Florida Preschool Teacher Gloats She Teaches Her Students to be Gay

Libs of TikTok shared a video montage of Florida preschool teacher DeDe Duffy along with the following:

“Meet DeDe Duffy. A preschool teacher in Cape Coral, FL.

“She says she teaches her students that if they don’t like their parents, they can find another family.

“She also says she teaches them to be gay. These are the people teaching your kids.”

In the video, Duffy sits in a car crying and ranting about finding her own family, she proclaims she hates her sister and calls her a “c*nt”.

Duffy’s emotional rant doesn’t make her appear to be a very stable person.

The next video shows Duffy appears to show Duffy at the preschool she teaches at. Duffy has two rainbow fans in her hands, she does an odd walk bends down makes faces at the camera, and fans herself with her rainbow fans.

This is just another example of a teacher taking advantage of their position of authority over children to push their ideals.

This has been a growing trend and played a major role in the last Virginia gubernatorial race.

Parents want to have control over their children’s education and identity and it seems that in many schools, so-called leaders are trying to remove parents from the picture.

Sexual identity seems to have become a priority for many liberal teachers instead of the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

On a similar note, Califonia recently passed a bill that would punish parents who don’t “affirm” a child’s chosen gender.

Elon Musk weighed in on the news:

“This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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“What it actually means is that if you disagree with the other parent about sterilizing your child, you lose custody. Utter madness!”

This is unsettling for many parents to see teachers overstep their authority and project their values on their students.

This trend only seems to be amplifying, parents are fighting back.

By Liam Donovan
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11 months ago

This is beyond disgusting. I’m nearly 70 and we used to value our teachers..these people are just plain SICK!!

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