Health Officials: ‘Explosion’ in Heart Attack Deaths Since mRNA Shot Rollout Is Just a ‘Coincidence’

Government health officials in the United States and the United Kingdom have declared that the “explosion” of soaring deaths and disabilities in the aftermath of the Covid mRNA vaccine rollout is just a “coincidence.”

Official government data shows a staggering spike in disabilities, autism, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and related deaths since early 2021.

Investigative journalist Steve Kirsch recently spoke with data expert Ed Dowd about the disturbing trend in the official records.

The two ultimately agreed that Covid injections are by far the most likely cause behind the alarming rise in disability data in the U.S. and the U.K.

“If we are wrong and there is a better explanation, why are all the health authorities silent?” Kirsch wrote in a recent piece about the subject.

Kirsch shared disability information from the FRED system to back his case.

Based on surveys, FRED data is reliable in that all the surveys it draws from are the same methodologically.

And they all clearly show a sudden spike in disability cases immediately following the rollout of the experimental shots.

Prior to the widespread public rollout of Covid jabs, the disability rate in the civilian labor force starting at age 16 was relatively stable.

After the rollout, however, cases spiked.

In the UK, disability data is directly measured based on disability insurance claims, Natural News reports.

This data likewise shows a spike in disability cases after the launch of Covid jabs in that region of the world.

“Unlike the U.S. FRED numbers, the UK numbers are directly measured because these are numbers of disability insurance claims,” Kirsch explains.

“Overall, the claims rate now has a Z-score >5 which means it is highly unlikely to be caused by normal statistical fluctuations.”

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Similarly, blood issues also spiked immediately after the launch of covid jabs. With a Z-score above 25, it is clear that this spike did not occur at random, but was specifically caused by something, that something is the obvious elephant in the room: Covid injections.

“We know from the U.S. insurance data that the #1 cause of these disabilities is ‘unknown’ because we all know that vaccines are safe and effective, don’t we ? ?” Kirsch joked.

You are unlikely to read about any of this elsewhere since the corporate-controlled media would never dare to peg covid jabs as the culprit in all this.

In fact, the media is remiss to even report on a spike in disabilities and blood issues, instead choosing to pretend as though everything is just fine and dandy in the public health world.

Unless Big Pharma or some other segment of the establishment cartel can profit in some way from reporting these truths, they will never even get reported in the first place.

And since this critical information puts the pharmaceutical industry in the crosshairs, it will be especially ignored and covered up by the powers that be.

“What changed is now they are moving toward the goals laid out in Agenda 21,” one commenter wrote.

“Who didn’t notice the way they took down the Georgia Guidestones?

“The insane-sounding rumors, banning gas stoves, watch the Best and Brightest push forward with big windmills and solar systems – everyone knows what garbage it all is.”

“But media and government just keep pushing it, all while claiming that men can get pregnant.

“A society forced to accept insanity is what we have become, and why many don’t see the jabs as dangerous.”

There is nothing safe or effective about Covid jabs – unless you mean that they effectively kill their recipients.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

So many reasons we have lost trust in all our institutions. Lying only works for a while. Eventually we wake all up. . .unless a heart attack kills us, of course.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  avlisk

People don’t all wake up, over 80% took these shots and boosters later. Bible gives examples judgements: Sodom and G., etc. many refused and were killed/cities judged destroyed. Eldest son dies as parents didn’t heed warnings Ex 12:23.

1 year ago

there are no co-inkydinks

Theresa SalazarBredin
Theresa SalazarBredin
1 year ago

Of course they will lie about coincidences, the jab is giving myocarditis to many people along with other health problems and death. They could take that shot and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago

When people can’t think for themselves (dimwits) and do anything gov. says then there are consequences w/those who take experimental vaccines. We have rights (civil rts title 7 right to religious exemptions) apparenty most don’t know rights about anything and think gov. owns them. Another ex: public schools teach perversion to kids, parents don’t care otherwise schools would empty out and teachers unemployed. I have cut ties w/ anywone who took shots or those w/kids in public schools/don’t want friends who lack common sense and decency. I’d rather be reclusive or with likeminded. Churches w/ hierarchies 501c3s are social centers and condone most anything;will not take a stand on vital issues.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

I agree with your post beginning with the public school part, but not the beginning. I don’t believe it’s helpful to blame victims – EVER. Those that took the ‘death jab’ did so either because they were coerced, threatened, or still trusted their government. As for the ‘death vax’ being experimental – the FDA approved it (grandfathered it in) way before it went through any legitimate testing – because of collusion with the rest of the government. And, not only was Civil Rights Title 7 totally ignored, but also the Nuremberg Code and the Hippocratic Oath – which every doctor takes prior to licensing.

Last edited 1 year ago by PithyKat
Laura Amm
Laura Amm
1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Agree on Nuremburg code and HIPAA privacy act. Employers have no right to ask medical Q to anyone. Best to cull out friends who trust gov. and do almost anything they say. We quit voting decades ago because of scandals. We trusted Reagan in the beginning, lost hope in all of them since. We are retired. Best to choose only likeminded friends now days. This gov. is without hope. Few patriots left to stand up. Maybe 2 percent of Americans.

1 year ago

Lying “Health Officials” – they’re failing in this effort to instill confidence back into the public but are instead, cementing our distrust.

Deborah Meadows
Deborah Meadows
1 year ago

My Friend is sitting in a Florida Prison now for 13 years when her sentence was 8 to 10. What was her crime ? She was curing all Cancers that came for her treatment. She had been invited to 3, 3rd world countries by their government to teach their Doctors her methods for curing Cancer, Autism, Parkinson’s and more.
When she returned to the USA at the Miami Airport waiting were about 30 Agents to arrest her and charged her with over 55 made up charges. Her family had to sell everything for her defense and when I say “Selling” they sold everything including house, car, furnishings and even their clothes for money to pay for her defense.. The money ran out and she took a plea.. But they lied on the Plea.. She should have been out 3 years ago.. But No she is not allowed out.. Part of her Cure was HCQ.. HCQ is cheap and no one is suppose to know what causes this epidemic of Cancers and other diseases that just popped up across the globe.. She knew most were given to the people through vaccines with Weaponized Parasites.. She figured it out.. Even stage 4 cancers she cured..
What got the attention of the Feds was when a man with stage 4 Lung Cancer who had already been through 3 full rounds of Chemo and radiation on top of it.. He heard about my Friend and went to her and she Cured him, he then turns around and sues his Oncologist for Fraud along with other things.. But that Man she saved destroyed her life. She had 2 children in Grade School, well they are grown now and she even had a grandchild now that she also missed.. All for the crime of Saving People’s Lives that were purposely targeted by their M.D. for the Kickback Money from Big Pharma for those shots.. Wake Up your Own Government is Killing Americans.. Wake Up…

1 year ago

Please share proof of her case

1 year ago

The article mentions the Georgia Guidestones.
Remember commandment # 1? 94% of the global population must die…

1 year ago

Jesus described our weakened condition in these end times and it will only get worse: “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
— Luke 21:26 (KJV)

Patti Loftin
Patti Loftin
1 year ago

My dear younger sister was quite healthy when she accepted the J&J one shot jab..her health started Deteriorating soon after..,less than 6mos, later, we are attending her funeral ….sure it is just a.coincidence.? Uh huh.,when these evi.doers are facing the Almighty God at their final judgement they will realize their eternal demise..,

1 year ago

I think if once in a while they’d throw some truth in something just to throw us off track but instead we get lie after lie after lie. they’re burying themselves and don’t need any help.

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