Journalist Who Exposed WEF Reported Missing, Feared Dead

A celebrated investigative journalist who has raised the alarm about the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the global elite has been reported missing, according to reports.

Janet Ossebaard, who produced the acclaimed documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal,” is feared to have died.

Stop World Control has reported:

“Janet Ossebaard is missing and possibly committed suicide.”

“It is with deep sadness that we must inform you that our good friend Janet Ossebaard has been missing for several weeks.

“I share this with the approval of Cyntha Koeter, (her partner) with whom we are in close contact.

“For quite some time Janet was not doing well, and she left a few weeks ago with the message that she was going to take her own life.”

The announcement from Stop World Control continues below:

In our opinion, Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter have made one of the greatest contributions to the Great Awakening, with the production of their groundbreaking docuseries THE FALL OF THE CABAL.

In this series of highly revealing documentaries, they expose the satanic elites, who pull the strings of all governments and major corporations behind the scenes.

They do this with a level of clarity, accuracy, and depth previously unheard of.

They were inspired in 2017 by the military operation called Q, which called people worldwide to investigate and expose the extreme crimes of these elites.

See the short video below that summarizes what Q stands for:

Janet and Cyntha took the instruction to expose the elites and wake up humanity very seriously and produced dozens of short documentaries.

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Janet is an award-winning journalist and linguist and Cyntha is a former police detective.

So they had a lot of experience with in-depth investigations.

The powerful documentary series The Fall of the Cabal explains how everything in our world is deception, and how we are all being lied to by an extremely wealthy and very satanic group of people who are subtly manipulating humanity.

This was always dismissed as a conspiracy theory, but these two ladies presented thousands of proofs – irrefutable, verifiable, and extremely carefully documented.

Their purpose was to awaken humanity so that there would be an unprecedented unmasking of this evil, and humanity would join hands to build a better world together, without these evil elites.

The series exposed powerful global elites, such as those behind the globalist World Economic Forum.

Their documentaries were watched by many millions worldwide on YouTube until they were censored.

They moved to Bitchute and Telegram where they continued their mission.

Few people have done humanity as great a service as Janet and Cyntha, as their documentaries have activated millions of other researchers to do the same.

Unfortunately, Janet had been suffering from emotional exhaustion, and in recent months everything became too much for her.

Especially after yet another forced move, she went into a downward spiral.

Two weeks ago she left, without money, without any possessions, without her dog, saying she was going to end her life. Nobody has heard from her since.

We are trying to support Cyntha Koeter as best we can.

If Janet is still alive, we pray that she finds peace and hope and knows that there are millions of fellow warriors worldwide who love her and are ready to support her.

We ask your prayers for both Janet and Cyntha.

If you can make a financial contribution to help Cyntha during this difficult time, please do so generously.

They have always been struggling financially since being censored, which added to the ongoing pressure.

By Hunter Fielding
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Al Johnson
Al Johnson
10 months ago

Sadly, this video is now obsolete. While the tide may appear to be turning at times, the Cabal has been planning in depth for many decades and every time we see them set back, they inject a counter move that takes them forward. For example, when the host of COP28 said that global warming is a hoax, the next day we get a headline that Trudeau has agreed with the EU to impose digitalIDs on all Canadians. digitalIDs are the first step to total tyranny, and will be followed by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) which will eliminate cash and other means of exchange, including gold, silver and barter. Billions of people must reject digitalIDs and CBDCs to defeat the cabal, but the very real conveniences of using them is likely to appeal to the ignorant masses while the MSM blots out the negatives of becoming slaves to the state, which will have no compunctions about mass murdering people.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
10 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

You hit the nail right on the head, especially ‘that too many people find CBDC convenient’ it’s been great advertising and people are falling for it. I find they are making cash payments very difficult to use as well in some instances.
I reach the age of 70 tomorrow and will fight them with noncompliance (the only way I have left now) every day until the end.

10 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

If it were a punishable law to lie, many folks who like the idea (i.e., buy into the marketing/propaganda bullshyt), may change their mind when truth is offered instead. But that’s not what happens – ever.

10 months ago

Seems to me ,I remember her saying not long ago.
That she would never commit suicide, not even a thought in her head!

Another DEEPSTATE HIT, way to go white hats.


John Acord
John Acord
10 months ago

KIllery’s hit squad is being called into action once again. whois next on th elist?

Andrew Borg
Andrew Borg
10 months ago

Planet frequency is rising. Many elites cannot stand this. RIP Janet we continue in other dimensions. Thks for your courage.

10 months ago

the WEF speaks openly about grand larceny, population control that requires genocide to achieve. Yet if we were to suggest that the real and open threat should be taken out with extreme prejudice, then we could be charged with a crime.

Our politicians work with genocidal unelected thugs and there needs to be a chorus – to jail or to the grave. Unlike them I am prepared to give them a day in court.

10 months ago
Reply to  ricco


IF you can’t fulfill that moto, your already DEAD!

Courageous Lion
Courageous Lion
10 months ago
Reply to  ricco

This is a very good reason we need the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment back in force and effect. NECESSARY SECURITY

10 months ago

If you find my chopped up body in the microwave, please don’t believe the suicide note.

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