House to Vote on Whether to Censure and Fine Adam Schiff for Russia-Trump Collusion Lies

U.S. House Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s (R-FL) resolution to censure and condemn U.S. House Rep. Adam Shiff (D-CA) is supposed to see a vote today.

The resolution also brings with it a $16 million dollar fine for Schiff for his role in his accused misleading the American people. The $16 million is half the cost of what the American taxpayers paid to fund the investigation into Trump-Russia collusion.

Many appear to be excited by the possibility that Schiff will be held accountable for his constant push that former President Donald Trump had colluded with Russia.

Rogan O’Handley (DC_Drano) shared on Twitter:

“Can’t sleep Too excited about Wednesday’s US House vote to censure Adam Schiff and fine him $16 million for his role in Russia collusion spying Make sure your GOP reps vote YES on this bill Thank you @RepLuna for having the courage to bring this to the House floor”

Lori Deers shared:

“Rep. Luna says House will vote to censure and fine Adam Schiff: ‘He’s gonna go down as a liar’ Who stands with Luna that wants to hold criminal Adam Schiff accountable”

Collin Rugg tweeted:

“BREAKING: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says the House will be voting to censure and fine Rep. Adam Schiff tomorrow for lying to the American people about Trump-Russia collusion. The move allegedly has the backing of Speaker Kevin McCarthy. “Tomorrow we will be taking the vote to censure him and potentially fine him… we are working on the bill right now.” “He is going to go down as a liar, as he should.”

Paulina Luna told Steve Bannon Tuesday that the vote to hold Schiff accountable should take place Wednesday night.

She filed the resolution after John Durham’s report was released in May. In the report, Durham slammed the FBI’s actions. He wrote that the Justice Department and the FBI “failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law.”

The report showed that those in charge of the investigation pushed forward when the evidence wasn’t there to support it.

Durham wrote in part, “Our investigation … revealed that senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor toward the information that they received, especially information received from politically affiliated persons and entities…”

“In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump’s political opponents. The Department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them before opening a full-scale investigation.”

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Schiff continually told the American public there was “plenty of evidence” claiming it was “more than circumstantial”. He even said that there was “direct evidence.” The Durham report confirms that this was not the case.

Paulina Luna wants Schiff held accountable for gaslighting the public and pushing a wasteful investigation and lying to Americans about former and possible future President Donald Trump. Schiff has been fundraising off of the GOP’s plans to hold him accountable, as we reported before:

By Hunter Fielding
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