Dan Goldman Labeled the ‘New Schiff’ After Fumbling to Make Excuses for Devon Archer Testimony

American Lawyer and U.S. House Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) has earned himself the title of “New Schiff” in the opinion of at least one prominent X user.

Kevin Shea responded to a video of Congressman Goldman defending Joe Biden after former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer testified before Congress Monday that Joe was on at least 20 phone calls involving Hunter’s business dealings.

A reporter asked Goldman, “Doesn’t it contradict the president’s statement that he never talked to Hunter’s business associates?”

Goldman “shot back” explaining that he doesn’t believe so, he then equated it to Joe saying hi at a dinner table.

Goldman doesn’t seem willing to look at the testimony of Devon Archer with open eyes. Instead, he appears to be bringing out his lawyer side and defending the Democrat president.

Archer’s testimony is just the latest move by the House GOP to stack up evidence against Joe and his family. The House GOP is on a mission to gather and present as much information on possible criminal Biden family dealings as they can find.

Talk of impeachment has been floated by many GOP House members including Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). So far it has all been talk and no solid action on that front.

Last week Hunter had his sweetheart plea deal fall apart the day he was set to plead guilty and in the rubble of the torched deal, Hunter instead entered “not guilty”.

Adam Schiff has screamed for all to hear that Donald Trump is guilty of something from what seems like the beginning of his presidency if not even before that. Goldman now seems to be declaring Joe’s innocence no matter the evidence that is presented.

With the House GOP stacking up the evidence against the Biden family one can only wonder what they will do next.

By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

I watched and listened to this “Lying Dope, who was sweating, while he SPEWED his Lies and it SHOWED! He is a Fraud and just like Schiff, Corrupt-

1 year ago

How can Goldman look at himself in a mirror without puking?

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