Bill Gates ‘Hopes’ Humans Will Be ‘Controlled’ by AI

Bill Gates has revealed that he “hopes” artificial intelligence (AI) will soon “dominate” and “control” the human race.

According to Gates, one of society’s biggest problems is individual thought, which he claims could be “solved” by surrendering all control to “emotionless AI.”

Gates argues that allowing people to express their own personal views is a “super bad thing” because it “breaks democracy.”

The tech billionaire made the call in a recent episode of his podcast “Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates” while speaking with his guest Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI.

Gates controversially delved into the potential of AI as a tool for saving “democracy” and promoting world peace.

The conversation explored the idea of using artificial intelligence as an instrument to foster unity in society, enhance global amity, and help overcome geopolitical polarization.

Microsoft, founded by Gates, and OpenAI, whose CEO Altman is currently working closely with Microsoft, are promoters of using AI to solve global issues.

Gates spoke excitedly on the topic: “I do think AI, in the best case, can help us with some hard problems…

“Including ‘polarization’ because potentially that breaks democracy and that would be a super bad thing.”

In addition to resolving polarization, the two heavyweights also discussed the notion of AI potentially acting as a peacemaking tool.

Gates said, “Whether AI can help us go to war less, be less polarized; you’d think as you drive intelligence…

“I’d love to have people working on the hardest human problems, like whether we get along with each other.

“I think that would be extremely positive if we thought the AI could contribute to humans getting along with each other.”

Sam Altman responded positively to Gates’s vision, stating: “We’ve got to find out and see, but I’m very optimistic.

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“I agree with you, what a contribution that would be.”

“If the key is to stop the entire world from doing something dangerous, you’d almost want global government, which today for many issues, like climate, terrorism, we see that it’s hard for us to cooperate,” Gates said when the topic came to global issues like nuclear.

On the topic of polarization, Altman and Gates lamented that the government, they allege, didn’t act on social media “polarization,” but hoped that there would be potential with AI.

“I don’t understand why the government was not able to be more effective around social media, but it seems worth trying to understand as a case study for what they’re going to go through now with AI,” Altman added.

The discussion notably omits a critical aspect: the influence of the programmers’ own beliefs and principles on the AI’s functioning.

The designers and developers of AI systems inherently embed their own ideas about democracy, free speech, and governance into the AI’s algorithms.

This raises significant concerns about the impact of these personal biases on the AI’s neutrality and its ability to make fair, unbiased decisions.

The prospect of AI systems being programmed with particular ideologies could have profound implications for free speech.

If an AI is designed to favor certain political or social viewpoints, (excluding those it decides are “polarizing”) it could potentially suppress opposing perspectives, leading to a form of digital censorship.

This becomes especially concerning in the context of AI platforms that manage large-scale public discourse, such as social media algorithms or news aggregation tools.

The power to subtly shape public opinion and control the narrative on critical issues could be an unintended consequence of AI programmed with specific democratic ideals.

Or perhaps that’s the intention all along.

By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

Bill is Dead , so who ever created this drival is a MORON!

9 months ago

He underestimates the resolve of us humans. We will annihilate elites who work to eliminate what makes us human. Let him deal with that!

9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

I respectfully disagree. We’ve already lost, most just don’t know it yet or wont accept it.

Minutemen in the woods can’t save us this time, and considering the entire world is much like Sodom and Gomorrah, I wouldn’t expect Divine intervention to help us either.

The End is very near now.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

No, “we” won’t, that’s neither in our power now, nor is it our job. That task is reserved for Jesus at Har Megiddo! Only He can judge rightly to condemnation!

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

We as THINKING human beings absolutely have the RIGHT to stop EVIL being done to us. We do NOT have to just stupidly stand by while our children and families are putting death by these monsters. In case you haven’t realized it yet…THEY WANT US DEAD BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Gates is a depopulation tyrant, as are all the globalists.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Michel

I’m very aware of that. I also am very aware Yhwh God is still in total control, and of His unfolding plan. I further know if you and yours are not yet His by personal commitment, you may have to choose to do exactly that, or, by default, select eternity in the lake of fire! It is not our place to judge any to condemnation. We may defend ourselves from attacks, but no more

9 months ago

Elite Leftists, saving “democracy!” We all know what that means. Saving Communism, with top-down, centralized decision-making. Some call it tyranny. Now, Gates foresees Leftist programmed AI as King and Wizard and Executioner!
We all know this megalomaniac will use AI as a weapon against us unruly citizens who choose “human thought.”
Many have tried to predict a future ruled by autonomous machines. Books and films depict AI Robots gone wild. I think the fiction writers haven’t come close to the nightmare we’re creating. A tyrant of flesh and blood is bad. Imagine the “authority” over everything given to soulless, Communist controlled Elite tyrants. I don’t Think we CAN imagine such a dystopian future.
I hope my imagination is wrong!

9 months ago

Maybe AI can start by taking that megalomaniac mofo out! The would would be MUCH more peaceful without him and his disgusting globalist buddies.

9 months ago

““I don’t understand why the government was not able to be more effective around social media, but it seems worth trying to understand as a case study for what they’re going to go through now with AI,” Altman added.”” and these 2 idiots are the ones that society gives merit? Do people realize that somebody can be brilliant at one thing and dumb as a bag of hammers in all other things? Gates is just stupid but w/ money. He stole someone else’s idea. The AI guy is a Communist jack*zz.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago

So he WANTS HAL and Skynet. Has he forgotten the current iteration was threatening users by day 2 in use, too???

9 months ago

He can ‘hope’ all he wants – from what I’ve experienced with robots, there are NO fears that this will ever happen – particularly because they’d first have to be made at least EQUAL to humans in all respects, then, made even better and stronger. Impossible with the crew we’ve got at the helm now… Wonder if a shot to the head works the same on tin men?

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