Donald Trump Indicted on Charges Related to 2020 Election Probe

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted on 4 federal counts.

DC Draino shared:

“President Trump has been indicted on 4 federal counts: Conspiracy to defraud the US Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding Conspiracy against Rights It is *very* important to note he was not charged with Seditious Conspiracy or Insurrection Those 2 charges, if convicted by a Leftist DC jury, would prohibit him from running in 2024 These charges are desperate acts from a desperate regime trying to do everything they can to stop the man that will hold them accountable in 2025”

MSNBC shared that Six unnamed co-defendants are listed on the indictment from the 2020 election probe.

“BREAKING: Six unnamed co-defendants have been listed alongside Donald Trump in the indictment from the 2020 election probe.”

The Trump campaign issued a statement on the indictment:

This is nothing more than the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024Presidential Election, in which President Trump is the undisputed frontrunner, and leading by substantial margins.

But why did they wait two and a half years to bring these fake charges, right in the middle of President Trump’s winning campaign for 2024? Why was it announced the day after the big Crooked Joe Biden scandal broke out from the Halls of Congress?

The answer is, election interference! The lawlessness of these persecutions of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the former Soviet Union, and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes. President Trump has always followed the law and the Constitution, with advice from many highly accomplished attorneys.

These un-American witch hunts will fail and President Trump will be re-elected to the White House so he can save our Country from the abuse, incompetence, and corruption that is running through the veins of our Country at levels never seen before.

Three years ago we had strong borders, energy independence, no inflation, and a great economy. Today, we are a nation in decline. President Trump will not be deterred by disgraceful and unprecedented political targeting!

It seems that the more the House GOP digs into possible Biden family criminal activity the hard the DOJ pushes against Trump.

This week the House GOP had former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer testify to members of Congress about Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s foreign business dealings. Archer shared that Hunter had his father on 20 phone calls that involved his foreign business.

Last week Hunter Biden had his sweetheart plea deal fall through the cracks.

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By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

Donald Trump Indicted for being a human being.

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