Illegal Border Crossers in New York City to Receive Up to $10,000 Each

Illegal immigrants arriving in New York City are now receiving debit cards loaded with up to $10,000, as reported recently. This move has stirred controversy, with many denouncing it as sheer madness.

Is it any surprise that many of these individuals are drawn to the Big Apple? They’re already provided with complimentary hotel accommodations and meals. Why would they require an additional $10,000 per month?

Ever wondered how so many of these individuals manage to purchase motorized scooters? Well, wonder no more.

As reported by The New York Post:

Inside Mayor Adams’ migrant debit card boondoggle — no-bid bank gets $50 million, border crossers up to $10,000 each

It takes money to make money, as the old saying goes, and, apparently, it also takes money — as much as $53 million — to give money away.

Earlier this month, The Post broke the story that Mayor Adams is giving out pre-paid cash cards to migrants.

Unusually for the mayor, Adams didn’t publicize this story himself, and his administration has for nearly a month failed to correct several public misperceptions about it.

One misperception is that the program allows the city to give out just $50 million to migrants.

No wonder the mayor has been reticent.

This debit-card program — if you read the actual contract — has the potential to become an open-ended, multi-billion-dollar Bermuda Triangle of disappearing, untraceable cash, used for any purpose.

It will give migrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check, no restrictions and no fraud control.

This is absolutely insane. It’s only going to encourage more illegal immigration. Who wouldn’t want ten grand?

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By Hunter Fielding
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