Trump Supporters Urge him not to Hire ‘Underperforming’ Former Ron DeSantis Staffers

It was announced today that Ron DeSantis’ campaign has laid off about 1/3 of its staff in recent weeks. This comes as he has struggled to gain any traction in the polls.

Alex Bruesewitz shared the news on Twitter:

“Now 38 angry fired staffers are going to go spill secrets about the failing DeSantis campaign to the media.”

Jenna Ellis, who turned on Trump and is all in for DeSantis appears to like the news she tweeted, “So DeSantis is actually willing to fire people he thinks aren’t performing well? Doesn’t care what media says? I like him more and more!”

Bruesewitz shared his two thoughts on Ellis’s spin, “I love that the DeSantis “influencers” like @JennaEllisEsq are attacking the fired desantis staffers! That will only make those who were fired more eager to talk to the press! Keep it up, Jebba!”

Leo Terrell responded to the news urging former President Trump not to hire those who DeSantis has fired.

“President Trump: Do not hire any of these 38 FIRED RINOS: CANNOT BE TRUSTED!”

Terrell than doubled down in another tweet:

“President Trump: Do not hire any of @RonDeSantis FIRED REJECTS! They are RINOS and cannot be trusted. They are NOT loyal and interested only in “power and control.”

Terrell then got very specific and called out Steve Cortes by name.

“President Trump: Do not allow Benedict Arnold aka @CortesSteve within 1000 yards of your residence.”

Media Right News (us) Twitter shared:

“Do not hire these losers @realDonaldTrump.”

While the DeSantis campaign tries to spin the news they have drastically cut staff as a positive move, his inability to make progress in the polls implies there is something wrong.

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Many see DeSantis’s campaign as a sinking ship. Former Republican Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan has called DeSantis’s campaign “one of the worst.”

As primaries draw nearer we will see if DeSantis will survive. We hope Trump heeds the words of his supports and doesn’t hire any fired DeSantis campaigners.

By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

Trump is very vindictive – sometimes that’s good, and sometimes, not so much. To me, this act just highlights his contempt, power, and ego because he won’t get much useful info from those former DeSantis workers because in truth, he doesn’t believe DeSantis is even a true competitor.

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