1 Million Vaxxed UK Citizens Have Now Died

According to official government data, 1 million UK citizens have now died after receiving their Covid mRNA shots.

The data shows that over the past two years, vaccinated Brits have suffered an alarming number of deaths compared to the unvaccinated population.

This comes even though approximately 30% of the population has not even had a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the UK Government department known as the UK Health Agency (UKHSA), by 3rd July 2022, 18.9 million people had refused the first dose of the COVID-19 injection, 21.5 million people had refused the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 injection, alongside 2.6 million people who had received the first dose.

Still, they refused the second, and 30.4 million people had refused the third dose of the Covid-19 injection alongside 8.9 million people who had received the second dose but refused the third.

According to the UKHSA’s figures, 63.4 million people were eligible for vaccination at this point. Therefore, 18.9 million people refused the COVID-19 vaccine in England and remained completely unvaccinated.

But on top of this, a further 2.6 million refused a second dose, meaning 21.5 million people were not double vaccinated, and 8.9 million people refused a third dose, meaning 30.4 million people were not triple vaccinated.

Here’s how those figures equate in terms of percentages:

In July 2022, thirty per cent of the population of England remained completely unvaccinated.

34% of the population of England were not double vaccinated, and 50% of the population were not triple vaccinated.

However, as is shown in the following chart, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95% of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023, while the unvaccinated population accounted for just 5%.

But it’s the fact that these deaths aren’t among the one-dose and two-dose vaccinated population that is truly horrifying.

The vast majority are among the 4x vaccinated, with this population accounting for 80% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83% of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated.

So with that being said, the following figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in their ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status’ dataset, which can be found on the ONS website here, or downloaded here make for even more horrifying reading.

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The following graphs show all-cause deaths by vaccination status between July 1st 2021 and May 31st 2023 by age group.

Each graph can be expanded by clicking on it to see the figures more clearly.

The unvaccinated deaths are shown first in each age group and the vaccinated deaths are shown next in each age group.

But you don’t even need to zoom in to see the horrendous difference in deaths by vaccination status:

Between July and September 2021, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 70 to 79-year-olds in August with 676 deaths.

The highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among the 80 to 89-year-olds in September 2021 with a shocking 13,294 deaths.

Between October and December 2021, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 80 to 89-year-olds in December with 776 deaths.

The highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among the 80 to 89-year-olds in December 2021 with a shocking 16,171 deaths.

Between January and March 2022, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 70 to 79-year-olds in January with 776 deaths.

The highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among the 80 to 89-year-olds in January 2022 with a shocking 15,948 deaths.

Between April and June 2022, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 80 to 89-year-olds in April with 500 deaths.

The highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 80 to 89-year-olds in April 2022 with a shocking 14,902 deaths.

Between January and March 2023, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 80 to 89-year-olds in January 2023 with 551 deaths.

The highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among the 80 to 89-year-olds in January 2023 with a shocking 18,297 deaths.

Between April and May 2023, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 70 to 79-year-olds in May 2023 with 405 deaths.

The highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 80 to 89-year-olds in April 2023 with a shocking 13,713 deaths.

What’s extremely concerning about these official figures is that the vaccinated surpass the unvaccinated by far in terms of death in every single age group since July 2021, despite the fact that 30% of the population have not even had a COVID-19 injection.

So much so, that there were 965,609 deaths among the vaccinated compared to just 60,903 deaths among the unvaccinated between July 2021 and May 2023.

Meaning there was a grand total of 1,026,512 deaths in England during this period and the vaccinated accounted for 94% of them, whereas the unvaccinated accounted for just 6% of them.

This more suggests that the Covid-19 injections are deadly, and prove that they are killing people.

And we can be certain that COVID-19 Vaccination greatly increases mortality.

So when will the governments discontinue their use?

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

Moderna, Pfizer and several members of the US and UK governments should be prosecuted for mass murder

10 months ago

Apparently a culling of those who are unshakably obedient to authority. A biblical winnowing of the wheat from the chaff. The ultimate battle will be between the evil overlords and the “wheat” unimpeded by the “chaff”

“Humanity is asleep, concerned only with what is useless, living in a wrong world…. Do not prattle before the People of the Path, rather consume yourself. You have an inverted knowledge and religion if you are upside down in relation to Reality. Man is wrapping his net around himself. A lion (the man of the Way) bursts his cage asunder.” 
– The Sufi Master Sanai, teacher of Rumi, in The Walled Garden of Truth (1131 C.E.)

10 months ago

Killing slowly but steadily, my guess is as planned…

10 months ago

Gates said vaccines could reduce the population by 15% – turbo cancers, extrapolate the VAERS death count – they should get there.

These fascist’s largest group of victims are their collaborators. That’s the good news. Better news is if they wake up and take out the trash.

10 months ago

As planned!

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
10 months ago

Vaxxed? I never even had a test. I tried to warn people and for my efforts, I was called everything from an anti-vaxxer to a granny/child killer’, so my empathy for anyone suffering from the effects of the jab is, shall we say, pretty minimal.
My anger is directed at those who pushed it, telling us ‘to follow the science’ while using dodgy modelling, always taking the worst-case scenario and shutting down anyone who disagreed with them to make policy.
They are doing exactly the same with ‘global boiling’ because more people eventually caught onto the vax scam. Expect a greater push towards the globalist parasites’ agenda in 2024, they know a Trump Presidency will slow them down. Perhaps a financial or internet crash is planned, maybe even WW3, I would put nothing past these satanic bar stewards.

10 months ago

…but, …But, …BUT! For every million that the Clot Shot killed, it saved 1,000!

10 months ago

1 million died but 1000 were saved!

Last edited 10 months ago by CharlieSeattle
Mr Jones
Mr Jones
10 months ago

With all the great articles like this on, half the Western world still doesn’t get it.

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