First Major U.S. City Imposes WEF’s Ban on Meat & Private Car Ownership

Phoenix, Arizona has become the first major U.S. city to impose the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) total ban on meat, dairy, and private car ownership to fight “global warming.”

However, many legal experts are warning the move is unconstitutional.

The Democrat mayor of Phoenix Kate Gallego says she wants to fast-track the WEF’s radical agenda so that the city is fully compliant with WEF policies well ahead of the 2030 deadline set for the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.

C40 Cities is a group of American cities that signed a WEF treaty that legally compels them to ban meat, dairy, and private car ownership by the year 2030.

Globalist politicians around the world have all agreed to ban members of the public from consuming meat and dairy and banning them from owning cars by 2030.

C40 Cities also placed strict limits on the number of items of clothing people can purchase each year, and severely restricts air travel to once every three years.

The new rules suggest that members of the public should “wear a uniform” to reduce fashion-based clothing needs.

The organization is headed by billionaire globalist Democrat Mike Bloomberg, according to Slay News.

Much of the funding comes from Bloomberg Philanthropies.

As of August 4, 2023, C40 has a membership with “mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to confront the climate crisis,” according to the group’s website.

The organization’s webpage advocates for a “Global Green New Deal” that “lays out a set of principles to be adopted by cities worldwide and takes a collaborative approach to climate action.”

These include:

Principles of the Global Green New Deal

  1. We recognise the global climate emergency.
  2. We are committed to keeping global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement by curbing emissions in the sectors that are the most significant contributors to the climate crisis: transportation, buildings, and waste.
  3. We are committed to putting inclusive climate action at the centre of all urban decision-making to create thriving and equitable communities for everyone.
  4. We invite our partners – political leaders, CEOs, trade unions, investors, and civil society – to join us in recognising the global climate emergency and help us deliver on science-based action to overcome it.

Phoenix Mayor Gallego, a member of C40 since 2020, now serves as “Vice Chair of the C40 Steering Committee,” which” provides strategic oversight to ensure C40’s mission and mandate are directly driven by and responsive to the needs of C40 cities.”

Their mission and mandate include a Race to Zero global campaign to reach net-zero carbon emissions in 1,000 cities worldwide and “sustainable food policies” that support “an overall increase of healthy plant-based food consumption in our cities by shifting away from unsustainable, unhealthy diets,” A.K.A. carnivorous diets.

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This also comes as Arizona’s Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs recently declared a “heat state of emergency,” mainly in Phoenix.

Many argue that the move from Hobbs is likely meant to accelerate the implementation of these radical “climate” policies.

Jeff Caldwell with published more on his research into the City of Phoenix and Mayor Kate Gallego’s agenda “to reduce meat consumption” in Arizona.

Arizona patriots showed up to give public comment at a recent Phoenix City Council meeting and reportedly “told the mayor they do not support policies banning meat.”

Later that day, the nervous Phoenix mayor posted a bizarre photo on Twitter/X.

In the post, Gallego claimed she is not working to ban meat or milk.

In the poorly staged propaganda photo, Gallego is seen pouring milk into a bowl and seemingly “enjoying cereal” with a knife.


By Hunter Fielding
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Major Kong
Major Kong
1 year ago

This another dirt bag that needs to snuffed out….

1 year ago

Now see, if Gates had made his save-the-world-from-the-sun-umbrella sooner, those living in Phoenix would still have healthy, working brains instead of shriveled, dried up and crusty-dusty rocks. Let’s see what impact Phoenix not eating meat makes on ‘climate change.’ I expect negligible at best. This woke-joke crowd are so ignorant – they can’t even recognize their stupidity.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Pithykat

“…if Gates had made his save-the-world-from-the-sun-umbrella sooner, those living in Phoenix …” would be dead by now along with millions of others. There is no climate emergency. clintel dot org

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

No kidding.

Elsie LeBlanc
Elsie LeBlanc
1 year ago

I am 86 and I have never heard of so many idiots in this world.
Why do they think we want to be Communists when it has proven to be a failure? I can think for myself and do not need that crazy fat guy telling me what to eat, drink or wear.
The climate is God’s business and it is best not to fool with it.
Bill Gates is a rich, greedy pervert who is in favor of killing people to save the planet. Does he think he will live forever.
If they think we have too many people, go ahead and kill yourself and leave the rest of us alone.

1 year ago

We have the WEF,UN, WHO etc. Yet Russia and China are our mortal enemies?

Courageous Lion
Courageous Lion
1 year ago
Reply to  Graham

Sad to say…we may some day welcome their presence by lining the streets holding little Russian flags. The whole world is turning up side down. When I found out Edward Snowden is living in RUSSIA to avoid being caged for letting the people of the “United” States know what the NSA was doing, I realized something was really not making sense.

1 year ago

And there is Julian Assange still in Bellmarsh, a top security prison in England.

William G Munson
William G Munson
1 year ago

Those that are for this go get their CARS, SUV,TRUCKS, Motor Cycles and anything that Uses Fuel Now and also stop them from getting and of the Things that want to BAN NOW and SEE how that Works for them Period

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