CDC Admits VAIDS Is Surging among Covid-Vaccinated

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted in a new report that cases of vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS) are surging among people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots.

The CDC published a study that found AIDS-like disorder was impacting staggering numbers of people, exclusively among those who had received the Covid injections.

Researchers believe the soaring numbers of VAIDS cases could be linked to spikes in other fatal health issues such as heart failure, strokes, and blood clots.

A study conducted by the CDC and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown that the risk of heart failure, particularly myocarditis, following mRNA Covid vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population.

This means COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.

The study, conducted by researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as from several U.S. universities and hospitals, examined the effects of vaccination with products manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

The study’s authors used data obtained from the CDC’s VAERS reporting system which were cross-checked to ensure they complied with the CDC’s definition of myocarditis; they also noted that given the passive nature of the VAERS system, the number of reported incidents is likely to be an underestimate of the extent of the phenomenon.

1626 cases of myocarditis were studied, and the results showed that the Pfizer-BioNTech product was most associated with higher risk, with 105.9 cases per million doses after the second vaccine shot in the 16 to 17 age group for males, and 70.7 cases per million doses after the second shot in the 12 to 15 age group for males.

The 18 to 24 male age group also saw significantly higher rates of myocarditis for both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s products (52.4 and 56.3 cases per million respectively).

The study found that the median time to symptom onset was two days and that 82 percent of cases were in males, consistent with previous studies.

Around 96 percent of affected people were hospitalized, with most treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; 87 percent of those hospitalized had resolution of symptoms by the time of discharge.

At the time of data review, two reports of death in people younger than 30 years of age with potential myocarditis still remained under investigation and were not included in the case counts.

Among the reported symptoms were: chest pain, pressure, or discomfort (89%), shortness of breath (30%), abnormal ECG results (72%), and abnormal cardiac MRI findings (72%).

The study’s authors noted that myocarditis following vaccination appeared to resolve more swiftly than in typical viral cases.

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However, given that vaccination is no longer considered a reliable way in which to avoid Covid infection, it is unclear whether this has any specific relevance to the cost-benefit analysis of COVID vaccination, especially considering the low risk of complications following coronavirus infection for the age group most at risk for heart-related complications following vaccination.

Given the plethora of studies confirming a link between vaccination and myocarditis, the CDC has commenced active surveillance of adolescents and young adults to monitor their progress following heart-related incidents after vaccination.

Long-term outcome data, however, are not yet available.

In the meantime, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology advise that people with myocarditis should refrain from competitive sports for three to six months, and only resume strenuous exercise after normal ECG and other test results are obtained.

In addition, they advise that further mRNA vaccine doses should be deferred.

In conclusion, the study’s authors note that the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.

This risk should be considered in the context of the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination, they warned.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

I warned all my friends and family of this very early on….had occasionally followed mRNA lab research results and knew it was a huge failure. Some listened to me, some did not. Covid was real…so is the Flu, and Covid and Flu had the SAME recovery rates. No need to roll out a failed and still experimental stage vaccine. The govt, CDC, AMA, NIH,etc. endangered lives by allowing the mRNA vax under the guise of a national “emergency”. So what happens to all those who have caused serious bodily injury and death? I still hear crickets chirping…..

1 year ago
Reply to  DSB

Covid-19 never existed, it waas all a Psy-Ops of FEAR! it stands for Certificate Of vaccination ID The 19 stands for A.I. or artificial intelligence. Those who got vaxxed and survive will become zombies when they activate the 5G specific EMS signal to release the nanotech and virus packs in their bodies triggering a worldwide zombie apocalypse. It’s how Satanists like to operate, in secrecy. PREPARE FOR MARBURG, 5G INDUCED ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE

When we least expect it, coming probably this March of 2024 with the staged alien invasion and martial law.

1 year ago

You ain’t seen nothing yet, and one of the French researchers who tried to warn everyone in 1996, well, he didn’t make it home to France, on TWA800. And the AEGIS Missile systems engineer (AI) didn’t make it to his “vacation”, on TWA800, after writing a rudimentary AI missile guidance package….

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
1 year ago

Get the shot now. We’ve been patient but Our patience is wearing thin
Says the braindead Leader.

1 year ago

I myself have tried numerous people including friends and family, none would listen to me. This is the crime of our lifetimes. People will die of ignorance.

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