Top Official: Bill Gates Running ‘Depopulation Experiments’ in Africa

A top government official has blown the whistle to warn the public that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has been running deadly “depopulation experiments” in African villages.

The allegations were made by Chukwumerije Okereke, a Nigerian government scientist.

Okereke claims to have uncovered evidence of Gates’ secret tests of unproven vaccines and experiments with dangerous technology, which have been killing and injuring millions of people in the process.

According to Okereke, Gates has been running these dangerous experiments on African people to keep them out of sight of the preying eyes of Western regulators.

Gates has a long history of disastrous medical trials in Africa, most recently involving children who were paralyzed by vaccine-derived polio linked to the new nOPV2 polio vaccine developed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to health officials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi, who announced the news in March this year.

Bill Gates also recently announced plans to force-jab every single African child with a new dangerous meningitis-causing vaccine.

Gates has also supported technology in which particles would be spread in the atmosphere to block sunlight from reaching the surface of the planet, as noted by Forbes.

In February, Soros lent his support to a project using solar geoengineering to reflect more sunlight back into space, according to Fortune.

However, Chukwumerije Okereke, director of the Center for Climate Change and Development at Alex Ekwueme Federal University in Nigeria, said these concepts should not be tried out using Africa as a giant petri dish.

“Millions, perhaps billions, of people’s livelihoods could be undermined,” he said.

“As a climate expert, I consider these environmental manipulation techniques extremely risky,” he wrote in an Op-Ed in The New York Times titled “My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory.”

“And as an African climate expert, I strongly object to the idea that Africa should be turned into a testing ground for their use.”

Okereke was pushing back against a report from the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative favoring what it called solar radiation modification that said logic needed to prevail and warned that “SRM, as well as other climate policy options, might encounter ‘non-rational’ public responses that could strongly influence decision-making.”

“It wasn’t the first time Westerners have tried to persuade Africans that solar engineering projects may be in our best interest. And it won’t be the last,” Okereke wrote.

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Okereke called solar radiation management “highly speculative. Without using the whole earth as a laboratory, it’s impossible to know whether it would dim anything, let alone how it would affect ecosystems, people and the global climate.”

“Other proposed techniques include covering deserts with plastic; genetically engineering plants to have brighter, more reflective leaves; creating or making clouds whiter; and deploying millions of mirrors in space.”

Okereke noted that ideas on paper omit a discussion of their impact on people, saying that “the technologies run the danger of upsetting local and regional weather patterns — intensifying drought or flooding, for example, or disrupting monsoon cycles. And the long-term impact on regional climate and seasons is still largely unknown.”

Instead of trying to re-engineer the weather, Okereke called for more investment in renewable energy instead of unproven science.

To try out their ideas, he wrote, “Advocates have tried to entice African governments by offering to fund research projects, claiming that more research will shed more light on the dangers and benefits of the technology.”

“But this just appears to be a way of trying to make Africa a test case for an unproven technology. Indeed more studies into this hypothetical solution look like steps toward development and a slippery slope to eventual deployment,” he wrote.

Trying out solar geoengineering on somebody else’s turf, as was done in a failed experiment in Mexico, “echoed some of the worst aspects of colonialism,” he wrote.

“African nations should strongly resist letting their territories be used for experimental exercises like this.

“The technologies are potentially dangerous, and a major distraction from the real change that we all know wealthier nations need to make if we have a hope of outrunning climate devastation,” he wrote.

In an open letter calling for a moratorium on deploying any solar geoengineering technology, a coalition of scientists said risks and rewards would not be spread evenly.

“Science networks are dominated by a few industrialized countries, with less economically powerful countries having little or no direct control over them,” the letter said.

“Technocratic governance based on expert commissions cannot adjudicate complex global conflicts over values, risk allocation and differences in risk acceptance that arise within the context of solar geoengineering.”

