America’s Meat Industry Begins Shift to Insect-Based ‘Foods’

America’s meat industry is now making a major shift away from traditional products to focus heavily on insect-based “foods.”

The largest poultry and meat producer in the United States is delving into so-called “insect proteins.”

Tyson Foods, known mostly for its chicken, beef, and pork products, is partnering with a Dutch firm called Protix.

Protix raises bugs to convert and manufacture their “proteins” into “food,” first in animal feed and eventually in “food” for the human population.

The news comes as the globalist organization the World Economic Forum (WEF) demands that the general public must switch to eating insects to “save the planet” from “climate change.”

According to a company announcement, Tyson has agreed to build a giant bug processing and manufacturing facility in the United States with Protix’s help.

The facility will mass-produce insects for the American market in order to “reduce the burden on the planet.”

The new Tyson factory will manufacture what are known as black soldier flies as food.

These flies will be fed the feces from other animals – flies love poop, after all – bulking them up so they can then be ground up and turned into “food” for poultry, fish, and even household pets.

“They can grow on almost every type of food waste and byproduct you can imagine,” says Kees Aarts, the CEO of Protix, about black soldier flies.

In a separate statement, John Tyson, the current CEO of Tyson Foods, suggested that this new partnership with Protix is merely “an extension of our existing business.”

In Tyson’s view, adding ground-up black soldier flies to animal feed will bring about “really attractive growth characteristics that would accelerate Tyson.”

By the end of the current decade, some experts expect that demand for edible bugs and insects will reach nearly half a million metric tons per year. Currently, demand for “insect proteins” is only around 10,000 metric tons, according to a 2021 report by Rabobank.

If the “greenies” get their wish and their message spreads to persuade a critical mass of the public that “insect proteins” are real food, then the growth of this particular market sector is expected to reach “an exponential speed.”

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“Today, we’re focused on more of [an] ingredient application with insect protein than we are a consumer application,” Tyson is further quoted as saying.

Though Tyson does not currently manufacture pet food in any form, it does sell its animal byproducts for use in both pet food and the aquaculture market, which feeds fish.

“Byproducts like animal fats, hides and inedible proteins, if not used or reduced, can end up in landfills,” one report explains about how reusing these byproducts rather than just throwing them away is helping to conserve resources.

This is all good and fine, but it is a whole different animal for Tyson and Protix to commercialize the mass production of bugs, which they are doing under the guise that these products will only be for animals.

Sure, they will only be for animals in the beginning. Eventually, though, Klaus Schwab and his ilk will blackmail the politicians, as they continue to do on various other issues, to legalize the use of “insect protein” in human food – you just watch.

“One feature of being in the animal protein business is having to figure out … how to derive value from” waste, Tyson added about his company’s pivot into the “insect proteins” business.

As usual, the lying media continues to spread falsehoods about how raising animals and eating them like humanity has done since pretty much the beginning of time is somehow bad for the planet – but large-scale bug production facilities are great for the environment, apparently.

By Hunter Fielding
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Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago

With a few narrow exceptions, insects have been on the list of banned foods for human consumption, since “forever”, as they should be. Yhwh God told humans to include meat in our diets, since Noah’s flood for good reason. I’ll stick with His wisdom on this, since He created us (who would know better what our nutritional needs and digestive absorption capabilities are?). Bugs carry pathogens frequently too (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites) which can and often do transfer to humans. On top of that, just the “yuck” factor is reason enough to say no!

Wake up-the earth is a farm
Wake up-the earth is a farm
8 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Really? Because you read it in a book? LOL!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago

More than 1 book, in fact; some of which were medical professional’ books, and journals.

8 months ago

Looks like my business with Tyson may soon end.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
8 months ago
Reply to  tjwindy

I’m already cutting back on Tyson by about 50%

8 months ago

When folks stop buying and ingesting meat, the WHO/WEF murderers will have accomplished their goal of somehow, someway relating this to what, saving the planet? But if folks stop buying and ingesting meat, Tyson will go down not the people. Funny thing is – the largest animals on this planet are vegetarians! Doesn’t seem to bother them in any way – I’ve been one for about 16 years now mainly for philosophical reasons and wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m also assuming the USDA is going to have pictures of what bugs you’ll find in which meat… yeah, right. Our government is as crooked as they get.

8 months ago

No Fkin Way!

Peter Halligan
Peter Halligan
8 months ago

I wonder how many will care – if the meat looks and taste like meat
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Bernard Hassan
Bernard Hassan
8 months ago

I see Tyson is rushing along in an EV. That’s proving a flash in the pan. Too many “bugs”in the operation. I will not be purchasing ANY Tyson products in the future. The ardent followers of Nazis like Soros, Schwab and Clinton are welcome to gorge themelves on my share, but I suspect they’ll be chowing down on ribeye and filet mignon, not roaches. Eating roaches would be cannibalism on their part, after all.. ,

Robert P
Robert P
8 months ago


Between Three Centuries
Between Three Centuries
8 months ago

The whole world is going to die from global warming because Cows eat only vegetables, and fart methane gas just like Vegans.

8 months ago

Actually in reality, cows don’t fart but people surely do. If you’re human, you fart well, the demoncrats don’t, but everyone else does.

8 months ago

No one will eat that garbage!

8 months ago

I would rather starve than eat bugs that carry all sorts of bacteria… especially flies! YUCK!!

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