Elon Musk Slams Harsh Prison Sentence Dealt to Twitter Troll Who Mocked Hillary Voters

Douglass Mackey, a famous “Twitter troll,” was handed a jail term of seven months on Wednesday.

The conservative pundit had expressed his intention to pursue an appeal, since the conviction is clearly lacking in merit and proportionality.

Mackey was found guilty on one charge of conspiring with accomplices to disrupt the 2016 presidential election, as he disseminated satirical adverts through his Twitter account, which facetiously aimed to persuade supporters of Clinton to cast their votes by text messaging.

The meme suggests the concept of remote voting. Please send a text message including the word “Hillary” to the phone number 59925, it jested.

The punishment of seven months in prison was handed down by U.S. District Judge Ann M. Donnelly, who characterized the alleged conspiracy as an egregious attack on the democratic principles of our nation.

This case is indeed concerning as it involves the prosecution of individuals for their satirical political speech.

Elon Musk, the proprietor of X, expressed strong criticism against the government’s pursuit of Mackey, employing a vehement and scathing rhetoric. Additionally, he highlighted the discrepancy in the handling of this particular situation in comparison to the issue with the Hunter Biden laptop.

Musk observed that Mackey’s activities “had no material impact on the election.”

“What prison sentences were given out to those who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop information? That *did* have a material impact on the election,” he added.

The validity of his claim is supported by surveys conducted last year that indicated a significant number of voters believed that the outcome of the election could have been altered if there was greater awareness of the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop.

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However, no repercussions have been meted out thus far in relation to the voter suppression, election meddling, or the well-known letter released by the 51 former intelligence officers.

By Melinda Davies
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11 months ago

Badmouthing a competitor is nothing new nor is it against the law unless it reaches a slanderous level. Politicians have used this tactic ad nauseam – for maybe ever so why aren’t they jailed? What the hell is happening to our so-called ‘justice’ system – perhaps they’re all on crack, cocaine, and fentanyl. Seems their priority is to rid America of its Constitution and Bill of Rights…

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