John Kerry Declares War on ‘Climate Change Deniers’: A ‘Dangerous Threat to Humanity’

President Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry has declared war on critics of the globalist green agenda.

Kerry lashed out at so-called “climate change deniers” and those who dare to question the “settled science.”

The top Biden admin official accuses “climate change deniers” of being in a “dangerous cult” that is threatening the existence of humanity.

He made the remarks in Edinburgh, Scotland at an event at The Signet Library, after flying on a private jet to the UK to lecture the public on the “climate crisis.”

“Without facts or economics on their side, they flatly deny what is happening to our planet and what we must do to save it!” John Kerry said.

Kerry continued:

“They incite a movement against what they falsely label ‘climate change fanaticism’ as they conveniently forget that the dictionary definition of a ‘cult’ is ‘the dismissal of facts in devotion to a lie.’”

“They lash out at the truth-tellers instead and label indisputable evidence as hysteria,” Kerry added.

Biden’s climate czar then claimed that “climate change deniers” are a danger to the existence of humanity and life on Earth.



John Kerry flies all over the world in private jets whilst lecturing the peasants on the virtues of making sacrifices to curb climate change.

The unelected bureaucrat previously defended taking a gas-guzzling private jet to accept the Arctic Circle award in Iceland in 2019.

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“If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Kerry said.

John Kerry “offsets his carbon” by owning several mansions and a private jet.

Kerry is also at war with the farming industry and America’s food supply.

The “climate czar” argues that food production is “destroying the planet.”

Kerry insists that cracking down on the food industry and eliminating America’s farms is the only way to meet the “Net Zero” goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

And I, as one of the “climate change deniers”, see you as a dangerous threat to humanity, freedom, and the future of our nation. I see you, Mr. Kerry, as a criminal and a traitor and a fool and a tool of the globalist tyrants. Looks like we have an issue, Mr. Kerry.

1 year ago

Strange that those who are the real threats to humanity (like Kerry) are always the ones accusing others of being the threats. He has to be given credit, however, for surviving so long with such a low IQ.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
1 year ago

And then he jumped on the private jet that he doesn’t own because his wife actually owns it and jetted off to his next destination, belching tons of carbon into the atmosphere.

By the way. The United States is a democratic Republic. In democratic Republics, we don’t have Czars, or Caesars. We have appointed public servants.

1 year ago
Reply to  Justin Thought

We also have unelected and fraudulent ‘public servants’ helping themselves freely to tax payer money without ever doing their jobs. A LOT of them – pick YOUR favorite agency…

1 year ago

I guess this ass hole finally found his reason for being (besides being a traitor of course). Anyone scared of this jackass? Well, if there’s anything to be done wrong – he da man!

“Without facts or economics on their side…” another bold face lie coming from one of the tallest liars on the planet – a hypocrite who points the finger at those opposed and instead of looking into it for himself as a “Czar” (laughable), quickly labels them a ‘cult.’ And I’m damn proud to belong to that ‘cult’.

1 year ago

He made the remarks in Edinburgh, Scotland at an event at The Signet Library, after flying on a private jet to the UK to lecture the public on the “climate crisis.”

1 year ago

Whenever I hear someone say “the science is settled” I know they don’t know science. Science is an investigation process. A scientist who says something is ‘settled’ is retired or dead. Science is the practice of testing theories, investigating reality, and studying data.

I’d much rather see Kerry stay and home and reduce his carbon footprint to zero. Show us how to do it.

1 year ago
Reply to  tjwindy

Science isn’t ‘settled’ or ‘dead’ – it continually changes, evolves, or renders itself antiquated – constantly.

patricia bowman
patricia bowman
1 year ago

john kerry is the enemy of men and women of this earth. He needs to be investigated for his motives as he is lying. Just saying.

William G Munson
William G Munson
1 year ago

You just WAIT until Hillary Clinton Finds Out you have all of her Deleted EMAILS ALL 33,000 and see how long you Last too

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