WEF Demands ‘Peaceful’ Depopulation of 7 Billion People

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for a whopping 7 billion people to be wiped from the face of the Earth for “the greater good.”

However, the WEF insists that these extreme depopulation goals can be achieved through “peaceful” methods such as mass euthanasia.

Globalists at the unelected organization argue that the world’s population must be reduced to a maximum limit of 1 billion people in order to “save the planet” from “climate change.”

The WEF believes that this huge sacrifice is vital to ensure that the remaining humans can live an acceptable quality of life.

While many experts argue that growing population numbers are needed to maintain a healthy and functioning society, the WEF argues that most people will no longer be “needed.”

According to the WEF, most of the human race will become “useless” to the global elite thanks to advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Elites are now concerned that these “useless humans” will become a drain on society as they will no longer be able to contribute to the workforce.

To combat this, the WEF is pushing for mass euthanasia to eliminate those who are not contributing to the “new world order” so that the wealthy elite can live the quality of life they expect.

Over the years, the depopulation plot was buried in all sorts of deceptive narratives ranging from “climate change” and holes in the ozone layer to simple messaging that people are having “too many” babies for the planet to handle.

In all of the narratives, the true underlying goal was always the same: mass depopulation.

One of the latest more explicit calls for genocide came from WEF agenda architect Dennis Meadows of the globalist-led Club of Rome, who stated in no uncertain terms what the globalist plan for the world entails:

“We want to have freedom and we want to have high standards, so we’re going to have a billion people.

“We’re now at seven, so we have to get back down.

“I hope that this can be slow – relatively slow – and can be done in a way that is relatively equal.”

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In other words, “we,” meaning the top 0.1 percent of the world’s upper crust, want to live in a world without all of the rest of us “useless eaters.”

Such a world would have very “high standards,” as opposed to today’s low standards with so many extra people, so something has to change, in Meadows’ view.

Not only did Meadows not beat around the bush concerning his intentions with the above statement, but he also threw out some precise numerals illustrating just how many people have to go in order for him and the rest of the globalists to achieve their long-awaited paradise on earth.

Meadows wants the global population to go from 8.1 billion to 1 billion.

He wants 7.1 billion people to disappear – equally.

He also said he wants it to happen “peacefully,” as in, “without violence” … Now, how might that happen?


Back in 2010, Mark Notaras and Darek Gondor of United Nations University (UNU) wrote a piece about Meadows explaining his plans to limit population growth in order to “save the world.”

Meadows, a professor and co-author of “The Limits to Growth,” made statements back then about how mass depopulation is the only way to ensure that the planet will remain inhabitable moving into the future.

“If the present trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next 100 years,” Meadows said at the time.

“Today, we are at a point in human history where habits that once worked well don’t work anymore.”

It has been nearly 14 years since Meadows was quoted by these two UNU writers as having made such statements, and even back then they said it “sounds reasonable” compared to how it would have sounded back in, say, 1972.

In 2010, much of the West had already been indoctrinated into climate cultism as the “final solution” to the problem of human industrial activity, which is supposedly “melting” the planet – or in today’s vernacular, boiling the oceans.

His solution? Kill off billions of people, albeit slowly and peacefully, i.e., through euthanasia.

A computer model developed by Meadows and several of his colleagues argues that the critical line for earth’s human carrying capacity was exceeded back around 1980.

Since that time, planetary conditions have degraded to the point that even more severe intervention is needed to fix things.

Mass depopulation is how the globalists intend to complete their endgame, allowing them to inherit the world through murder and force

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Everyone that attends a psychotic WEF meeting would be a great place to state eliminating the trash in the world

J West
J West
1 year ago

Ya well fuck the WEF and how about arresting that two bit James Bond style villain for threatening the lives of billions of people.

I thought that messages containing threats of violence or murder AKA euthanasia, were not allowed.

1 year ago

So let’s get this right, those psychopaths’ are threatening to kill us….It seems to me to be just a matter of self defense now to take them out before they get us

1 year ago
Reply to  revo

Pre-emptive action. Us or Them!

1 year ago

there is still no honor among thieves and no class among the filthy rich aka money junkies, who are all basically thieves the same as those who steal elections.

Just me
Just me
1 year ago

Isn’t that what the Halocaust was, Mass euthanasia? These people are whack jobs that need to be first in line for removal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Just me

Yeh but isn’t it funny that Schwab that is demanding 7 Billion people be murdered is a Jew

1 year ago
Reply to  revo

So was Hitler.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Yep, and Lenin, for that matter…

1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

You claim Hitler (raised Catholic) was a Jew and get thumbs up? I can’t believe how ignorant the world is of reality.

BTW folks, there were no gas chambers! (100% proven).

1 year ago

What is it with the wannabe intelligentsia who are obsessed with making models that prove their claimed assertions as “right”. Any two bit hack can say anything and make a model to prove it. How about holding them accountable for their claimed intentions of mass depopulation? or did the vaccidents make ya leery cowards?

1 year ago

The only group of people who must be removed is all of these elite members of the WEF. Frankly, I don’t care how it’s done, but these people are monsters who have no right to rule over the rest of us. I predict a very short life span for their leaders.

1 year ago

Never Forget Australia that your health minister that pushed the Death Jab on you all was Greg Hunt and he was Chairman of Strategy at the WEF from 2000/2001…

Holy Hacker
Holy Hacker
1 year ago


1 year ago

I think that the WEF, et al, gracefully volunteer to show us all how it should be done, by being the first to comply with their master plan. You first azzhats. DC/Lex gnosticos

1 year ago

If only they would lead by example.

Bob Billington
Bob Billington
1 year ago

They can lead by example then…..

Dirk Voorhees
Dirk Voorhees
1 year ago

Start with WEF

Patti Fulcher
Patti Fulcher
1 year ago

Let’s start with everyone at the WEF, WHO, the Bidens, The Clintons, the Obamas just to name a few

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Patti Fulcher

Just toss in the Holder better s with them, that’ll scoop up all the rest of that herd.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

BILDERBERGERS, not “holder better”!

1 year ago

Or else what? You’re gonna kill us? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~ they obviously have no idea how utterly stupid they themselves are.

1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

They are trying to Holodomor the world by eliminating farmers using that GloBULL warming scam as the reason

Tom Malthus
Tom Malthus
1 year ago

May I suggest we begin the devastation with schmutzige MIschling Schlab, then the other Jewish Nazi Soros, and then the Americans Gates and Kerry?

1 year ago

Cool. Start with the WEF, then stop once they’re gone.

Annoying Truther
Annoying Truther
1 year ago

The people at the Wacky Enormous Fraud organization should start by putting a gun to their heads. Most, if not all, these morons are jews and you can bet that the ones that they want to survive are all jews. The jews think they are above everyone else and that it is there duty to rule over every non-jew. We need to get rid of jews from corporate, governmental and educational positions. They are responsible for all the censorship and many other problems in the world, including the Ukraine and Gaza wars.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 year ago

I think all WEF members, progressive leftists, elitist snobs and democrats should be the first to go. That should help tremendously.

Robert P
Robert P
1 year ago


Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
1 year ago

The WEF doesn’t own the world. It is delusional thinking that money equates to intelligence. It is a pompous self-serving egoistic group that is riding for a great fall. Most connected to the WEF are mentally and physically sick older people who believe their money will help them live forever. They have a lot to learn. The Karma they are bringing on their heads will be momentous.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago

That’s a pipe dream. Murder is not “good” death (euthanasia)! If they’re so be t on murdering to eliminate people, who are “excess”, THEY should be 1 st in line!

1 year ago

Okay sweetcheeks – after you… (bloody idiots)

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