Socialist Brazil Mandates Covid mRNA Injections for Babies

Leftist President Lula de Silva’s socialist regime has mandated Covid mRNA injections for all children, including babies.

The government is quite literally telling the population that they will starve if they do not inject themselves.

The latest tyrannical move comes as the far-left leader continues to further destroy the economy with socialist polices.

Brazil’s government announced the new rules for vaccinations with disturbing warnings for those who don’t comply.

Citizens have been told that they must inject their kids or lose welfare, Josh Sigurdson reports.

The President is quite literally telling the population that they will starve if they do not inject themselves with poison as he further destroys the economy and creates what one may call a “Hegelian Dialectic” of sorts.

Children as young as 6 months are now mandated.

Meanwhile, those who protest his government are swiftly arrested and forced vaccinated in jail.

The issue is terrifying countless Brazilians out of rallying.

News of this rule came as Lula da Silva entered office.

Many claimed there was no evidence the Covid injections would be included in the mandate.

However, it was all too obvious as the new fraudulently elected president was clearly trying to walk back literally anything former President Bolsonaro had done or said.

All the while, talk of vaccine mandates and mask mandates return all over the world as we see a new fake variant and so-called “White Lung Syndrome.”

Many places have already mandated masks again including parts of The United States, Canada, and Australia.

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By Hunter Fielding
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Joe Dyck
Joe Dyck
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