John Kerry Vows to Destroy Food Supply to Fight ‘Global Warming’: ‘Bankrupt Every Farmer in America’

President Joe Biden’s “Climate Czar” John Kerry is unleashing new attacks on the food supply as he vows to meet “Net Zero” goals to fight “global warming.”

The private jet-setting Biden official is demanding that farmers stop growing food in order for the United States to meet the targets of the globalist green agenda.

Kerry is continuing to wage war on farmers while calling for mass genocide as the solution to warm weather.

“Agriculture contributes about 33 percent of all the emissions of the world, depending a little bit on how you count it, but it’s anywhere from 26 to 33, and we can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution,” Kerry proclaimed to an audience attending a climate summit back in May.

“You just can’t continue to both warm the planet while also expecting to feed it.

“It doesn’t work. So, we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”


In response to the disturbing clip of Kerry’s speech, Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) called this agenda an “attack on American farmers,” which is exactly what it is.

Miller says she will vote to “eliminate all funding” for Kerry in his climate position.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican, also tweeted back in response to the clip:

“Nothing to see here … Just hypocritical Dems wanting to bankrupt every farmer in America.”

Keep in mind that Kerry routinely flies on a private jet rather than commercial.

Private jets emit massive amounts of pollution and require large amounts of earth-based “fossil” fuels to keep them powered and traveling around the world to climate summits.

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“These people are sick bastards,” commented GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas in a tweet.

“I introduced legislation to defund this clown. But that’s just for show unless Republicans as a whole decide to fight instead of laying down while the very freedom they campaign on is under assault.”

Numerous others added jibs, with one calling Kerry and his ilk “21st-century monsters” who “are vastly more murderous than the 20th-century monsters.”

“This is a call for genocide,” said Jesse Kelly.

“Call it what it is. John Kerry is a genocidal madman and should be treated as such.”

Bestselling author Sean Parnell wrote that “psychos” like Kerry “are willing to starve millions of people to get to ‘net zero,’ which is a total BS goal to begin with.”

Republican communicator Matt Whitlock hopes that rural America is paying very close attention to Kerry and the left’s anti-farming rhetoric.

“The guy Joe Biden reanimated to put in charge of climate change wants to end the entire agricultural industry,” Whitlock further wrote about Kerry.

Back in May, two dozen Republicans signed a letter calling on Biden and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to disavow Kerry’s comments, calling them a “blatant slap in the face to the hardworking individuals that spend their lives sustainably producing our world’s food, fuel, and fiber.”

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Putting crazy people in charge and they will say and do crazy things.

1 year ago

I thought Kerry was already dead. Just wishful thinking, I guess.

1 year ago

To think I actually thought this guy was for real about 20 years ago. He’s now a complete WEF zombie shill for the Elitist Global agenda to destroy the common man. F’ him!

1 year ago
Reply to  sneakymax

50 years ago, this MF was a traitor who consorted with the enemy (North Vietnam) while still under oath as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy. Unfortunately, Nixon failed to have him court-martialed. There are stories that he was given a bad conduct discharge or similar, but that Jimmie Carter ordered it changed to ma general discharge. He was for real… a real traitor.

1 year ago

‘was’ and still is… a traitor.

1 year ago

You posted what I was going to say about “Kerry the Viet Nam FAILURE, as per his OWN Fellow Soldiers who KNEW he was a fraud/liar, and wrote their book:
‘UNFIT FOR COMMAND” (when this Liar, wanted to be president!

Captain Obvious
Captain Obvious
1 year ago

This is verifiable proof they mean to commit genocide against all people who are not in their club.

Left Coast
Left Coast
1 year ago

Volcanoes contribute far more than Agriculture . . . FAR MORE !

Kerry is a clown show . . . but dangerous . . . his intellect is only slightly above Joe Biden level.

China is using more Coal then ever, and growing emissions by double digits every year . . . as are India and dozens of Pacific Rim countries.

This is all nonsense and there is no chance the USA can control the Weather . . EVER!

1 year ago

How is it the dems have so many anti-intellectual know-nothings to draw from? Or maybe that is the what they look for when filling positions. But that would fit, in Canada this is the same modus operandi that Trudeau uses to pick his cabinet. Stupid is as stupid does…

1 year ago

This guy has to go. I will email President Biden shortly and let him know this stuffy jerk has to go, like last year.

1 year ago

Kerry as ‘Climate Czar’ is about as useful as Kamala as the Border Czar – total bullshyt and together they have zero intelligence. A Biden pair made in hell. Kerry for sure has cozied up to the CCP way too often to not be getting quite a lot from his part in the destruction of this country.

1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

How correct you Are PK….Did you know that the Traitor, during his days in Viet Nam, tried 4 or 5 times to ‘Get Out of the Service’ by wounding himself and putting himself in for a medical release from the service? then comes back and testifies, Lying before Congress about soldiers attrocities, but HIS OWN CREW MEMBERS Knew he Lied, and they Outed him, writing their book: “UNFIT FOR COMMAND”( when he had designs on being president of America, and his Picture hands in the Viet Cong, in the book, and shows them honoring him for ‘Aiding in DEFEATING OUR ENEMY-America! Just some things you and others may or May Not Already Know!

1 year ago
Reply to  ItsJo

Sorry, should have read: “His Picture HANGS in the Viet Cong Museum, and he was being honored by them for Aiding in defeating the enemy, America! This is also in the book “Unfit For Command”

1 year ago

The ‘Sickening John Clod Kerry, ONLY cares about HIS BILLIONS and wants to Starve the people, HE blames for the FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE, that his ilk look at as their “SLUSH FUNDS, as he, Bill Gates, who believes in DEPOPULATION, and has done so w/the people in Africa….but do YOU think these Ego Maniacs WILL STARVE, or NOT EAT MEAT, like Obama’s who love Wagu Beef, HELL NO! They All who push this crap off on people they don’t CARE A WIT ABOUT, SHOULD BE THE FIRST TO STARVE, SINCE THEY WANT THE FOOD PROVIDERS(FARMERS TO LOSE THEIR FARMS THAT FEED THE MASSES! What a Hypocrite this “Monster, Kerry really is, along w/the rest who want to eliminate the Sun that GROWS THE FOOD FOR HUMANITY! These are ALL “Crimes Against Humanity, and as such….Let them Answer for their Agenda to Kill People!

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