, and fear of the LGBTQ voices and sends the wrong message that they are right to be afraid.”

“Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink spoke, at the meeting, expressing a nuance to this discussion while supporting the curriculum without opt-outs. She explains that while this issue “puts some Muslim families on the same side of an issue as white supremacists”…”

“Here is my full @N2Sreports video of the protests that took place ahead of today’s Montgomery County School Board Meeting over the removal of an “opt-out” option from sexuality related material in the curriculum.”

“Here is my full @N2Sreports video of the protests that took place ahead of today’s Montgomery County School Board Meeting over the removal of an “opt-out” option from sexuality related material in the curriculum.”

“And here is the full video of all the comments made at the school board themselves on the “opt-out” issue. As always, all @N2Sreports footage is available to license.”

Parents are only asking for the ability to opt their children out of the LGBTQ+ curriculum not the removal of the books. That request seems to enrage some on the left who appear to believe that the state should be raising the children.

Muslim and Christian families have filed a lawsuit against the Montgomery County Board of Education and schools Superintendent Monifa McKnight. The lawsuit claims that pride story books are age-inappropriate and inconsistent with their religious beliefs and child-rearing philosophies.

The lawsuit argues that the school system is violating the families’ First Amendment religious rights as well as a long-standing Maryland state law that allows parents to opt their students out of instructions on sex education and family life.

Senior counsel representing the families Eric Baxter said, “On March 22nd of this year, the school board announced that yes, it would allow opt-outs as it always has in the past. On March 23rd, it issued an email doing a complete about face, saying that no more notice will be given to parents and no opt-outs will be tolerated. And, we’re not even talking about the normal sex ed topics — biology, the reproductive system. We’re talking about social issues … encouraging children to (transition), to adopt their own pronouns.”

We will see what comes from the lawsuit filed by the families. Many feel Muslim voters may still vote Democrat after this, others think they will flip.

By Hunter Fielding
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