Joe Biden Paid $2.75 Million in CASH for Beach Home Within Weeks of Hunter Threatening Businessman

Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75 million CASH for a home in Rehoboth Beach within weeks of Hunter sending a ‘threatening’ text message to a Chinese business associate demanding a $10 million transaction.

It is Joe Biden’s favorite place: his vacation residence in Delaware, where he has retreated scores of times during his 1,000 days as Chief Executive. The president-in-name-only has spent at least 300 of those days in the second-smallest state in the country or on vacation.

Now, however, that beach home’s acquisition could pose a significant problem for Biden as Republicans hunt down more connections between the current president and his family’s illicit influence-peddling operations.

The Daily Mail has discovered that Biden, who had spent nearly his entire adult life in public service, purchased the residence for slightly less than $2.75 million in cash.

Moreover, the transaction occurred within weeks of a threatening text that Hunter had sent to Henry Zhao, an associate at the Chinese energy behemoth CEFC, requesting a $10 million per year contract.

“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter wrote to Zhao via WhatsApp on July 30, 2017.

At 9:45 a.m., Hunter appears to warn Zhao, “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand. And now means tonight.”

“And Z if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the chairman I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.”

“Ok my friend – I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. I sure hope whatever it is you are doing is very, very, very important,” he said.

While there is no evidence that Joe Biden was actually sitting with his son, metadata extracted from photographs on Hunter’s infamously abandoned laptop indicate he was at his father’s Wilmington residence on the day the text was sent.

Joe’s second home with six bedrooms was purchased on June 8, 2017 for $2,744,001, just seven weeks prior to his son’s extortion messages, according to property records.

No mortgage was recorded with the transaction, indicating that Joe purchased his second residence in cash.

The Sussex County recorder has no records of a mortgage on the Rehoboth Beach property before Joe and Jill opened a $250,000 secured line of credit in December of last year.

According to his tax returns from the time, he was beginning to earn significantly more than he had as Vice President, primarily from the sales of his memoir, Promise Me, Dad, and lucrative speaking engagements he and First Lady Jill Biden participated in.

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In 2017, the first year Joe was out of office after 36 years in the Senate and eight more as vice president, the couple reported an income of $11 million, and in 2018 they reported an additional $4.58 million.

Local news website Delaware Online reported at the time of Joe’s Rehoboth property purchase that it was purchased “using a portion of their advance from a multi-book deal.”

However, even if the money for the residence came from the $11 million he and Jill earned that year, according to their tax returns, there are still significant discrepancies in the President’s financial disclosures that remain inexplicable.

His IRS filings and his Office of Government Ethics disclosures for the same period differ by $5,2 million, according to a 2022 analysis.

Between 2017 and 2019, he and First Lady Jill Biden reported an aggregate income of $16.5 million on their federal tax returns, which were made public by the Biden campaign.

The overwhelming majority of their earnings came from their two companies, CelticCapri Corp and Giacoppa Corp, which they use for speaking and writing engagements.

However, in his filings with the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) for the same period, Joe reported only $9.6 million in income for himself and his wife.

Joe was required to file OGE reports as Vice President and in 2019 after announcing his candidacy for president.

A portion of the remaining approximately $7 million was comprised of wages earned by the First Lady from her teaching position at Northern Virginia Community College and a salary she paid herself from Giacoppa, neither of which were required to be reported to the OGE.

In contrast, a comparison between Joe’s reported income from CelticCapri on OGE reports and what he reported to the IRS reveals an unaccounted-for difference of nearly $5,180,071.

The figure is remarkably similar to the $5 million bribe allegedly paid to Joe by Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, according to information from a reliable FBI source.

During a meeting with Zlochevsky in 2016, the Ukrainian oligarch allegedly boasted about funneling $5 million to Hunter, who served on the Burisma board at the time, and Joe, via a complex network of offshore accounts, according to the 2020 report of an agent’s interview with the unnamed informant, which was released by Congress this year.

James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee and one of the key figures spearheading demands for Biden’s impeachment, has stated that the cash-only purchase of a residence is suspicious.

“The fact that Joe Biden purchased a luxurious beach house around the same time his family was receiving millions from a CCP-linked company raises many questions that need to be answered,” said Comer.

“The House Oversight Committee will continue to follow the money trail to determine the extent of President Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence-peddling schemes and its impact on our national security,” Comer added.

Senator Ron Johnson, who along with Senator Chuck Grassley spent years investigating Hunter’s dubious foreign business activities, stated that the transaction ‘highlights the necessity’ of obtaining the Bidens’ bank records.

“The corruption of the Biden crime family has been evident for years,” he said.

This is yet another piece of evidence that the majority of the mainstream media will likely ignore once again. It also highlights the necessity of obtaining the bank records of all Bidens who have benefited from Joe and Hunter’s illicit operations.

However, on Friday another bombshell dropped in the scandal.

The House Oversight Committee on that day published evidence that the President’s brother James Biden received a $200,000 loan from a healthcare company he was working for in March 2018 – and on the same day wrote a check for the same amount to Joe, designating it as a “loan repayment.”

It is the first evidence of significant direct payments to the President from Biden family members involved in shady international transactions, and it was obtained through a congressional subpoena of James and First Son Hunter Biden’s bank records.

After the check was revealed, former White House ethics attorney Richard Painter is demanding that Joe Biden provide evidence of a $200,000 loan to his brother, which was the readymade explanation given for the suspect direct payment.

The White House has denied that the President was ever ‘in business’ with his son. However, aides have recently ceased asserting that the two never discussed Hunter’s international activities.

The claims that Joe Biden ran an influence-peddling scheme with his brother James and his son Hunter Biden are still “unproven,” according to the report from the Daily Mail.

By Melinda Davies
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1 year ago

$2.75 million? this amount is peanuts compared to Obama’s buying 3 multi-million dollar mansions. Biden’s net worth before becoming VP was $300,000. of course, none of this money is from bribes and kickbacks. but Trump, he is the one that is a crook? gimme a break.

1 year ago

Joe is as honest as the earth is square!

1 year ago

Hey he has lian sharks in china, leave the RICO CRIMINAL alone will ya man!

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