Leo Terrell Demands to See Action From Republicans Who ‘Talk a Good Game’: ‘Impeach Joe Biden NOW!’

As evidence mounts against Joe Biden that would potentially give House Republicans an opportunity for impeachment, many supporters are growing impatient with the lack of action by the members of Congress.

Fox News contributor and civil rights attorney demanded in a post to X yesterday to see action from those who “talk a good game.”

“Republicans: You talk a good game: Let’s see some action. For example: Impeach Joe Biden NOW!” Terrell declared.

Terrell’s words echoed those of former President and 2024 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump at his Erie, Pennsylvania rally.

“They impeach me, they indict me and the Republicans just don’t fight the way … they’re supposed to fight,” Trump told his supporters.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said at a news conference last week, “If (the Biden administration) does not provide the information we need, then we would go to an impeachment inquiry.”

However, USA Today noted that House Republicans could be in a political bind over the situation as they have roughly three weeks when they come back to Washington in September to approve must-pass spending bills to avoid a government shutdown.

There are also Republicans who represent districts that were won by Joe Biden in 2020 that will likely be reluctant when it comes to impeachment.

U.S. House Rep Nancy Mace (R-SC) said on Sunday, “Every time we walk the plank we are putting moderate members, members that won Biden districts, we are putting those seats at risk for 2024. We are putting the majority at risk.”

By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

Leo – is there another anti-American demoncRATic traitor you have in mind to replace the current one?

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