U.S Food Supply to Be Spiked with mRNA Vaccines

Americans will soon be consuming meat products that have been spiked with experimental mRNA vaccines.

The U.S. food supply will be contaminated with products from animals that have been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.

An Israeli company has just raised $8.25 million from a group of venture capitalists to start administering oral, RNA-based “vaccine” drugs to the marine life food chain.

Since shrimp are bottom feeders, everything that eats them, including humans, will end up intaking these RNA chemicals through the muscle tissue, or meat, of these animals.

Once ViAqua, as the Israeli venture capital operation calls itself, gets its RNA-based vaccine product into ocean life as planned, Americans and the world will have one less safe meat product to consume.

According to reports, ViAqua’s RNA-based vaccine, which is still in development, uses ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi) to manipulate the genetic profile of shrimp, essentially turning the sea creatures into living genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

“RNAi is a biological process where RNA molecules are used to inhibit gene expression or translation by neutralizing targeted mRNA molecules,” reports Epoch Health about the Frankenfood technology.

Instead of using needles to inject each and every shrimp, ViAqua’s mad scientists are planning to “inject” the RNAi chemicals into the food that shrimp consume.

A specially coated feed supplement designed to resist white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) – or so we are told – will be added to farmed shrimp feed in an attempt to stymie the loss of $3 billion worth of shrimp every year.

We are told that 15 percent of the world’s shrimp production is lost every year to WSSV, which is what ViAqua says it wants to stop by mass-vaccinating shrimp with RNAi drugs.

“ViAqua suggests RNA molecules can inhibit the expression of genes that cause disease with every meal containing its coated product,” reports explain.

Also known as a “nanovaccine,” ViAqua’s RNAi drug was supposedly found in a 2022 “proof-of-concept” study to be 80 percent effective against WSSV in vivo (in living organisms).

At the very same time, the study did not assess the potential long-term impact of creating GMO shrimp – not to mention the long-term impact of what will become of humans who eat them as “food.”

“Oral delivery is the holy grail of aquaculture health development due to both the impossibility of vaccinating individual shrimp and its ability to substantially bring down the operational costs of disease management while improving outcomes,” proudly announced Shai Ufaz, the CEO of ViAqua.

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“We are excited to bring this technology to market to address the need for affordable disease solutions in aquaculture.”

The first GMO shrimp from ViAqua is expected to be produced starting in India in the year 2024.

Another company called Genvax Technologies also recently launched a startup to develop mRNA “vaccines” for other animals, having secured $6.5 million in funding to develop a self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) platform to rapidly develop herd- or flock-specific vaccine injections for all sorts of animal species.

Genvax’s approach involves inserting a specific “transgene” or “gene of interest” based on the matched variant strain of a virus or disease.

The saRNA portion of the technology then generates an antibody response, we are told, without requiring the entire pathogen to be matched to a given circulating disease strain.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Time to start HUNTING FDA agents!

Suggest a rifle, less chance of them running afterwards!!!

1 year ago

Start a massive and expensive lawsuit against any and all companies and individuals who are doing this and bankrupt them all. This is a dangerous and irresponsible group which must be stopped. No one has a right to be allowed to endanger any population.

Deborah Phillips
Deborah Phillips
1 year ago

Who is going to administer these so-called “vaccines” to animals and who’s going to allow it? Why will it be allowed? This article leaves more questions than it answers!

1 year ago

They always do now – it’s called non-investigative journalism – new-age stuff.

1 year ago

Looks like they’re putting it into the wrong pig…

1 year ago

This is the “Continuation of the WEF/Globalists Tampering with the world’s food supply….When they didnt’ stop enough companies from doing their dirty work, suddenly Many places got BURNED TO THE GROUND! We the people need to boycott ALL these “FrankenFood Sources, and let their poison rot in place.” I noted that much of Stater Bros. here in Ca. have Many items they sell, “From China”….Guess they didn’t KILL ENOUGH people, along w/their partners-The Corrupt Democrats invested in their Pharma Labs-like Soros, Pelosi, John clod Kerry, etal. So they want to get another ‘Stab at it’….These Bass Turds are Really going to regret this latest stunt, to “DEPOPULATE the MASSES-with Bill Gates Leading the Parade, though Now, he says he’s NOT, and does admit Climate Crisis is a HOAX!!!

These should All be charged with “Crimes Against Humanity”

1 year ago

All these WEF/NWO lunatic fanatics need to be locked in their Davos meeting home and nuked… ?

Joe Dyck
Joe Dyck
1 year ago

Screw That!

1 year ago

When we say ..

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