Bill Gates Launches ‘Maggot Milk’ to Replace Dairy

Billionaire Bill Gates has launched a new product made from liquidized fly larvae dubbed “Maggot Milk” to replace dairy products in the food supply and supposedly “fight climate change.”

According to Gates, feeding the general public with “Maggot Milk” and other insect-based “foods” is essential for stopping so-called “global warming.”

The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots.

The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators.

“It’s got a very creamy mouthfeel,” the promotional video claims.


Gates and his allies in the ruling class argue that EntoMilk should replace traditional dairy milk because farming allegedly destroys the planet.

“The world needs alternatives to survive,” the promo claims.

“Insects are vital for the future of food because they require very little land and they don’t damage the environment like livestock.

“They don’t produce greenhouse gases,” the promo said.

The comments on the video say it all.

Most humans are appalled and disgusted at the idea of eating bugs, and there’s a reason for that.

The human body isn’t meant to consume bugs in large quantities, which is why most have a gag reflex just thinking about drinking maggots.

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This is going to be a tough sell to most of the human population, but they have successfully brainwashed many into believing it’s the only way to save the planet.

Is Bill Gates planning to drink this bug juice? Not likely.

Only the slave class will be forced to forgo meat and dairy while the rulers eat whatever they want.

This bug milk news comes amid growing calls for Gates’s totalitarian allies at the World Economic Forum (WEF) to begin replacing meat and dairy products with insect-based “foods.”

As Slay News reported, the WEF is demanding that the governments of “sovereign” nations begin “reinventing” the food supply by replacing meat and dairy with insect-based and lab-grown products.

By Hunter Fielding
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3 months ago

Mankind has been farming since…well…the beginning. Did it destroy the earth?
We need to think twice before we believe health advice from insane megalomaniacs who wish to “thin the herd,” and depopulate the earth. They plan our future, and speak of us as if we’re their livestock to manage!
Supranational organizations like the WEF are unelected, and are pushing toward a future that ONLY benefits them!
Humanity needs to wake up from its trance.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
3 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

I agree with you completely. But remember, over the last few decades, the huge industrial farming industries have almost completely replaced the pastoral tenders of the land. Their rapacious methods of “farming” and “ranching” have completely destroyed the land, and the crops raised thereon, leaving devastation that can only be offset by the use of chemical substitutes for what the farmers had the knowledge to provide naturally.

But still, as someone else mentioned, is Bill Gates going to drink this stuff? Is he going to give it to his children and grandchildren? Not likely, in my opinion, any more than he or any member of his family has “rolled up their sleeves” to accept the poisons available for injection. These “solutions” are only for the common people.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
3 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Not until the crazy leftists began their intentional destruction of the soil air and water with all their toxins.

3 months ago

These uber richies are intent on controlling us and getting rid of the vast majority of us. They want to kill us by making us eat and drink artificial and insect based foods but first I suggest they be the ones who demonstrate the benefits of those food items by being forced to only have a diet of those foodstuffs. It’s a great way to either shut them up or remove them permanently as the nuisances they are.

3 months ago

Bill Gates is the worst combination: a rich, insane, unelected, entitled tyrant with a platform (MSM).

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
3 months ago

Bill Gates is welcome to his bugs, he can share with Klaus Schwab!

Robert P
Robert P
3 months ago


Annoying Truther
Annoying Truther
3 months ago

Ewwwwww!!! It will be a cold day in hell before I even look at this crap. I hope the maggot milk kills Gates if he actually drinks it. I think the world would be better off if someone fed Gates to a bunch of bugs. African Driver Ants comes to mind. Just tie the SOB up and lay him in the path of a colony.

Patti Fulcher
Patti Fulcher
3 months ago

He’s the only “maggot” that I know of.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
3 months ago

A maggot promoting maggot milk. Think of all the inventors and creators over the last two thousand years. Is this the best the human race can offer?

3 months ago

Magot Milk developed by THE Master Maggot, GATES. I want him LOCKED up and jabbed and boostered and fed all these fake foods and substitutes for the rest of his life!

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