Ana Navarro Chokes Up on ‘The View’ While Describing Joe Biden’s Relationship With ‘His Son’ Hunter Biden

A clip from ABC’s “The View” shows co-host Ana Navarro choking up while describing Joe Biden’s relationship with “his son” Hunter Biden.

Navarro can be seen saying, “The Hunter Biden story, the scandal, the this, the that, it’s also the story of a father’s love.”

“Joe Biden has never and will never give up on his son Hunter and will never treat him lesser than. He is a father first. Take it or leave it,” Navarro declared.

Collin Rugg shared the clip on Twitter from Charlie Kirk and surmised, “This is how the propaganda state media covers for their dear leader.”

“The laptop story is not about a ‘father’s love.’ It’s a story about the most corrupt family in modern US history,” Rugg insisted.

One Twitter user responded to the clip, “People that watch The View should not be voting” to which Rugg replied with a laughing face emoji.

U.S. House Rep Darrell Issa (R-CA) has been hitting Biden hard recently in regard to the situation.

A tweet from Issa went viral yesterday as he reported that, “Joe Biden has officially lawyered up. This is what a real scandal looks like.”

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Issa previously announced that “Hunter pleading guilty to tax evasion is only the first crack in the Biden corruption cover-up.”

By Liam Donovan
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