Bill Gates Unveils ‘Next Gen’ Vaccines that Bypass Public Consent

Bill Gates has unveiled the “next generation” of vaccines which he boasts can bypass the need for consent by vaccinating the general public without their knowledge.

Gates gloats that his new vaccines don’t require injections and give a far “longer duration and more coverage.”

According to Gates, the main advantage of his new vaccines and that most of the population won’t even “realize they are being vaccinated.”

“We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even things like Covid vaccines, we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage,” Gates told CNBC India during the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos, Switzerland.

“And we’re going to change instead of using a needle, to use a little patch.”


Next-generation Covid vaccines are not the only new vaccine being announced by the global elite at the World Economic Forum this week.

The comments from Gates come and the WEF makes preparations for the “next pandemic,” which they promise will soon be unleashed.

Gates and the WEF are joining forces to prime “Disease X” at the annual summit.

The new virus, which they vow will be “20 times more deadly than Covid,” is part of the globalists’ final push to strip all nations of the world of their sovereignty before President Donald Trump can return to power.

The move will officially usher in the WEF’s “Great Reset” agenda and install a single global government.

For those who have been paying attention, the emergence of Disease X closely mirrors the shadowy origins of the Covid pandemic, with Bill Gates, the WEF, and the WHO holding tabletop exercises.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media disseminates fake news and WEF founder Klaus Schwab pontificates about casualties.

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By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

These little patches are a great idea! It means that you can paint your shoulder with something impermeable and pretend to get your jab, then rip it off right away and go on with your life without being poisoned.

Michael Foster
Michael Foster
9 months ago

If the fools in congress would change the law so the people could sue big pharma for vaccine damage this shit would stop

Andrew T
Andrew T
9 months ago

How would the patch delivery system “bypass public consent”? The headline seems deliberately incorrect.

9 months ago
Reply to  Andrew T


Government and Corporate threats to Americans to take the fake vaxx or lose your job worked well to “bypass public consent” for several years. The F#@king DOJ and the Feral Courts did nothing to stop it either!

It will happen again.

Last edited 9 months ago by CharlieSeattle
9 months ago

He needs locking up, he is one sick bunny. God gave us all free will, does he not know what that means?

9 months ago
Reply to  cozmik

The superstition (i.e. “God”) takes away from your otherwise good point.

9 months ago
Reply to  Somebody

I believe you have it wrong. It’s superstition to believe there is no Creator of all things. Small minds think small thoughts and are easily fooled for lack of discernment. True, a belief of God(s) is also superstition like disbelief in the one God.

Jon B
Jon B
9 months ago
Reply to  Somebody

FAIL. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooo……….Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur

dave of oregon
dave of oregon
9 months ago

I don’t care who billy-gates-of-HELL thinks he is I should have tripped the sob back when he used to walk past my workbench at SRI. He was creepy then, and he is worse now.

9 months ago

This guy is freakin PURE EVIL. He also has made it into wafers…can you imagine getting communion at church?? Scares the cra* out of me!!

I do know there has to be a common ingredient in the Remdisivir and the jab as I have severe skin issues now (remdisivir) and a lot of other who got the jab have issues too. If anyone has input PLEASE let me know…thanks.

veto longwene
veto longwene
9 months ago
Reply to  NanaMonster

Remdisivir is POISON with no benefit. You should sue whoever poisoned you.

8 months ago
Reply to  veto longwene

in the Netherlands Patients who were short of breath due to corona and ended up in hospital were told that ventilation was needed and that death was possible. They were put on a ventilator and given remdeviser. Even though nurses told the doctor that remdiviser should not be administered, they were forced to do so by doctors. Few patients who underwent this treatment are still alive…

john killen
john killen
9 months ago

these psychopaths’ must be stopped

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
9 months ago

I think as part of the ‘general public’ I would notice a patch on my body, the person attempting to put it there would notice extreme pain.

The new virus, which they vow will be “20 times more deadly than Covid,”

As we all know the batclap didn’t kill many people, the cure did. So be it 20. 30, or 100 times more deadly is irrelevant.

9 months ago

Again, Gates is not a medical professional, for the US to allow this guy”, to be part of the genocide is equivalent to hitters associates in many ways.

These drugs are not vetted and not vetted for the appropriate amount of research timeline.

Wake up America and put gates either in jail or in a short rope.


Inspector Callaghan
Inspector Callaghan
9 months ago

Probably some sort of “stylish” thing you can wear on your right hand or forehead. Maybe something like this…

9 months ago

Oh Boy
Bill “gates of Hell” is speaking from the grave again???

& who the hell is the guy in that pic?

9 months ago

Bill Gates can go and rub himself with the rough end of a pineapple…

8 months ago

He is one of many elite devils, but the really good people are in the majority. And the majority says NO!

8 months ago

MY SISTER WAS HEALTHY,then she trusted the doctors and government,NOW she can’t talk or walk,ITS because all you COWARDS love these devils and PROTECT THEM WITH YOUR POLICE AND MILITARY,but thats ending,THEN YOU”LL BE ON YOUR OWN ,with no help from anyone..THIS will end BADLY for all of you,WAKE UP..WAKE UP,your being murdered by your hero’s,and WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN..OUR CHILDREN ARE TO,DON”T YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN???..ITS PASS TIME TO GET OUT THE ROPE….

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