Unvaxxed Amish Children Don’t Get Cancer or Autism, Study Shows

Children in Amish communities are completely unaffected by diseases that impact the rest of America such as cancer, diabetes, or autism, a new study has found.

New research presented by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate shows that Amish children, who are 100 percent unvaccinated, are free from many chronic illnesses that fully vaccinated children often suffer.

In fact, the study could not find evidence that a single, unvaxxed Amish child had ever been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or autism.

America’s current Amish population is around 400,000 and rising.

Increasingly more people are adopting the Amish way of growing clean food and herbs and avoiding Big Pharma poisons like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) vaccine schedule for children.

The states with the highest concentration of Amish residents are Pennsylvania with around 90,000 and Ohio with around 82,000.

Some 32 different states have Amish communities of varying sizes.

Since the average Amish family has seven children, their population numbers are continually rising.

And since they do not use modern technology, pharmaceuticals, or other things that destroy health and life, the Amish are slowly but surely replacing their go-with-the-flow American counterparts, many of whom are embracing LGBT perversion, endless vaccines, and other genocidal concepts straight from the globalists.

“The Amish value rural life, manual labor, humility, and Gelassenheit (submission to God’s will) with a view neither to interrupt family time nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible,” reports explain.

“Yet, despite rejecting all modern medicine and pharmaceutical drugs that the rest of the American people have access to, the Amish are among the healthiest in the nation.

The difference between how the Amish fared well during the Covid-19 pandemic compared to how the rest of America suffered needlessly is also worth noting.

Another VSRF study found that the covid death rate in Amish communities was 90 times lower than it was for the rest of America.

Unlike the mind-controlled herd all around them, the Amish did not wear masks or social distance, and they certainly did not get injected with mRNA poisons and spike proteins.

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The Amish also never listen to the CDC about anything, which is why their families are healthy and strong. Comparatively, America’s “woke” families are now genetically modified (GMO) zombies whose children are all turning transgender and screaming about pronouns while their immune systems degrade into dust.

“After decades of studying the Amish, there’s no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative,” Kirsch testified before the Pennsylvania State Senate.

“It would seem that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.”

Dr. Peter McCullough has also testified under similar circumstances, revealing based on science that chronic illness rates are off the charts in mainstream America while the Amish are doing just fine.

The difference is that the Amish do not obey the “authorities,” and thus remain safe from all the poisons being pushed by the globalists.

According to the latest VSRF study, not a single Amish child has ever developed cancer, autism, heart disease, or any other such condition.

This is extremely telling as to the benefits of living more like the Amish rather than like a Hollywood celebrity, a media reporter, or even some church leaders who blasphemously told their congregations that Jesus Christ himself would have gotten “vaccinated” in order to “stop the spread.”

“The fully unvaccinated kids are always healthier,” Kirsch stated unequivocally.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

We don’t need to be Amish to realise all the harms done for profit by the wealthy elite. But I admire the Amish for their internal power not to be influenced by these wealthy elite, not to allow money to be their God. We have become lazy and now look for a quick fix, quick poisonous meals, quick health cures, quick scams for obtaining money. We have lost our purpose in life which is not surprising. We have been drowning in propaganda on climate change, LGBT and Covid, of course. All false but have rendered us fearful and apathetic, powerless. I have no idea how we can find the strength to reassert ourselves but I hope we find it soon.

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