By Hunter Fielding
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Thea Beckwith
Thea Beckwith
1 year ago

What is Bill Gates? A modern day Mengula? He has taken human life and snuffed it out to provide a means for his elites life to function with only, what he wants, compliant worker bees. It is time to STOP him! The only way to stop this tragedy, is to take his monies, close down the funding, close the “foundation,”, and put him in jail. Will this ever happen? NO! So the world will have to live and die with his twisted ideas.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thea Beckwith

Excellent post and it SHOULD happen, before he Kills off MORE People, as he believes in ‘depopulation’ and has done so in Africa before.’ He IS twisted and his excuse “Climate Change is caused by humans and cows farting, is FALSE” and those like Nicole Kidman has lost ALL credibility when she did a TV ad, ‘Sitting w/her chopsticks ‘Eating Bugs’ the elite want the population to do! She’s another globalist/elitist ‘Holly-Woodhead who pushes this nutty agenda on others!

Major Kong
Major Kong
1 year ago

Didn’t Gates some years back pushed a drug that killed off African children…This guy has to be done in along with all the other Gates that are pushing depopulation….

1 year ago

Secret tests? He’s been doing that for years both in Africa AND India – where both countries have allowed it and/or got paid for it. He experimented on them before releasing his death vax as well as covid itself – both I believe. Gates sees everyone on earth below him and exploitable. Poor uneducated people are up for grabs so to speak to start with at least however, he’s since moved up to everybody else (except politicians of course – the ones who give him the ‘go-ahead’ for everything he wants to do). Can’t wait to see his humungous umbrella to shield us from the sun project…

1 year ago

I think that Bill Gates and anyone who supports his vaccine testing anywhere in the world should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity

1 year ago

This Ego Maniac has been at this KILLING OFF POPULATIONS BEFORE-he used his $$ and foundation to bring His Vaxxes to Africa to supposedly eradicate 5 major diseases but HIS Vax KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN THE FIVE DISEASES COMBINED.

Why is this Nutcase w/his Killing off populations permitted to continue to live and thrive when HE should be sentenced to death, for “CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?

Now he wants to ‘block out the sun(which aids in growing crops to FEED PEOPLE-Gee, could it be because he is invested in farm acreage he is buying up to use plants and bugs in lieu of FOOD THAT SHOULD BE GROWN? Also, wants to do Away with Live Beef and instead use HIS MANUFACTURED BEEF(that also could be loaded with HIS POISON to Kill off those HE deems as less desirable than the Elite/Globalists who want to become the “World’s RULING CLASS”……

This greedy, money hungry maniac, needs to be charged NOW!

1 year ago

Slay Moderator, while you want to approve my posting, you CAN look up these Same Facts as I VERIFY ANYTHING THAT I’VE POSTED IN MANY PLACES. If you do Not allow ‘Facts to be posted, then you will Never be trusted to bring TRUTH TO THE PEOPLE who come to your site…Woke, is NOT a good thing and people are being killed….by Gates because he Does believe in ‘Depopulation’…do you want to HIDE THAT FACT ALSO? IF NOT, THEN I would expect the Factual Posting I’ve done below to be permitted to be read and verified(which IS on the internet for those who care to do so and Your Moderators as well)

1 year ago

are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation still Wanted by the Indian Government for killing People with a “Polio Vaccine”.

1 year ago
Reply to  a.hall

They Should be charged by the Indian Government, or Nothing is going to be done otherwise. Don’t know about his ex wife, but Bill Gates is a threat to the American Citizens that HE wants to dominate and tell us what we can eat, should eat, take shots, or not take shots, and ALL He’s doing with his pals of the ‘NWO’ who see themselves as the “RULING CLASS, and the citizens in America, need to speak out AGAINST THIS EGO MANIAC, as he wants to deem who lives and who dies….too bad he and his family are not the ones who should be telling the “Epstein Pal, Bill, to STFU, as he ONLY cares about Control, Making MORE BILLIONS, and feeding his Ego with this Power Trip he’s been on!

William G Munson
William G Munson
1 year ago

He Bill GATES and Wife and others involved should be JAILED and Seize All ASSETS Now and anybody else involved in these Attemped Murders Period

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