Alert Issued: ‘One World Government Coming Our Way’

A world-renowned expert has just issued an emergency alert to the public to warn that a “one world government is coming our way.”

Unelected globalist elites are plotting to usher in a new more deadly pandemic that will force in a new single authority that will rule over once-sovereign nations.

“The next pandemic is not a matter of if but of when,” says WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Klaus Schwab, the WEF, and the so-called global elites gathered for a 5-day annual meeting in Davos from January 15-19.

One of the topics on their agenda that raised some eyeballs was “Preparing for Disease X.”

COVID has been reported, although likely inflated, to have claimed approximately 7 million lives worldwide, but “Disease X,” on the other hand, they warn, “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

Dr. McCullough Responds

“The first question we’d ask is, well, how do they know?” contested esteemed cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough on Real America’s Voice.

“We know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus came out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Probably the next biological threat — there’s manuscripts published on this — again, will come out of these biolabs,” he added.


As such, Dr. McCullough argued, “Shouldn’t we shut down these dangerous biological programs so we don’t have another worldwide disaster?”

However, he claimed, “They [WHO and WEF] are dreaming about more vaccines, antibodies, therapeutics, and worldwide control based on Disease X, as opposed to eliminating Disease X or any potential biological threat that could come our way.”

Why is that? “The short answer is,” Dr. McCullough says, “there’s too much money in it.

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“The money now in this biological threat countermeasure world is enormous,” he continued.

“We found that out with COVID-19, and we see all kinds of runaway programs. Moderna has 31 messenger RNA vaccines — 31,” Dr. McCullough stressed.

“The first sets of messenger RNA vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, have not turned out well at all.

“They didn’t stop Covid, and they haven’t been proven to be safe. 31 [messenger RNA shots] coming our way now …

“So this biopharmaceutical complex that’s formed has really figured out how to run the table.”

On the topic of Disease X, Dr. McCullough was asked, “How much of this is just a power grab by big pharma and globalists?”

I think it is a power grab,” he answered.

“Look at what happened with COVID, then right into respiratory syncytial virus, right into Disease X, and it doesn’t stop there.

“A climate crisis by which all kinds of things are happening.”

Dr. McCullough added that farmer protests are sweeping across Europe because farmers are fed with crippling policies based on “a theoretical climate crisis.”

“This is all,” Dr. McCullough thinks, “prima facie evidence that we see a worldwide power grab going on — one-world government coming our way.”

By Hunter Fielding
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Brenda Dixon-Hines
Brenda Dixon-Hines
11 months ago

Well Biden won’t be “bringing it ” here since he has been Proven to be old, decrepit and his mind is shot! Whose going to listen to him!!

11 months ago

Biden was “chosen” for this reason…
so we would think planned destruction is only bumbling incompetence!
Quit falling for it. The people “running” Biden ARE NOT old, decrepit fools. They’re devious and determined!

11 months ago

Do you really think that Biden is the only one involved in the current government?

11 months ago

Please WAKE UP!
When megalomaniacs like Bill Gates and the WEF Monsters tell you they are depopulating the planet…THEY AREN’T KIDDING! Listen.
Of course THE PURPOSE of the COVID JAB was “Sudden Death!” It was a feature, not a side-effect.
We’re allowing this group of Elites to kill us wholesale! Please awaken, America!

11 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

And after people wake up, then what happens?

11 months ago

Bolshevism on a world wide scale…they eliminated 70 million Russian Christians with their Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and they, you know who loved it so much that they want to do it to the whole world…They even wrote about it in one of their magazines in 1920 that what they did to Russia they will be doing to the whole world

11 months ago

Made in a LAB & put in a JAB , Stay away from ALL needles , FACT

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
11 months ago

Dr. McCullough Warns of a one-world government.

I hope he has more success than I’ve had for the past twenty-odd years trying to warn people what’s going on at Davos meetings. People are still sleepwalking into oblivion.

11 months ago

Blackmail! The WHO with the cooperation of biolabs most likely have the disease developed in one or more locations, and a cure in case some of the elite get it. Threatening to murder millions or billions of people should be a crime punishable by death – immediately, but who will do it?

11 months ago

Nope, there won’t be.

I’m still alive.


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