John Kerry Pushes Depopulation: ‘Humanity Is Inexorably Threatened by Humanity Itself’

In a fearmongering “global warming” speech, U.S. “Climate Czar” John Kerry has warned that “humanity itself” is threatening the survival of the human race.

Kerry has declared that the global elite must get their house in order by depopulating the world to meet the UN’s Agenda 2030 climate goals because “humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself.”

According to Kerry, who addressed the Scottish Global Dialogues about the so-called “climate crisis,” the future of humanity is “hanging in the balance” because of “overpopulation” and the global population must be reduced to ensure a better quality of life for those who deserve to continue living on Earth.

Those who refuse to accept the strict new rules imposed on humanity by globalist elites including Klaus Schwab and the United Nations are “threatening humanity” and do not deserve to continue living on earth, said Kerry.

“Despite a vast array of empirical facts beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt, despite thousands of scientists’ lifetime work accumulating hard data, and without a single piece of peer-reviewed, documentation to the contrary, we are again witnessing another moment in which the persuasive force of evidence and with it, Earth’s future hangs in the balance.”

Kerry also took the opportunity to smear anybody who questions the so-called “settled science” of climate change as an “extremist” and member of a cult.

“All because some extremist political voices, holdout nations, and vastly vested interests have declared war on facts and science,“ said Kerry.

“All because they distort for political or personal gain what science and common sense dictate we humans must do to put our house in order,” he continued.

“They incite a movement against what they falsely label ‘climate change fanaticism,’ as they conveniently forget that the dictionary definition of a cult is the dismissal of facts in devotion to a lie.

“While they refuse to accept the facts behind the increasingly obvious damages of the climate crisis, they lash out at the truth-tellers and label indisputable evidence as hysteria.”

Kerry finished his speech by criticizing ordinary people who are not attracted to living in a future dominated by Klaus Schwab and his cronies and their dystopian vision.

“They [climate change skeptics] compound the already difficult challenge of the climate crisis by promising to do more of exactly what created the crisis in the first place.”

Kerry then underscored his globalist anti-human agenda by declaring: “So now, humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself.”


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Kerry’s comments invoked The Club of Rome’s infamous 1991 publication which perversely claimed “the common enemy of humanity is man.”

The book published by the globalist think-tank Club of Rome in 1991 was titled “The First Global Revolution.”

It followed up the earlier 1972 depopulation report from the Club of Rome titled “The Limits to Growth.”

“The Limits to Growth” was co-authored by World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda architect Dennis Meadows. Meadows has called for an 86% reduction in the global population in order to allegedly “fight climate change.”

In it, President Emeritus of the Club of Rome Alexander King and Secretary General Bertrand Schneider described the world’s problems, as they saw it, and an approach to a possible solution.

Topics covered by the book included “the need for the world to convert from a military to a civil economy, the recognition of the disastrous short-term effects of exploitation by First World countries of Third World poverty and need, and the containment of global warming: the need to reduce global emissions of carbon dioxide, to encourage reforestation, to conserve traditional forms of energy and develop alternatives.”

Most importantly, the book declared “global warming” as the new pretext to wage war on humanity.

By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

I strongly suggest that Kerry and the rest of the “elites” be first on the list to suffer removal as they describe.

11 months ago

Hey John lets start the De Population program with YOU and you r buddy next to you Bill Gates. I’m sure that many more will follow you lead.

11 months ago

Only if you set the example , john hinze

Major Kong
Major Kong
11 months ago

What makes Kerry, Gates and so on that their life more important to live than any others in the world? Is it because they believe they are in a position to dictate who lives or not? These jerks should all get together and commit mass suicide of themselves or the world’s people should kill these miserable leaders who want to dictate who lives or not…Now that would serve humanity well…

Last edited 11 months ago by Major Kong
Cary Ke
Cary Ke
11 months ago

If John Kerry was an educated person he would be aware that 150 years ago the carbon in the atmosphere was down to 290 ppm (parts per million). Carbon in the atmosphere was trending down. Has carbon reached lower than 150ppm in the atmosphere all carbon based life would have ceased. A massive extinction would have occurred. This is the direction proposed by John Kerry. Instead the Industrial Revolution allowed humans to add carbon to the atmosphere so that today the carbon is at 420 ppm. This is still less than a third of the required carbon to optimize plant life. At higher levels food production would greatly increase. Life was about one and a half million years from extinction as carbon levels fell. Today by boosting carbon levels humans have pushed back this extinction event to about five million years. What John Kerry ignores is the carbon based life forms sequester carbon and remove it from circulation. Forests, coral reefs, shellfish and animals all diminish the carbon levels. Only humans can extract carbon from petroleum and limestone and return the carbon to the atmosphere. Turn on the gas bbq and cook up some steaks.
Do you part, without guilt, to save the world. Thanks to Patrick Moore.

Bernard Hassan
Bernard Hassan
11 months ago

Lurch, Soros,Gates,Schwab have no worries about the wiping out of humanity since they do not belong to that group.

Joe Dyck
Joe Dyck
11 months ago

I recommend that Kerry read the book “Chicken Little ” where an acorn falls on a chicken’s head. Chicken Little quickly determines that the sky is falling and demands to see the King! She rouses up all barnyard animals and off they go to see the King. Eventually they meet Foxy Loxy who has them all for dinner! I am sure that is where Kerry got his inspiration!

11 months ago

The picture showing Kerry And Gates next to him, who think of themselves as “The Elitists who Should Rule the World, should show an EXAMPLE and Off themselves and THEIR Families…Wonder if John Kerry, has gotten all of Teresa Heinz’s Money, and will OFF HER along with Her children?
They and the rest of them, should “Set an Example..YOU ALL FIRST!”

11 months ago

“His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork.” Mae West

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